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User ID: 686



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User ID: 686

Could be. I like your reasoning.

Makes sense. I am just saying that eh, my life is more valuable anyways is a free get out of jail card from any guilt for any action you will ever take.

Same for East European states.

  1. Everything has life including grass and bacteria.

  2. It is impossible to prove 5kg of peas have less worth as life than 5kg of meat.

  3. The only thing we can prove is that we feel a stronger bond of life with animals than vegetables.

  4. You are still taking life, you have just shifted where you land on the spectrum of predation.

  5. Vegan disgust for meat eaters is the equivalent of an otter feeling disgust for a lion because it eats goats instead of fish.

What you said makes sense in the scenario you created.

Noted. Thank you!

Yes, thank you!

True true, I am just saying it is not the only meaningful variable.

I mean being a genius isn't even all that great. Being smart does not guarantee social success, nor does it guarantee the best income. If you wanted to be rich you would be a businessman. If you wanted to maximize reproductive success you would keep working out. I think one of the primary issues is that on the functional society level we fail to realize that there are multiple solutions and values beyond intelligence. I am pretty sure I can make myself sound smarter than almost everyone I know, but my reproductive success is the lowest nonetheless. You gotta accept the markers then look at where you are deficient and what to do about it.

Of yeah I am a firm believer of human biodiversity.

The thing is that society is fully functional only at the level where it has evened out its diversity levels. We managed to do that at the national level then it stopped. One day we achieve enough intermixing at the continental level and it no longer matters again.

The group expands either by further intermixing of larger and larger groups or in a competitive state some groups simply dying out over time.

Believing this leads you to a lot of inferences/conclusions that are very controversial to say out loud in polite society.

It's only controversial as long as people do not understand that working out will make anybody seem more attractive and attractive people have the highest reproductive success rate.

I thought I did. My bad.

Nice. Thank you.

They were ahead of you, then they wasted it all away since WW2. that's 75 years of wasted potential.

Slatestarcodex, lesswrong.

Rule 1 - no series

Rule 2 - A book that an avid book reader can finish in a day to two at most.

Rule 3 - It should be older than 30 years in age and it's value should already have been noticed by society rather than the teacher giving their own value score to a random book.

Why don't you try inviting people over from other "intellectual" communities of reddit.

What's the point of all that IQ if you have set your entire civilization into the population collapse funnel due to maxing out the intelligence section and single child resource focus segment of your cultural system?

would you expect Mohamed to be #19 for French boys in 2019?

I mean by 19th ranked name for all you know you are on the name used by 1% or 0.1%. That honestly doesn't sound so bad.

Assuming the most extreme case of all names being equally popular, Mohammad would be the name of 5.2% of men. Still a vast minority.

Also all the refugees Europe took.

The upper classes irrespective of cultural background tend to integrate better. Maybe just stop taking in poor people.

We simply are and to work your way from that seems good enough for the individual but how do you make such frameworks work for entire societies with varied perceptions and norms among individuals?

I don't think the incels are necessarily wrong, I just think they came to the wrong conclusions with the data available.

shooo, this website is for the real intellectuals. Commie dramanauts not allowed.


Cross post: (rdrama):

Title: Most r-slurs still don't understand one of the central points of rick and morty.


  1. Jerry - would likely sacrifice his family to save himself. Had no trouble abandoning his original family to live with his accidental dimension family. He also crashed a plane full of people in that one episode. He is a stupidity based WMD who doesn't even realize the damage he caused.

  2. Summer - Pretty much a sociopath. Only cares about family to a degree, would gladly perv on hot guys. Has no qualms killing aliens. Doesn't care about how much destruction Rick has ever caused. She got high on planets that were about to die. Her whole personality is saying," whatever." Then stabbing you with a kitchen knife before going back to texting on her phone.

  3. Beth - If Summer is a wannabe sociopath then Beth is a legit sociopath. Only thing maintaining her humanity is likely her family. As a child she only ever had Rick make things for her that would hurt other people. Is self centered and will accept anyone in the world who will kiss her ass and flatter her. Hasn't been seen actively murdering anyone so far and is likely the most normie competent person in her family. Still shrugged off her planet getting destroyed. Wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice Morty to save Summer.

  4. Morty - Over the seasons he grows more psychopathic every season. He has destroyed at least two alien civilizations on screen that I remember, and likely has caused way more suffering off screen. Every season his conscience grows smaller when it comes to anything that's not his family. Will definitely murder you in your sleep for Rick. No longer hesitates when murdering people who cross him. Never came back to save his Cronenberg family. Only Jerry survived and Survivor Jerry called him out on it.

  5. Rick - Rick the worst of them all. Left his entire planet on groundhod day settings but forgot to turn off aging. Accidentally got back and was at least decent enough to end their suffering before leaving. That's Earth one he killed. In season 1 or 2 he accidentally cronenberged another Earth before leaving. That's two Earth's destroyed. In the latest season episode his little experiment got released and destroyed the entire Earth. That's three Earth's he has destroyed due to his fuckups. This isn't even counting all the countless planets, species, and probably even universes he has destroyed. Rick is basically the closest thing to an Eldritch abomination in human form any media has ever had. His morality has zero connection to other humans, he sees things on a scale so huge that entire realities become irrelevant. He is an inventor who could create anything but his final legacy is that of destroying realities. Multiple hell's have overflowed with the number of dead his actions have sent there. Rick is a pure evil to anyone who experiences his touch that is not a friend, a group of friends that are barely a dozen lifeforms against the trillions he has likely killed so far easily.

Every season they make the family do even more horrible things, and each time the r-slurs and spergs cheer. At this point it's as if the creators are just trying to see how fucked up and cruel they can make the actions of the family before the audience finally decides that yes, these are clearly not rolemodels or anybody to look up to, but that moment never comes. That moment likely will never come, because for that moment to come there has to be some self awareness, some capacity to self reflect, and perhaps the success of Rick and Morty for all the wrong reasons is the final proof, that this country has lost its way, and there is nothing left except mindless consumption followed by death.

  • -39

eh who cares. I am not here for the quality of the people I am here for ideas that I wouldn't here in the main culture sphere and then to process those ideas on my own terms to come to my own conclusions about them. Between you and me, I think the majority of this sites membership is made up of very bulliable people. Yet I shall be polite, for I come here for ideas, not the people's natures.

In a state, in order to pursue policy, you need state capacity, the capacity of the state of "doing things"

I disagree with your opening axiom.

In order to pursue policy, one must have the favor of the collective within that society, and that collective must be strong enough to implement their will over the system.

That is separate from the state as the state generally pertains to the bureaucratic organization that runs the state.

However we continue to have events such as mass protests, charitable organizations at the national level, or wealthy individuals independently capable of applying their own political beliefs within the system even without going through legal means to have them written as undeniable rights or laws within the system.

One can however argue in favor of your stance from the position that none of these organizations or groups would have the required stability to function and get things done without the state. But looking into history, when the state fails and another group emerges to take their place, then the new group in time becomes the defacto state equivalent.

In conclusion - your first axiom is incorrect. You do not need the state to pass policy. You must have the necessary power to implement what you desire in the system which can be through the state or without the state depending on how you go about it.

I do not think so.

To rephrase your question, would you really be happy in a world where you were an exact copy of everyone else instead of such an existence evoking an existential horror of being part of a hive mind making you desire to act out to be visible in some way or form?