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User ID: 686



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User ID: 686

Why don't you try inviting people over from other "intellectual" communities of reddit.

Rule 1 - no series

Rule 2 - A book that an avid book reader can finish in a day to two at most.

Rule 3 - It should be older than 30 years in age and it's value should already have been noticed by society rather than the teacher giving their own value score to a random book.

I started working out. Self love is still more love in the world hombre.

What WFH jobs are available to someone without a college degree, lacking work experience, from the third world and how do you go about finding them?

Thank you.

May I know your skin color as I consider it relevant to this discussion.

Slatestarcodex, lesswrong.

Cross post: (rdrama):

Title: Most r-slurs still don't understand one of the central points of rick and morty.


  1. Jerry - would likely sacrifice his family to save himself. Had no trouble abandoning his original family to live with his accidental dimension family. He also crashed a plane full of people in that one episode. He is a stupidity based WMD who doesn't even realize the damage he caused.

  2. Summer - Pretty much a sociopath. Only cares about family to a degree, would gladly perv on hot guys. Has no qualms killing aliens. Doesn't care about how much destruction Rick has ever caused. She got high on planets that were about to die. Her whole personality is saying," whatever." Then stabbing you with a kitchen knife before going back to texting on her phone.

  3. Beth - If Summer is a wannabe sociopath then Beth is a legit sociopath. Only thing maintaining her humanity is likely her family. As a child she only ever had Rick make things for her that would hurt other people. Is self centered and will accept anyone in the world who will kiss her ass and flatter her. Hasn't been seen actively murdering anyone so far and is likely the most normie competent person in her family. Still shrugged off her planet getting destroyed. Wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice Morty to save Summer.

  4. Morty - Over the seasons he grows more psychopathic every season. He has destroyed at least two alien civilizations on screen that I remember, and likely has caused way more suffering off screen. Every season his conscience grows smaller when it comes to anything that's not his family. Will definitely murder you in your sleep for Rick. No longer hesitates when murdering people who cross him. Never came back to save his Cronenberg family. Only Jerry survived and Survivor Jerry called him out on it.

  5. Rick - Rick the worst of them all. Left his entire planet on groundhod day settings but forgot to turn off aging. Accidentally got back and was at least decent enough to end their suffering before leaving. That's Earth one he killed. In season 1 or 2 he accidentally cronenberged another Earth before leaving. That's two Earth's destroyed. In the latest season episode his little experiment got released and destroyed the entire Earth. That's three Earth's he has destroyed due to his fuckups. This isn't even counting all the countless planets, species, and probably even universes he has destroyed. Rick is basically the closest thing to an Eldritch abomination in human form any media has ever had. His morality has zero connection to other humans, he sees things on a scale so huge that entire realities become irrelevant. He is an inventor who could create anything but his final legacy is that of destroying realities. Multiple hell's have overflowed with the number of dead his actions have sent there. Rick is a pure evil to anyone who experiences his touch that is not a friend, a group of friends that are barely a dozen lifeforms against the trillions he has likely killed so far easily.

Every season they make the family do even more horrible things, and each time the r-slurs and spergs cheer. At this point it's as if the creators are just trying to see how fucked up and cruel they can make the actions of the family before the audience finally decides that yes, these are clearly not rolemodels or anybody to look up to, but that moment never comes. That moment likely will never come, because for that moment to come there has to be some self awareness, some capacity to self reflect, and perhaps the success of Rick and Morty for all the wrong reasons is the final proof, that this country has lost its way, and there is nothing left except mindless consumption followed by death.

  • -39

I hope this doesn't detract too much from your message but I don't think the average Indian- American ( From India) at least first gen really cares that much whether there are enough Indian actors in Hollywood or not, they would be far more likely to ask you whether you can confirm or not that the police will come on time and keep the hooligans out ( Will likely mention the race of the "hooligans" as well because profiling is bad is a very 1st world concept.)

I feel mildly confident in my assessment that outside of blacks and whites, most minorities don't really care about culture wars once you guarantee them that their children will be given a chance at getting a better life than them.

Generally third worlders who immigrate to a 1st world nation just want to live a better life. Living a better life doesn't mean they wish to throw away their entire cultural identity at once. It may be closer to the truth for you to imagine that whenever you meet a 1st generation immigrant their grandson will be the equivalent of what you imagine a fully assimilated native member of your nation to be. You aren't immigrating more citizens to your land ( in the cultural sense not the legal one), you are immigrating more people whose children will be citizens of your land ( in the assimilated and culturally following your country's traditions way).

Those people have always existed and they always will.

Appeal to tradition fallacy.

  • -24

No, I clearly mentioned wanting less whites on a board how have you equated that with affirmative action for whites?

When slightly aroused my dick is large,

When slightly dry my ass is rice.

When slightly wet smooth velvety skin covered in sweat

But never for the cam, you see; I am too fat.

They were ahead of you, then they wasted it all away since WW2. that's 75 years of wasted potential.

But as the point that started the conversation stated, even other minority groups outside of blacks and whites don't seem to care that much in general, so obviously it applies for longer than just 1st gen immigrants.

hapas is an online group, 1% of all people online comment at most and usually those are the 1% with more extreme views, better to base your data on a survey of the local population.

Nice. Thank you.

I think nobody else gets this because of how famous Rick and Morty continues to be among the zoomer generation and the fact as you pointed out yourself that most of society has a lower than 100 iq.

Can you give me the standard that defines a high quality contribution? Thank you.

I was watching LOTR and the racial diversity stuck out to me in a negative way

Is this because I’m racist? No

That seems like a contradiction.

humans can naturally tell apart members of one tribe from another by appearance. I can tell French phenotype from Icelandic, Irish from Italian, Baltic from Russian.

Yes but the show is not in any of those places.

When people mate together in insularity over hundreds of years, then barring a caste system they generally begin to look the same.

Those are elves, dwarves, and hobbit which were initially created with singing if I understand my LOTR lore correctly. Is it really that hard to believe that the LOTR equivalent of God built the species with multiple skin colors that could mix as they wish and still keep going like that?

So when I see a whole bunch of dwarves living in a rock together, and then a token black dwarf is highlighted by camera, this throws off the believability of story.

I can believe in dwarves but not black dwarves is pretty much a racist argument.

Because if the dwarves were one community, you wouldn’t have such variability in phenotype.

Why not, it's a planet made with magic, why should the same phenotype rules apply to a mystical fantasy land.

I would prefer all the dwarves to be black, or all of them mulatto, then this weird hodgepodge of different phenotypes. If the dwarves are one people living together over thousands of years, then you really ought to cast them as one people, whatever shade of humanity you want.

I disagree, maybe they just had a white or a black mutation break out in the community via natural mutation. Some people living in lactose intolerant community randomly developed lactose tolerance, some black humans had a random mutation and we got white humans. These are real world cases where one group emerged from within another insulated group.

Then there’s the question of the black elves, but I’m not sure if Middle Earth is ready for this discussion. The elves were always depicted as very Northern European, with a sort of pacified and peaceful temperament. The inclusion of even Southern Europeans sort of violates our intuition here

It doesn't though. I can watch the show and my intuition is not violated, they are all elves made with magic. Maybe it's because I come from a non-white culture so I am more used to seeing mixed color groups of people in real life.

Not really, I just wrote something I liked and it felt partly culture warry so I shared it on the culture war thread. Nothing deeper than that.

Acknowledged. Be more clean in language used.

Exactly. You get it.

That's pretty much arguing that your thoughts have no influence on your actions and I disagree with that notion. Otherwise any mental abuse isn't real abuse.

Because the show keeps on selling.

Friends with Rick, bad by associating with terrible people.

I do not think so.

To rephrase your question, would you really be happy in a world where you were an exact copy of everyone else instead of such an existence evoking an existential horror of being part of a hive mind making you desire to act out to be visible in some way or form?