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User ID: 2032



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User ID: 2032

I completely agree with this. There is unfortunately a ton of this in the federal government.

For instance: the commerce clause, which seems to be used to justify just about anything that the government wants to do.

Not to be outdone by Bud Lite, Miller Lite has apparently been running their own "woke" beer advertisements: https://youtube.com/watch?v=_NtBQWZqaHo

IMO the campaign here is actually clever, take this "bad" thing, use money to buy it, and turn it into a "good" thing. Whoever came up with this idea: cool idea.

But here's my question: is any of this old "bad" stuff actually bad? Let's look at contemporary things like onlyfans, instagram, tiktok, the hundreds of reddit 'gonewild' type porn forums, etc. It seems to me that many women, given the chance, enjoy wearing bikinis, being sexualized, being lusted after etc. Not all women, obviously, since some women don't like this, but...isn't this trying to strip the pro-sexualization women of their agency?

Aside from that, isn't Miller saying that women belong...in the kitchen? Don't go out to the beach and get drunk and have fun. Wear modest clothing (like the person in the ad), stay inside in the dark, and make things for people to eat.

Also: the claim that women were the primary brewers historically, is not only dumb, it's also wrong: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weihenstephan_Abbey?useskin=vector

The fact that there are still no replies to this major event I think demonstrates how I feel about this: I don't even care anymore. Yes the government is completely corrupt, yes this was a major political scandal beyond anything we've seen in a long time, and no nobody is going to be held accountable for it.

It's just "yeah, the FBI worked to delegitimize the president and used their considerable power to do so. We know."

But why

Because you hear $48M and think of that as a capstone sort of representation of the culmination of your life. A $48M house on the beach in San Diego is a way of showing both to yourself and to your neighbors that you are somebody who can afford a $48M house.

It's something you'd want to be really proud of, since you probably imagine only buying a $48M once, probably near the end of your life.

Bill Gates is worth $100 BILLION dollars. For math, let's assume your net worth is $1M. A $1,000,000 net worth is not something to be ashamed of.

This would be like spending $500 on a house. Let's say even $10,000,000 - a level at which most people would consider you rich. That's $5000 on a house. My net worth is somewhere between those two numbers, and I have many $5000 "goofy" sorts of toys that I mistreat and don't really care about aside from the once or twice a year they get used.

Even at $100,000,000 net worth, this is still a $50,000 expenditure (proportionally).

Why is it ugly? Because why the hell would he even consider the aesthetics of this house? At that level of wealth, this is functionally no different than staying in a hotel. He might not even know that he owns it.

The Los Angeles Dodgers, a baseball team are apparently hosting a "pride night" and have invited a group called "The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" to perform at it.

The "sisters" are of course not sisters at all, but in fact, an anti catholic group of men who dress as nuns and mock catholics.

Originally the Dodgers, a baseball team, after learning that this was essentially an anti-Catholic hate group, uninvited them. However, they recently re-invited them.


What is the fucking point of this? What possible reason does a baseball team have to indicate a sexual preference? And why does this include mocking Catholics?

God this stuff is demoralizing. Is that the point?

Does Yarvin offer a solution or a strategy?

Camouflage and Harley Davidson cans aren’t going to fix this, and they might just make it worse.

“Hey you dumb fucking red necks I bet you’d like some camouflage on your cans wouldn’t you you dumb fucking fratty racists. Now buy our shit and shut the fuck up while we core out your culture, you dumb fucking idiots.”

If I was in charge of Bud Lights marketing it would go like this:

“Ever had to apologize for saying something stupid?” With a strong implication that you’re talking about being a drunken idiot.

“…yeah we’re sorry. Free buds on us”

The make June 1st official “bud light we fucked up” day for the next 5 years. Here’s how you celebrate:

Commemorative cans that say “Sorry about what we said last night”, and every bar that serves Bud light gets a free keg and a free pallet of Bud light to give away to people who want it. Make it part of the marketing go apologize to anybody you sent drunk texts to. Make ads about people making these sorts of apologies.

Go on a Bud light apology tour where people can throw tomatoes or something at Bud light executives. Free food and of course Bud light for everybody.

I’d go to that, and honest it would probably make me drink some Bud light because of how funny it would be.

Kingfisher is 4.8%, and by far the most popular beer in India.

Also: I’ve tried pretty hard to buy whiskey for adjacent tables at what few bars there are all over Mumbai and it’s pretty rare that anybody ever takes me up on it.

They got her fired from her job.

That is actual, tangible harm that they’ve done to her. While this different than a physical assault I think is a valid comparison.

I didn’t say “they physically assaulted her”. I specifically said that they didn’t.

What is the purpose of recording her, then publishing the video and lying about the interaction?

The goal was to bring harm to her.

Some say people who game the system like this actually deserve to have the bike taken more.

Burning man has a set of free use bikes called “yellow bikes”. They’re just left around the city and wherever they are you can take them and ride them.

Some people will take them and try to reserve them for themselves by hiding them, locking them to their friends bikes, or decorating them in a way that disguised their status as a free, community use bike meant for eveyone.

Every year it is considered good sport to spend some time hunting for these bikes and punishing the people that do this.

My favorite is when I find that they’ve locked a yellow bike to their friends bike, to pick up both, and move them somewhere else, not so far that the owners will never find it, but far enough to cause them some panic. Others are if somebody leaves one of these bikes in their camp to loudly and publicly take it back and put it in the street, hopefully shaming the camp along the way.

Somehow burners, often some of the most entitled people on earth, can figure out the concept of a shared resource, and figure out that the people abusing it should be punished, but the people reading this story can’t?

These kids should be getting fucked with for abusing the system. Not only is the pregnant lady in the right to take a bike she simply paid for. She’s also in the right for doing it to these kids, who are effectively acting as thieves.

I encourage anybody who sees people abusing a public resource like this to act like pregnant lady.

Edit: the more I think about this the more angry it makes me. A normal person, the type of person I grew up with, not only wouldn’t bully a pregnant lady, they would get off of their bike and give it to her, even if it cost them money, simply because she is pregnant.

What level of anti social behavior are we at where anybody is defending these kids? I don’t even care if the most charitable version of their story is true. Get off your bike and give it to the pregnant woman you idiot. We are trying to have a society over here.

People support Trump at this point because of the people who hate him. The media hates him, the FBI hates him, the democrats hate him, the McKinsey class hates him, the intellectuals hate him, etc.

Michael Moore actually summed it up perfectly https://youtube.com/watch?v=TEHekdQSiXg

Trump is absolutely despised by everybody who sees The United States as a resource to be mined, packaged, and sold, and those same people seem to like DeSantis. It really isn't even about the policies. They just want to hurt their enemies.

Trump also needs Bannon as his chief of staff.

inability to realize this vision

You’re not going to realize this vision if you’re doing ketamine and cocaine and having “polyamorous” “relationships” in your 20s

Look at the Mormons for the most extreme example. No, actually this is attainable. You just have to actually follow the rules.

First of all, I absolutely love that movie. I think it works because the schtick of “Famous story but told differently” is acknowledged and core to the work.

If somebody made Lord of the Rings, but did it in a modern setting, with a diverse cast, and it took place in New York City, I think people would accept it (mostly). Similarly if you did lord of the rings, but it took place in the Congo, I think people would like that (I would).

What were the documents that Joe had?

I think all the cool kids moved on to discord and telegram. The problem with the latter is that you can’t sign up for an anonymous account; it requires a phone number.

I think all the cool kids moved on to discord and telegram. The problem with the latter is that you can’t sign up for an anonymous account; it requires a phone number.

Telegram has giant chatrooms. It's a huge thing in the open source intelligence world right now. A ton of information about the war in Ukraine gets posted in telegram first, and then makes its way out to more normal news channels.

boomers like to drive

God I seriously wish that some of these anti-car people could just spend a month actually living in the "car free" cities that they think everybody wants so they could realize how terrible it is.

People point at some fairy tale version of a Finnish city where there's playgrounds everywhere and people are walking around drinking espressos and beers and wearing scarves and children are laughing and playing with one another in city squares.

It's not the lack of cars that is causing this unless cars is some sort of euphamism and I'm just not pol-pilled enough to understand what you guys mean when you envision a car free city. My city is a "walkable" city. From where I am sitting typing this there are a dozen coffee shops within a 5 minute walk, countless bars and restaurants, shopping, there's a train that goes literally right in front of my house, and a stop for that train a block away. There are 5 parks I can think of offhand that are within the same 5 minute walk from my house.

Guess what? I still drive EVERYWHERE I go.

  • I can bike, but if I bike I have to carry a 20lb chain with me to lock it, and even then I worry about the wheels being stolen, the seat being stolen, the lights being stolen, or some other set of things being stolen. ALL of this has happened to me or people I am close friends with. I have had bikes stolen that were locked up, parts stolen off of my bikes, etc.

  • I can walk, but I have to take a bizarre circuitous route that avoids: the park, the local drug store, all of the bus stops, all of the train stops, and any convenience stores which are currently being used as homeless shelters and drug injection sites. Even still I've had friends robbed or beaten up walking through my city.

  • I could take the idiotic train that our city is so proud of (and everybody who can actively avoids), and be accosted by the schizophrenic psychopaths who are using the train as a refuge from the weather.

The parks are de facto homeless encampments, meaning if I want to take my kids to play, guess where I go? 30 minutes out into the suburbs.

This idea that "boomers like cars and ruined everything by making car centric cities" is absurd and I can only assume is parroted by people who never leave their goon caves.

West coast cities are exactly what happens when car culture is unwilling to cede any ground. Not a single wealthy boomer lives in the city core, because highways drop you in the middle of the city core anyway. All 3 of these cities are designed with meeting the needs of car based visitors more than the needs of the residents. And it shows.

Can you expand this? I've never heard somebody blame the drug/homelessness/theft/inner city problems on cars before. Is the idea that you should force people to live among the filth, because then they would be more motivated to fix it?

Are stepmoms real moms?

No. They are step-moms, which is why we have a different name for them than 'mom', which implies motherhood. Similarly, step-brothers are not your literal brothers, they are stepbrothers, which means the children of somebody unrelated to you.

It's hilarious (and by that I of course mean: pathetic) that revealing things like blatantly cheating at a presidential debate means that Hilary Clinton (the cheater) is somehow the victim.

"Oh no, you've revealed what a corrupt person I am. I am the victim here!"

It's actually sortof incredible how well they framed that one to their advantage.

Does the parent comment contribute anything other than “boo outgroup $[nonsense gpt quality restatings of my outgroup is boo]”?

The outgroup that OP is booing is not my ingroup. It's just annoying to me that these sorts of blatant low-effort LLM-tier posts somehow are allowed when they are very obvious rule violations.