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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


User ID: 105



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:10 UTC


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User ID: 105

Seriously just ozempic or moujarno, obesity is basically solved.

Also I never figured out if Matlab even has a real debugger. Being able to just %debug is so ridiculously useful

That’s a good point, I’m still getting used to being out of college and needing to work much more to meet people.

That’s a good point, I have managed to avoid instagram thus far but I may just need to bite the bullet and do it!

I don’t know his real name but his username was euphoricbaseball I’m completely convinced that he actually was a teenager who hated how adults colluded to keep him down

I’m sorry to here that, practically speaking if your employer can keep you out isn’t it a lot more dangerous and uncertain to just flee?

Isn’t this basically cal tech? Or is your Ivy League competitor also teaching social sciences?

I agree, I think a lot of people are pretty desperate to reframe this to somehow make Paul look bad because they don’t like him. He is clearly the victim here and Musk and everyone else who was pushing ridiculous conspiracy theories about this attack should simply move on to other topics.

One could argue that this has extended to other domains, with exhibit 1 being Kamala Harris. Like she must be pretending to be dumb right? I need to find a video of her in court at some point, there is no way the California attorney general was this incompetent.

I think that’s good news, anyone who thought it was appropriate to launch an 80 billion dollar startup under the auspice of a “non profit” belongs in jail for abusing non profit status.

Once you step back and remember that unlike America, France IS an active colonial power ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Françafrique ) having big riots every 10 to 15 years actually seems like an endorsement of having a legal system which is blind to race.

Does anyone have any non incel/pua advice/resources at getting better at flirting (or otherwise improving one’s “game”). I recently moved to a new city where I have been trying to meet someone on Hinge, and while I feel like I get a reasonable number of matches I just think I must be really bad at the whole “texting long enough to get her to actually go on a date” phase of these conversations.

I’m also not sure what to reasonably expect in terms of reply rates. In the last month I get about 3 matches a week with people I would like to go on dates with. Of these two people agreed to meet up (although one ultimately stood me up, I’ve never actually had that happen before although I’m guessing that just happens a lot with online dating).

I’m shocked his/her could even get a clearance, typically marriage to a foreign National is disqualifying

I suspect a lot of it has to do with the numbers of uninsured and unlicensed motorists. I can’t actually find good #s on this so could be wrong, but im sure that the # of unlicensed and uninsured motorists has exploded since we no longer enforce laws against this in most large cities.

You wouldn’t need to do anything particularly extreme, simply equipping ships with a few loud explosives (think m80 or smaller firecrackers) would still solve this problem.

I have wanted to write (but probably won’t since it is gradually becoming a more popular position and I’m too lazy) a post making fun of the many Motizens who seriously believe that AI is more dangerous than nuclear weapons or that nuclear weapons are less dangerous now because of the test ban treaty. I’d maybe even go further and argue that it’s (AI) is less dangerous than either biological or chemical weapons as well.

It would also be nice to throw in a little discussion about how stupid analogies that compare AI with nuclear weapons (I addressed this a little bit here https://www.themotte.org/post/454/culture-war-roundup-for-the-week/88276?context=8#context ) and how unsuitable an arms control treaty would be for regulating AI

One thing I’d like to know is if trump had any documents which were compartmentalized, Joe Biden actually did and top secret conpartmentalized is a much more meaningful designation

I mean there might be exceptions but I’m shocked that marriage to a Russian didn’t raise a million flags. https://news.clearancejobs.com/2015/06/24/will-partners-nationality-threaten-security-clearance-doha-hearings/

There is probably more controversial things someone could dig up but this is fairly typical fair: https://twitter.com/richardhanania/status/1527689272119070720

Or this


(I think he got away with it because he is actually pretty funny sometimes)

Thanks I’ll look into it. Its value to the company is that I may be able to give this employee some of my basic tasks, giving me more time to do harder things. As for his resume, we are a government contractor and management still cares about credentials/certs so it might benefit him.

Is there actually punishment for buying non controlled drugs from abroad? A quick google search makes this seem like it would be trivial to do.

Metformin, is widely recognized as the only pharmaceutical drug currently in use with (modest), anti-aging effects. It’s my understanding that this is hypothesized to be primarily a result of its ability to reduce blood glucose.

Does anyone know if there’s any research into whether newer antidiabetic pharmaceuticals (like ozempic or trizepeptide) may also have this affect in non obese people?

I often substitute ground turkey in my chili.

Could you elaborate a little More on the effects of materials? Does it work at all in wet soils which I imagine absorb microwaves very efficiently?

Hopefully it ends up being like Colorado where you can just lie and say someone else was driving 🕶️. https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/are-traffic-camera-tickets-valid-in-colorado-38298