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User ID: 190



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User ID: 190

Oh, I'm talking specifically about a specific segment of the far/alt-right, i.e. open nazis, who claim those things, hence "far-right person", who do that. It's not at all common view on a population basis, and even most HBD people won't claim that. But a lot of white nationalists will. (When pushed, they'll either claim asians/jews are low iq for various poor reasons, or something like how asians are selfish communitarian insects)

Uh, weinstein/epsein/maxwell being jewish isn't at all surprising, and proves nothing about how common sexual abuse is among jews with power, if the OP's claim about so many politics people being jews is true. Then you'd expect there to be a lot of jew sexual abusers even with no relation to jewishness. While the 50% clearly isn't true for politics overall, the same applies, and there are plenty of non-epstein cases of sex weirdness in politics.

Okay, here's a better way of arguing this:

If we go back a bit before the blue checkmark change, when the bluecheck filter still worked, here's mark cuban retweeting some non-verified tweets: i just ordered a 90 day supply of TWO of my medications for 18 fucking dollars 😭😭 shoutout @costplusdrugs I work in Medicare and I refer beneficiaries to Cost Plus Drugs daily. I discovered on my own medications that I pay less without using my health insurance, and that with CPD I pay less than my co-payments. Thank you @mcuban @costplusdrugs !!! I paid 15$ for a 3 months supply for what would have cost 70$ for a months supply! #richmangivingback. Obviously, this is advertising his company, but he clearly interacted with nonbluechecks some before the change.

However, let's look at a random tweet of his before the change. Early voting starts today in Texas ! #Vote with face pic.

"@xxpeacesoasis Why is everyboody sillent on this??? OMG!!! http://youtube.com/watch?app=HBBBC&v=ltJcA6i_h9gYQXQ…..."

are you high

Why is your right eye shut?

Oh no. You got Pfizer Eye too?!

I hope you vote Republic!

There are six hundred of these!

If we go into his recent replies, we can see tweets like this, where he interacts with bluechecks who have questions that both form complete sentences and are somewhat relevant. This is an old bluecheck, not a new bluecheck, despite the change making it hard to distinguish between them. So I can see why he'd prefer the old system

Funnily enough, he has a 0 follower burner account he uses regularly "Precisely so I can have the same experience" as the average user.

until eventually you're just screaming about brain dead npcs

I think any "neutral and factual" description of "Oh no. You got Pfizer Eye too?!" "I hope you vote Republic!" ends up sounding about as insulting as "brain dead npcs".

Well ... yeah, I have no clue how to respond to "I don't buy that you're placing good will in [outgroup]" and "you dont know other peoples' motivations".

Here's an example of how 8/mo verified accounts won't stop spam replies to people like Musk: https://twitter.com/ArmisteadMaupin/status/1589022522175111170 this is currently the top reply to a 6h old elon musk tweet. It's a sexy girl spam link (link to archive, nsfw), and is posted by a hacked verified account. Note that this is an account that was verified before musk's takeover (can they just pay someone to watch elon and vitalik's tweets?). Verified accounts currently appear to sell for $1.5k on some website I didn't look too hard at. So ... in that sense, $8 is clearly a win for spammers! (the scammer probably pays less than the $1.5k upfront per account, if they even do at all vs hacking, so who knows how hard it is to actually get an account ofc).

Many progressives like others in history are capable of doing evil deeds in the name of helping people or society.

... yeah? it is certainly possible to do evil things "in the name of helping people or society". Isn't that literally "doing bad things with good motivations"?

The fact is you don't know other people's motivations

Whether I know them or not, the examples of self-sacrificing revolutionaries and philanthropists are two particularly clear examples of a general trend towards 'helping people motivations'.

What if 'helping the poor and oppressed' is just worse than growing the strongest and power? check out https://www.unqualified-reservations.org/ or nietszche for writing on that.

If the trans identity is sociogenic, then a social intervention to help people come to terms with their bodies is at least worth a try, since it will spare them a life of medicalization

Even if it isn't sociogenic, that's still true though? One could have a genetically-caused desire to be trans, and it'd still be better to say some one shouldn't do that.

Anyway, my argument is just - the actual contents of 'being trans' are, individually, dumb - the aesthetics of being a woman are signals of various traits improving ability to bear and raise children. Mimicking that if you can't raise children is dumb!

they usually grow out if it if they can be kept safe for a few years

grouping tiktok tourettes, which is more like 'an emo phase', and being trans together in the 'they usually grow out group' is justified how? Your twitter feed evidence is selected for detransitioners, because they're the best way to make being anti-trans seem like a progressive 'saving the vulnerable girls' narrative as opposed to right-wing.

Currently, if you check replies under tweets of some prominent figures, in the first few mins after the tweet all replies are bots

... right ... because they are bots, and can post a reply 2 seconds after the tweet is posted. Nobody else has replied in the first few minutes. And then the bot replies get overtaken by interesting replies that get likes. How would boosting verified accounts change this? The verified accounts still won't reply immediately because they aren't bots.

A lot of spam is just bots using the search api (probably) for crypto terms and replying to people with scams. This won't help with that either.

Also, significantly boosting verified accounts over nonverified accounts to stop the kind of spam that gets lots of likes on highly replied tweets (non-highly replied tweets don't have enough replies for it to matter) would degrade the user experience, right, because instead of seeing the best tweets you just see tweets from people who pay money?

Elaborate? Am I not in such a position because [i am a right winger and don't understand left wingers] / [i am a left winger and am therefore biased] / [other]?

If he was a gay escort it would explain how he got into the house.

another explanation, much simpler and more likely, is that they have security (secret service) but they're more focused on nancy than husband, or that they had security and messed up this one.

You have to ask the question of what a 'mental state' or equinamity really is, what is happening, what is worth doing. Let's say you made a human enlightened by, uh, hacking all their neurons out, and replacing them with the neurons of a squirrel that was enlightened. Maybe something was lost. Now let's say that the person became enlightened, in a sense, but a very minimal sense - they're precisely as enlightened as the enlightened squirrel is, and then carry on with their netflix-watching the next day. There's something confused here, surely? What if the 100iq-joe-the-janitor really does become as enlightened as the Buddha was - but still retains their desire for netflix, and continues to watch it and eat burgers and work as a janitor? I'm saying outside the context of that enlightenment relating to other parts of their life, it's basically meaningless. So - what is being enlightened, what does that mean, what more is being understood, and is anything being understood if said understanding is never used? And then - if these people are just cavorting in simulacra VR garden land for eternity, is enlightenment as valuable or meaningful there as it is in a complex world with significant demands and willed action? Compare to the enlightened rabbit vs human (or a pet rabbit vs wild rabbit!)

Eh, I'm not a harsh utilitarian so I'm gonna say no. Human flourishing will always be important to me even if AGI is a bajillion times better at 'flourishing' than we are.

Right, but the 'non-self' and 'emptiness' and 'dependent origination' bits should indicate - there isn't anything to being human, aside from all the specific aspects and experiences and dependencies. What is there to humans, at all, that the AGI doesn't have? What's the difference? Not that there aren't any, but it's probably worth checking, and just saying the word 'human' doesn't necessarily mean anything. (and in the sense of "important to me" - i mean, it could just as well be true that 'watching netflix and playing overwatch' would be more important to you than 'universal basic equinamity'. But acting on that would be bad, because then nobody would be enlightened. Similarly, if your desires - at least as you describe them - are wrong, then you should simply act differently. And then those actions are, in retrospect, your desires. Desires in this sense do not exist, then, in a proper sense, they're just descriptions of specific ways one understands and acts)

The article links the feed. There's about 8 posts per minute, and it's mostly not loli, but isn't that active either. It took a few min of scrolling to get down to the first loli post 30min ago, "DM me on here or session if you wanna chat and goon to some tiny s--ts together #ped #pedoooo" with roughly the image you'd expect captioned "tight child p---y". Also someone spamming their AI generated web novel

Was it really the same carlsbad?

There were some good points embedded in there, I think, but it was insufficiently adapted to the audience. I know a lot about the DR and the history of RW thought and so on and was still somewhat confused.

Do you actually think it's bad?

If I gave you a representative sample of my statements about trans people across all platforms, you'd recoil in horror at how much of a disgusting reactionary I am.

Please stop the personal accusations. It doesn't matter at all if I'm morally disturbing for wanting to groom trans people or anything. Let's just discuss the actual physical events that occur, the people who are transitioning, the circumstances under which they do, motivations, effects, etc.

If It's never ok for a 25 year old professor to talk to a 22 year old student without the office door open for fear of grooming, why the reluctance to call out weird sex stuff with leftist teachers and kids

Well the premise is false, so who cares? A->B is always true, and usually not very interesting, if ~A. If we're willing to lynch witches on obviously false accusations, why not lynch my neighbor for calling me an asshole, which he at least did do something wrong? If those communist democrats love their violent black soros-funded mobs so much, why can't we firebomb a few abortion clinics? If my grandma's a monkey, then i'm a mixed-species freak of nature, and I can make billions by selling my tissue to biolabs. These are stupid statements! You know the former is a dumb left-wing thing, and is being done for stupid, hypocritical reasons, so - why bring it up - and what does it prove about the latter? They could entirely hypothetically correctly understand the latter doesn't matter, and that the former doesn't matter, and just be delusional about the former - and be in the wrong only in the former case.

I have never understood the word "groomer" to be a synonym for pedophile, and in fact it is not a synonym for pedophile

I have used the term groomer several hundred times, and heard it used a thousand times more, outside the context of politics in the past few years. every single time, it referred to a sexual relationship of some sort - whether purely by chat or IRL - between a claimed minor and a claimed adult. almost every time, it was used to imply pedophilia-adjacent awful misconduct on the part of the supposed groomer. And our culture has a bizzare fixation on the idea of pedophilia (the fact that "it's actually ephebophilia" as a mocking term itself is bizzare, given almost all individuals actually accused of pedophilia are adults preying on 14-16 year old girls). There is a massive amount of unjustified taboo around that issue, and it makes every single person that touches it go completely insane. Conservatives are attempting to appropriate some of that taboo to 'fight back against trans'. Of course, it's totally ineffective and boxes at shadows, because 'sexually manipulating minors' and 'a kid is bored school, watches a bunch of ecchi anime, and goes to /r/egg_irl and wants to MtF' are not at all related.

This has nothing to do with whether trans or 'mixed-age relationships' are good or not, but the taboo on them is bizzare

Pick the word that you think fairly encapsulates the above concept

Transgender, trans children, transgender propaganda, gender marxism. You can pick any term! Grooming is just not a useful term. The fraction of kids who transition because an adult in their middle school personally targets them to transition is like 10^-5

My characterization of your conduct is- per the May 21 link- your reoccuring flaw to conflate far too diverse circumstances and contexts into a nominal narrative that ignores or dismisses people's actual positions/concerns while presenting a viewpoint they don't hold as the undisputed reality. Your very response is to conflate different circumstances (quotations, in this case) to ignore a stated position, and assign a position I do not hold

That's a lot of words, and if he was doing that, it'd be bad, but can you link these broad statements to specific examples when you make them? You linked a few reddit posts and I have no clue how they relate to the above.

having, stop conflating far too diverse circumstances and contexts into a nominal narrative that ignores or dismisses people's actual positions/concerns while presenting a viewpoint they don't hold

Which circumstances, contexts, narratives, what actual positions/concerns are being dismissed, what viewpoints aren't held? I genuinely don't know what you're saying.

The other half of moldbug's claim was that the socialists, communists, liberals, etc agitated within european states and within the colonized states for independence - providing material support, media support, etc to third world states. Amerindians had internal resistance, yeah, but didn't have that significant external support of many kinds. The first alone wouldn't be enough.

Do we stand for censorship of Kiwifarms? Or opposite it?

Please grammer and spall better.

We've discussed kiwifarms a bunch before. I don't think anyone spoke up for censorship.

That you, and even a significant portion of the American electorate

Most of the american electorate on both sides wouldn't know a motte from a pot, so that's a weird objection. Most voters vote for a combination of 'my friends/family vote this way' and really strange idiosyncratic reasons, and their positions on any specific issue are much worse. I don't see what that has to do with ymeskhout's precise and very long arguments

I would submit you are not objective on this topic, given your frequent shills for your private substack and the financial interests in catering to your desired target audience

Wouldn't he just not post on what a journo could call a "alt-right dogwhistle reactionary forum" in that case?

If you read the article, the prison population was 'roughly half' nonwhite. It also claims the POCs were "20 percent identifying as black, 14 percent as Latino, 17 percent as Native American and 19 percent as Asian or other races" (which adds up to 70%?), and that they polled at 20% trump / 30% novote / 50% dem, while whites 40% trump / 25% novote / 35% dem.

Presumably, republican organizations that aren't the "RNC" would be able to do that? And there are a ton of those.

I could use an analogy, but it usually won't be persuasive, because analogies are never perfect 1:1 matches to the original subject,

But they don't have to be. They just have to be relevant in some way to be convincing.

Obviously the interlocutor can just say "but apples aren't LITERALLY orange, checkmate republikkan", but they can do that for any argument that isn't an analogy.

it's rare for someone to disagree, hear an analogy, and respond, "oh, I was wrong the whole time, but now I agree

Yeah, but that's also true for non-analogy arguments. Analogies and similar things are plenty useful in persuading people who firmly disagree, but it's generally hard to do so.

I think it's not unreasonable to call surgery violence toward a tumor. Certainly more reasonable than "silence is violence" woke type usage.

Why do people keep making this argument? "My enemies, who I also think are lying hypocrites, made <ridiculous and unjustifiable claim>. And my claim is slightly better than theirs, so I get to make it, and you can't object it's nonsense."