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User ID: 686



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User ID: 686

  1. Everything has life including grass and bacteria.

  2. It is impossible to prove 5kg of peas have less worth as life than 5kg of meat.

  3. The only thing we can prove is that we feel a stronger bond of life with animals than vegetables.

  4. You are still taking life, you have just shifted where you land on the spectrum of predation.

  5. Vegan disgust for meat eaters is the equivalent of an otter feeling disgust for a lion because it eats goats instead of fish.

In their individual lives yes, to pass judgement onto others outside their direct experience no.

And innocent until proven guilty matters to make sure you do not get the wrong guy based on your opinions.

Why? It was an effortpost on rdrama, why can I not reuse the effortpost?

I am not a troll. What would assure you of the same?

No consumption is so mindless as letting someone else understand it for you

I disagree. Consumption can be mindless if it's only providing you satisfaction but at the cost of so much of your time or effort that overall you are worse off in life by the time you are done consuming.

Example - heroin addicts.

I appreciate you taking the time to send the reply. Thank you.

Because the show keeps on selling.

Acknowledged. Be more clean in language used.

I think nobody else gets this because of how famous Rick and Morty continues to be among the zoomer generation and the fact as you pointed out yourself that most of society has a lower than 100 iq.

But as the point that started the conversation stated, even other minority groups outside of blacks and whites don't seem to care that much in general, so obviously it applies for longer than just 1st gen immigrants.

hapas is an online group, 1% of all people online comment at most and usually those are the 1% with more extreme views, better to base your data on a survey of the local population.

I started working out. Self love is still more love in the world hombre.

Why not? I mean the problem is obviously having ourselves a permanently active immune system with nothing to do so it keeps lowering its standards for what is a threat until it gets something. At least that's my interpretation. Maybe not a hookworm, but probably give it something to work with. Maybe they should have a disease vaccine, but it just gives you mild variants of diseases with an immune response in humans in general. Then you go home get two days of fever and voila, eat a peanut butter sandwich without choking to death and your face veins exploding.

Not a scientist, most of what i said is conjuncture based on limited understanding.

Hey I never said I was an exception to the rule, i am just further proof of the rule being true.

Eh. If all the Mohammed's behave culturally french and are 3rd generation french citizens then they are french. Naming conventions live on far longer than all other cultural habits. Just look at the surname Smith for example.

A product can be an extension of one's culture too as long as it is recognized as the creation of a specific people ( Americans in this case.) How would you define culture?

Are more places aware of what is holi or are more people aware of what is halloween?

I mean western influence has been expanding for the last century there is little doubt about that. Just see how the UN pushes for gay rights and countries do end up adopting it in numbers, similar case for weed legalization, both ideas born from the west.

It seems more likely that this same process happened in there other places rather than the memes created after the fact.

That would follow only if the other societies were becoming more women friendly in workplaces on the same curve in relation to their level of development which is not the case, instead you see an acceleration of western values disconnected from technological development levels where they were initially formed in non-western countries to the extent that far more third world countries are likely to grow old before they grow rich based on current trends when compared to the fertility and GDP graphs of developed nation.

; the bulk of the damage was done by developing the norm of both parents working in families.

Which ideology actively supports such a state of existence?

No what I am trying to say is that for life to continue from its personal individual reference point it should value itself more than any other life around it. The moment that is not the case the likelihood of death increases.

I said it. Independent thought.

In group out group bias could explain it although I do not suggest that is the definite answer.

You are an outsider and conservative in another country. You see your community spread and grow. Feels good.

You are in your own country, you are already surrounded at all times by your own. You will be fine with the natural decline in fertility rate within your own country.

Other alternative would be that you primarily see that population boom among refugee groups not the wealthy immigrants from those countries which matches income relation to fertility.

In their own country with a larger population those conservative groups are a minority of the population as part of total, in a rich country with a far smaller population, they have a larger impact over the total.

3rd theory would seem more realistic as per my experience. In India there is a concept about how people who went abroad in the 70's or 80's appear to be more conservative than those that stayed in India from that time period. This is theorized to be primarily due to people retaining the culture they left with to another country, so they never had any natural changes in their cultural practices that they would have otherwise had over the years if they had remained in their own country.

So you have a cultural divergence. The Middle Eastern immigrant in the middle east is living according to the cultural values of the middle east now. The middle easterner in Europe is living according to the middle eastern values of whatever point in time they left which is their last true reference point.

Again, all hypothesis, it could be any of these or none of these or a combination.

The Night lords trilogy - set in the 40k universe it is a series written from the perspective of the bad guys. I think it is a good study in seeing how you end up rooting for the bad guy if you see the story from their perspective even though they are doing terrible things. Makes ya think about human nature and how strong in-group out-group bias honestly is.

Made me realize if you were born in a tribe of torturers or cannibals 9/10 you would end up okay with torture or cannibalism as another aspect of life.

What you said makes sense in the scenario you created.

Noted. Thank you!

Yes, thank you!

True true, I am just saying it is not the only meaningful variable.

then I would argue that we should accept both black elves and skinny women in our lives.