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User ID: 686



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User ID: 686

Noted. I am guessing this is the equivalent of we like your ideas, but change your style as it's gonna get aggressively negative feedback.

Exactly. You get it.

Doesn't have to be conspirational. You may want less jews for the same reason you might want less white men on a board representing a diverse city, or more support programs for underprivileged black youth. Sometimes being from the same ethnic group results in similar experiences which may blind one to the experiences of other groups.

AI is more likely to replace technical jobs than manual jobs though. It's easier to program an AI to figure out a trillion parameters of data then to teach it to walk. Welcome to the upside down where the safest job will be factory worker.

Said tongue in cheek.

You know I just had a thought bubble. Perhaps the reason societies used to seem far more stable in the past is because anyone who acted outside the system or had such tendencies used to die out, but in modern times for the first time we are keeping all personality types alive and functional in a society.

So we have extreme traditionalists and futurists existing within the same system to extremes that wouldn't have been possible in the past.

Nice. I look forward to perfected body replacements for every single part of the body.

Liver replacement business would boom.

Let me add on where I am coming from to enhance understanding.

I do not see a problem with population decline itself.

The problem is that a population decline above a certain rate would always result in a socio-economic collapse.

Add on to this the fact that after a certain point a country ends up being too small in numbers to be able to compete well with it's competitors if those other countries maintain long term higher numbers.

Now, as you said different countries have different sexual norms and fertility baselines. However, far as I can tell, any country that starts to align its laws with western women's rights ideals tends to see it's fertility rate drop faster than countries that have no to little contact with such ideologies.

This itself is again not the problem, the issue is that by the end of the day fertility decline beyond a certain threshold results in national instability and decay risks increasing.

Plus on a more personal note, I have never been a fan of death cults, not even those that actively speak of freedoms and liberty.

Adding on to this the fact that modern day feminism appears to me as one of the rare ideologies which place motherhood on the back burner as a worthwhile or celebratory value. Going as far as to not only deny it's value but to actively celebrate single independent livelihoods as the sole aspiration.

I could be wrong in my interpretation however and would like to hear your thoughts on that.

I am doing well, I created a simplified life guide today for people who have trouble deciding what to prioritize first.

I would not be surprised if there was a noticeable minority that unironically like the main character in American Psycho. As I understand it the actor who plays the titular character had to go on camera to explain to the people that you aren't supposed to root for the main character. Add in the fact that the main character does reflect a form of masculinity that from his own point of view makes him a tough person, and one can see where the fans who like him genuinely come from.

I have met people in real life who would admit they thought the character of the main psycho was a horrible guy but also a chad.

I disagree, I may have immigrated from rdrama but my efforts are genuine.

I would even liken your stance to the equivalent of saying those people who just got off the boat don't sound like us, send them back to where they came from.

Give a chance to assimilation.

Not really, I just wrote something I liked and it felt partly culture warry so I shared it on the culture war thread. Nothing deeper than that.

When slightly aroused my dick is large,

When slightly dry my ass is rice.

When slightly wet smooth velvety skin covered in sweat

But never for the cam, you see; I am too fat.

Those people have always existed and they always will.

Appeal to tradition fallacy.

  • -24

Generally third worlders who immigrate to a 1st world nation just want to live a better life. Living a better life doesn't mean they wish to throw away their entire cultural identity at once. It may be closer to the truth for you to imagine that whenever you meet a 1st generation immigrant their grandson will be the equivalent of what you imagine a fully assimilated native member of your nation to be. You aren't immigrating more citizens to your land ( in the cultural sense not the legal one), you are immigrating more people whose children will be citizens of your land ( in the assimilated and culturally following your country's traditions way).

May I know your skin color as I consider it relevant to this discussion.

The sexuality and sexual experiences of our children is one of those few times where a clear bias exists within each and everyone of us and if the science gave us an answer the was counter to that bias then we would deny and burn down the science department. That is to say, it's one of the few dark spaces in scientific discourse where the science becomes irrelevant by the end of the day due to extreme public blowback.

So honestly by the end of the day all I can say on the subject is that you will almost likely never get a satisfactory discussion on the subject matter if you go against the current acceptable standard at any point in history, and arguing for or against even neutrally is not worth the social status loss risk of doing so.

And just to further clarify, my statements here are not from a they don't want to hear they are wrong about 16 being too young position, rather my lack of joy is from a I hate science having dark no go spaces when it clashes against social beliefs and comfort zones.

I think we did pretty well.


They aren't really trying to actively troll you. Individual morons coming in so far.

eh who cares. I am not here for the quality of the people I am here for ideas that I wouldn't here in the main culture sphere and then to process those ideas on my own terms to come to my own conclusions about them. Between you and me, I think the majority of this sites membership is made up of very bulliable people. Yet I shall be polite, for I come here for ideas, not the people's natures.

Disagree with your final point. America's greatest export of the past century has been it's culture. Name one country without pizza or superman. ( You may argue that Pizza isn't American and I would reply exactly, their cultural propagation is so extreme we even give the Americans claim of non-American western inventions. )

Agreed with everything you said in first para. Cheap birth control makes sense, but birth control is available to every single one of these countries yet they have different fertility rates so birth control isn't the only thing. I don't know how your statement about more global connectivity explains fertility decline. More peaceful world more people can leave their homes harder to find mates in a different geographical environment makes sense. However, any of your points that work are an additional reason for fertility decline but in no way state that feminist ideology is not a part of this population decline.

Utilitarian systems or practice styles seem to survive the longest in a competitive environment so even with no active intent that's what we end up with?

You are obviously uneducated too but I do not see how that is relevant to our conversation now. ( I jest dramanaut. )

However in Israel there is an extreme poverty rate which would explain the high fertility rate. The rich israeli's aren't the ones reproducing a lot, its the majority poor ones.

Could be. I like your reasoning.

If feminism misguided then why South Korea collapsing first?

I would argue that it would still be higher than other developed nations rich ethnically white populations, as France does retain a higher fertility rate than any other white nation, including other white nations with a higher foreign born populace.

I agree with your assessment. As per my understanding one of the few times the blackpill was right and stating it in their own words," Chad fucks a haram, Beta buxx fuck their hsnds."

Tinder and other dating media give women a chance to access the same limited supply of men they are attracted to physically at the top of the dating pyramid.

There will also need to be a correction in terms of norms and expectations. Looking to the future, a significant proportion of young men may simply fail to find a romantic life partner unless they can distinguish themselves in some way.

This has always been the case?

I think life wouldn't continue if it were to value any other life more than itself.