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User ID: 190



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User ID: 190

1-3 are good arguments against poor ideas of race, or racism, but not smarter ones. Races - uh - subpopulations with significant shared heredity and traits - can still be smarter or have different characters than other subpopulations, just like subspecies / populations of animals, which also can have messy boundaries and mixes of traits while retaining distinctions. If jews were 50 iq points smarter than blacks on average, 1-5 could still easily be true - and in that situation 'jewish' as a 'race' is worth distinguishing, although even without the term 'race' it'd be extremely obvious

There are 24,000 "morticians, undertakers, and funeral directors" in the US, and probably as many in europe. Assuming half of those are morticians, that's more than enough room for one or a few of them to notice an uptick in blood clots that should be surprising, while just being noise overall. If one in every two or even five morticians is noticing this, that'd be worth looking into in some sense, but things like this constantly happen everywhere. A billion people x ten thousand possible strange combinations of things that can happen = a lot of one in a billion events. Covid itself was reported to cause blood clots or something a bunch early in the pandemic.

Twitter probably won't accept a payment directly from crypto so you need a bank account to pay from

There are massive underground industries in stealing credit cards and payment accounts. They can just buy stolen accounts and use those. These scammers are already hacking / buying hacked verified twitter accounts to rename as ēlon müsk who's giving away free crypto at cryptobuy.link.party, just click 'accept' in metamask!

[...] on topic for the culture war thread [...] I hope it's ok that I write this here. Feel free to delete if not.

As far as I can tell, anything is on-topic for the culture war thread if it's interesting and well written.

This is absurd. AI transforming society? doesn't matter, it doesn't affect you tomorrow. Lead pollution? Doesn't affect you on a personal level immediately. Iraq war? Doesn't affect me, whatever. Something killing everyone in 40 years is ... still bad, quite near almost as bad as something killing everyone today.

If you want to argue white replacement specifically doesn't matter, do that, but "bad things aren't bad and don't matter if they don't happen this year" is absurd! The motivation is usually "you can't do anything about it and thinking about it feels bad so avoid it" ... but in order to avert bad things like nuclear war or AI takeover, some people have to think about them and 'feel bad'!

TBH I thought this forum was a good idea at first, it felt good to get away from Reddit. I'm pretty sure it's a failure though, it has none of the dynamism that reddit had. It's a circle jerk of the most very online mottezins self fellating

it seems to be the exact same people doing the same discussions as before, idk what he's talking about here

"Less that 10% of 266 Twitter employees who participated in a poll on messaging app Blind expected to still have their jobs in three months. Blind allows employees to air grievances anonymously after they sign up with corporate emails."

(probably not an accurate estimate bc sampling + bad answers, but does indicate mood in twitter)

Probably the lighter color

Probably not - () / [] are obvious ways to surround text in the context, and adding more []/()s is an obvious extension

But no one actually produces land

But this isn't actually true - the 'unimproved value' of land depends on its' surroundings, placement in a city, neighbors, etc - and that certainly is produced and changes. In the ACX comments someone brought up a property developer - they make massive investments in a particular neighborhood to improve the value of a group of properties, but the improvement to any individual property comes in large part from the neighbors, or infrastructure there, rather than just work 'on the land' itself. So they're increasing the 'unimproved value'!

The process of 'have reddit account, find new sub, comment on it' is so much easier and so much more natural than that of 'find new site, make new account on new site, comment there'. There's a reason all these centralized platforms take off.

Here's an article from reason about exactly this, with a ton more studies and numbers (still reading). There's also the hispanic-white-iq-gap tag on human varieties.org , and - looking at the list of studies from the puerto rico article - the massive variation in result from study to study strongly suggests one can't take a random number from a random study at face value, but actually understand where they come from! (Gwern's now-deleted list of GWAS results on wikipedia felt similar, many entries with more than one study had very different results.) There are many well done studies that do have reliable, reproducible results, but that doesn't mean every or even most in some field are.

Amazon getting into original content shouldn't be surprising given Netflix and other streaming services have been deeply invested in it for a while, though. Comparing the current profitability of amazon studios to the profitability of much more established ventures doesn't tell us anything, and even if it never makes profit ... many business ventures do just because they fail. So, given that the move to make original content is one that amazon's competitors in streaming are also doing, the claim it's primarily motivated by bezos wanting hollywood status or impressing his girlfriend, just because it could be true ... not seeing it?

Yeah, but those people shouldn't do that. KKKILL_ALL_blahblah doesn't actually do anything, or affect anyone, it really is just text, and one can just laugh or ignore it. It genuinely doesn't matter!

And... it isn't about a generic, reasonable sense of how harmful something is, there's clearly a larger, disproportionate factor - reddit banned /r/waterniggas for the soft n-word, and /r/legoyoda for vaguely racist memes, but still has /r/opiates, /r/cocaine, /r/heroin, /r/meth, etc. And - this isn't even entirely left-coded, /r/ageplaypenpals got taken down despite being entirely fictional because p*do stuff is considered to be terrible while something like /r/rapekink, despite describing things like likely-fictional (although "All stories here must be actual events told by the person with the victim's perspective" is in the sidebar) "rape-bait".

The person's claims, to the extent they're coherent at all, are a combination of: "the left wants to do medical research on fetuses" - nobody on 'the left' cares - "planned parenthood is incentivized to cause more abortions because they get monetary compensation for selling fetuses" - when you combine the frequency of said tissue donation and the compensation, it is not relevant to their bottom line.

If someone suggested driver’s ed classes stop teaching traffic laws and instead just put kids behind the wheel until they absorb how to drive by osmosis, everyone would realize that’s dumb

Right, but this is literally how we learn spoken language, and also one of the best ways to learn second spoken languages. So it's not obviously wrong or mindblowing that one might use it for written language too.

Here's a comparison: people innately learn the weird and complex rules of english grammar intuitively, just by listening, despite not being able to immediately describe them. Often, they're taught explicit 'rules' of the grammar separately, and much later. "If someone suggested teaching grammar without explaining the rules but just showing people sentences and hoping the funny rules eventually make sense"... except that actually works!

bap has gotten suspended several times, though, and all existing far-right accounts try hard to avoid being suspended.

You may want less jews for the same reason you might want less white men on a board representing a diverse city, or more support programs for underprivileged black youth

i don't think many people here do. this is 'dems r real racists' / 'affirmative action for whites' tier

It's very difficult to create a rule "allow mild use of steroids, but don't allow more extreme use of steroids

This is true if "rule" means "lightly enforced law, for the general population". However, the navy could very easily (technically, idk about politically) run a "properly used steroid" program themselves, provide the drugs, ensure they're administered very safely, and still test for use of other drugs. If done well, this might reduce steroid use in general. (good idea? dunno. just a point about the power of a sovereign).

The guy had constantly tweeted fairly unhinged stuff.

Okay, so he tweets fairly unhinged stuff once per week for three years, until something happens in the bahamas. It's not clear how FTX (as it seems) mismanaging client money, and then getting that leaked by an employee, could have anything to do with some other defi founder tweeting about sex trafficking and dying.

pedo symbol

the claimed pedo symbol is a ... spiral. there are lots of spirals, just generally. it's a fairly common shape. the alameda logo isn't even a spiral, it's a triangle with a line beneath it. there are also lots of triangles. there also aren't any allegations that SBF did anything vaguely pedophilic. (and if they were pedophiles, why would they go under)?

I think you'd get more useful engagement and replies if, instead of saying 'phenotypic null hypothesis' a lot and explaining the theory of what it means, you tried to explain in a 'teaching' type way how and why it matters - like, laid out a few toy examples of populations that seem to be HBD-ish if you don't account for PNH but PNH means that heritability is explained by underlying mechanisms that are less HBD-ish.

It's not perfect that interlocutors aren't doing that work themselves, but - I spent an hour yesterday diving deep into something I disagreed with, made a long post here, came out understanding it a bit better but nothing really conclusive, and got zero replies. I could do that again, sure, but I have other stuff to do, so maybe later! People do that a lot here, but it takes enough time they won't do it every time.

A simple divider - if the 'culture war' stuff is important, then being ""addicted"" to it is fine. And if it's not important, then it's worth figuring out how it's not important - and then just not doing it. It's not heroin, it's just a bunch of claims.

The truth is a combination of both tbh - stuff like 'the kids are trans' or 'the environment is being destroyed by the corporations we need to FIGHT BACK' are adjacent to true things, and use those to derive energy. But they're also deeply wrong in some ways, and thus the simple way of fighting for them (vote for school boards! stop buying from exxon!) do not work at all.

But then people get confused and get shamed for 'caring too much about something stupid', and start thinking that caring or putting energy into large-scale problems at all is bad. Which is also wrong! Both trans and environment are issues that many/all people will personally deal with, and your attitude towards it can deeply shape your personal life. (e.g. I have very close friends who have transitioned, and very close friends who haven't but were tempted.)

It seems to be a federated social media concept. The idea's afaict similar to mastodon/activitypub - no one company controls everything, users can sign up using a 'server' operated by anyone and see tweets/interact with users on any other server, plus move between servers. 'Censorship' would be, the idea is, not possible, merely individuals or servers curating the kind of content they want to see. HN on bluesky HN discussion + link on the federated protocol itself (but half the comments are pointless rants about how they didnt use activitypub)

Safari on mac doesn't support ublock, afaict. Even when I'm using safari, though, I just press 'm' and look somewhere else

Given that twitter is headquartered in the US, china censoring 'discourse' in the US would be a defcon 1 national security event and something the media of all colors would be all over, elon seeming to be a patriotic american, and china having a similar level of 'influence' with many other executives and companies in america due to the very deep trade ties between us, I don't think this is a large threat. It probably won't happen - and even if it did, the response from the US, including the "sjw bluechecks", would be significant.