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joined 2023 January 01 23:24:51 UTC


User ID: 2032



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User ID: 2032

Something I have noticed in the current discourse is the idea that “anti semitism” is something that the general population should be concerned about. The pressec routinely throws “anti semitism” in with things like “the rise of extremism”.

It’s as though we’ve gotten to a point where supporting the Jewish religion is equivalent to being a moral person.

I cannot imagine any time where “anti semitism” is used being substituted with “anti Catholicism”. Can you imagine the POTUS (who is Catholic!) talking about the dangerous rise of anti Catholic sentiment? Or can you imagine Catholics demanding that all things must be made up of and for Catholics and if not they should be considered “anti catholic” and therefore immoral?

To the above poster: yeah, the world being imagined wants you to be Christian because Christianity and Judaism are competing religious philosophies. I’m not planning on converting to Judaism any time soon, as suspect you don’t plan on converting to Catholicism. My position is that that’s fine because you are welcome to your own belief system. Why is it that Jews don’t seem to want to grant the rest of the world the same courtesy, and if anybody ever wants to have their own belief system, that this is considered anti semitic and immoral?

It’s not anti semitic for me to not be Jewish. You guys don’t want me anyway. Where the hell does that leave most of the world?

But these people are Christians, not Jews. Of course to them adherence to their moral philosophy is important to being a good person.

I suspect that Jews also see being Jewish as a requirement to being a good person.

I also suspect that Muslims, Hindus, and Atheists feel the same way.

Then why be Jewish? Is it good to be Jewish and to practice the faith? If not, then why do any of it at all?

actual prostitute who literally sells her body as a commodity apparently has no respect for it or and is whoring this out on the internet.

Wow this is really compelling stuff. A girl in the internet talking about her bobs and vagene? Sounds like she isn’t like the other grills!

I disagree that this is any more low effort than the rest of the replies here, it’s just said more succinctly.

Here’s a longer version which takes more “effort”.

Why is Aella popular among rationalist spaces? Well one reason could be that rationalist spaces trend towards under sexualized men, and likely often polyamorous men, who tend to be be both undersexualized and bitter towards women. Aella offers them the fantasy of an attractive woman who could potentially have sex with them, or at least provides the fantasy that there are other women like her who could potentially have sex with them.

Not only this, but she also provides sapiosexual fantasy if an “above average intelligence” woman who will talk with them deeply about deep, interesting, complex topics. Sex is traditionally not something talked about in the open, and she is willing to proverbially kill this sacred cow, something that is incredibly alluring to a sapiosexual, because it gives odd the impression of deeper understanding or thoughtfulness.

Of course this, like her other prostitution, it fake.

A prostitute doesn’t love you, and the feelings you get from one are are a shallow simulacrum of love.

Similarly the things Aella is saying or talking about are shallow (because being thoughtful isn’t the point), because the point is to titillate nerds, not to actually increase any level of understanding.

It’s porn for sapiosexuals, it’s porn for everybody else, and for a few unlucky men, it’s the willingness to be an actual prostitute.

It’s sad, and also incredibly annoying because like another poster said, this stuff gets posted in the ratsphere all the time. It’s snuck in as “discussion”, but it’s just a prostitute advertising her body and mind as available for sale.

I hope this considered “higher effort”. I suppose asking me to take something with meaning and expand it into something with has the appearance of meaning is pretty appropriate for a thread about Aella

Then read something else.

Is there anything that could be considered off-topic here? Is it okay to post things which are off-topic?

This is something that seems like such a disconnect. People say “what, do you just want there to be no federal government?!?!”

…yes? What does the federal government DO most of the time other than take my money and spend it on shit that is meant to destroy my way of life and make it harder for me to raise my family?

This is a genuine question. What is the federal government doing for me that my state couldn’t do? I’ll give you the military, but what else?

Well I think that minimum wage is pretty obviously a bad thing (as we have unfortunately been forced to see demonstrated in real life as "living wages" have immediately meant "rent increase and dozen eggs is now $7."

Slavery is done. The laws were passed 150 years ago, and we don't need a bunch of busybody congressman in Washington there to make sure nobody tries to bring it back.

Abortion "legality" is an excellent example of the type of vote pandering by societal destruction that I want the government to stop doing.

There are benefits to having a national system in certain areas like healthcare, postal services, highway construction, etc. where it'd be very awkward for each state to need to find a way to individually interface with each other, although the US federal government is dysfunctional enough it doesn't always see benefits.

I'd love to hear these articulated. To go point by point:

  • Healtchare: What is the federal government doing WRT healthcare that is in any way beneficial to me? They create a system where I have to waste hours of my time and hundreds of dollars to get simple things like antibiotics, and yet mail out safe crack smoking kits to drug addicts to make it easier for them to live in tents in the street and do crack. I would like the federal government to FUCK OFF of my healthcare, please and thank you.

  • Postal service: the USPS is a great idea. In practice, it is a box in my driveway where a guy delivers trash every day that piles up on my kitchen table and eventually gets moved to another box on the driveway where another guy comes and picks it up. I see absolutely NO downside to replacing the USPS with UPS and FedEx and would LOVE it if mailing me something cost a minimum of $5.

  • Highway construction - highway funds are used as leverage to get states to implement ridiculous, unpopular federal policies. No I don't agree that this is a good thing. If the federal government wanted to work on absolutely mundane boring things like writing regulations around how wide an interstate highway lane should be, then great. Stealing my money to give it to Pete Buttigieg so that he can use it to pre-campaign for president by flying around the country and "giving" this money to various state infrastructure projects feels comically corrupt and horrific. No.

Okay the dollars is a good one! In fact I would say: I'm frustrated at the current state of the federal government because they're putting the stability of the dollar at risk.

I love this so much it’s unreal.

One of the more mask off moments is seeing all the dems saying on twitter and various cable news interviews that the republicans are obstructing and that this is, of course, a danger to our democracy.

They leave out that those dems could simply vote for McCarthy and Restore Democracy. It’s like they really do believe that they have a right to everyone’s vote, no matter the voters actual preference, and that only their preferences are right and just and Democratic.

What about this is infuriating?

Also: this is an extremely low effort post. Please don’t post like this.


They’ll blame it on Trump rushing the vaccine, and on Republicans for creating the environment (not wearing masks, going to church, interacting with their families etc.) where they were basically forced to take the rushed, dangerous vaccines. They knew the risk, but they needed to save the world from the evil anti science republicans and now the republicans finally got them.

I’m thinking of getting a longer range rifle. Not necessarily for hunting (but I’d like the option, for deer and possibly defensive against black bears), more for target shooting.

My goal would be able to consistently hit targets at 1000 yards.

6.5 creedmoor, or .300WM? I don’t really care about costs, or the effects of recoil on me, just interested in what is ballistically more suited to shooting bears at 1000 yards.

I have a very large property on the border of Canada and black bears are a problem here is why I include them as a question. If the answer is that neither of these are really good bear rounds, then I’m more just interested in shooting steel at 1000 yards.

Well for one thing Trump didn’t make the vaccine mandatory. He also pushed pretty heavily on medical freedom things like right to try, and was very vocal about wanting people to have options like monoclonal antibodies.

Okay good to know. I figured that range was pretty crazy to actually kill a bear, but thought I’d ask! Thanks!

Yes? Many people took the first round and adamantly refuse to take any boosters.

I don’t think that’s what that document is implying.

The document appears to say that Hunter was claiming Bidens Delaware house as his own residence, and that also the business listed on the document was paying $50k of rent, presumably for an office space. That office space could also be Joes house, but that doesn’t seem to be indicated by the document.

There should be an investigation into this, and it should be public. I want these people in front of congress or a adversarial lawyer, and I want them questioned, including Joe.

Impeachment for Joe is a dead end, but his son needs to answer some tough questions, and if he doesn’t have the correct answers he should probably be in prison.

A few years ago I was a pretty straightforward "legal safe and rare" bro, but the last year has really pushed me towards being anti-abortion.

  • Leftists seems to not just accept abortion, but celebrate it.

  • They do this while also taking extreme anti-natalist positions, attacking the concept of public school, attacking the concept of families, etc.

  • They refuse to condemn late stage abortions, or refuse to even offer an explanation for how this isn't just blatant murder.

If you dropped me into the middle of a movie which was the world we are currently living in, it wouldn't be a bad assumption to see leftists as cartoonish villain trying to collapse society. I mean seriously watch any of the congressional hearings about this. The abortion advocates won't acknowledge that murdering a living child the day before it is born is morally hazardous. It just goes so far beyond anything I could have ever imagined. The only word I can think of to describe this behavior is evil.

The RvW stuff finally just fully removed the leftists mask. No, actually they aren't just okay with murdering unborn children, but they actually celebrate it like some sort of sacrament.

So yeah: I have moved to the right on this topic.

My position is in alignment with the Catholic Church. Basically: if a mothers life is being threatened, then abortion is permissible.

Those would be the legal, safe, and rare abortion im talking about. I still support those, because I don’t see the surgical removal of an ectopic pregnancy as the same as murdering an unborn child.

The reaction from me is because before, leftists were essentially saying that they needed this tool, but that they would use it responsibly. My reaction is due to learning that their “use” is industrial scale murder of children.

Show me where, in the stability AI software, the getty photos are saved. Show me how to get one of the getty images out of stability AI.

You can't.

I don't think you understood my comment. I'm not saying that leftist are trying to collapse society, but I'm saying that they're acting like it.

Consider the leftists who think Republican policy is Literally 1984. Or who assert that corporate executives are thrilled to destroy the planet. Do you think these people have an accurate model of the world?

Do you think it's possible that one ideology could be more long term stable than another one, or are they all perfect mirrors or one another?

Acting like and trying is the difference between malevolence and incompetence or apathy.

I don’t think most leftists are destroying society on purpose, I just think that they’re too lazy of horrified to think through to the conclusions of the policies that they support.

But then there are some large leftist groups who say things like that their goal is to “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”, and I’m not really sure what to do other than take those groups at their word.

A poster here recommended a book to us all called “Introduction to Christianity”, by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (who would go on to become Pope Benedict XVI) a few weeks ago. I recently got a copy of it.

I wanted to share with you all the first few paragraphs from the book, because I found them very interesting:

Anyone who tries today to talk about the question of Christian faith in the presence of people who are not thoroughly at home with ecclesiastical language and thought (whether by vocation or by convention) soon comes to sense the alien -and alienating- nature of such an enterprise. He will probably soon have the feeling that his position is only too well summed up in Kierkegaard's famous story of the clown and the burning village, an allegory taken up again recently by Harvey Cox in his book The Secular City. According to this story, a traveling circus in Denmark caught fire. The manager thereupon sent the clown, who was already dressed and made up for the performance, into the neighboring village to fetch help, especially as there was a danger that the fire would spread across the fields of dry stubble and engulf the village itself. The clown hurried into the village and requested the inhabitants to come as quickly as possible to the blazing circus and help to put the fire out. But the villagers took the clown's shouts simply for an excellent piece of advertising, meant to attract as many people as possible to the performance; they applauded the clown and laughed till they cried.

The clown felt more like weeping than laughing; he tried in vain to get people to be serious, to make it clear to them that this was no stunt, that he was not pretending but was in bitter earnest, that there really was a fire. His supplications only increased the laughter; people thought he was playing his part splendidly--until finally the fire did engulf the village; it was too late for help, and both circus and village were burned to the ground.

I’m sure we’ve all felt like that clown at some point or another. Especially with regards to ideas like “just kids on college campuses”.

Here’s a quote, this one from Saint Anthony The Great, one of The Desert Fathers (Early Christian precursors to Christian monks who lived in Egypt in about 300AD).

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, ‘You are mad; you are not like us.’”

Anyway I think the relevance to the culture war is obvious here, and could be taken any of many directions. I just read this today and wanted to share. To pull on one culture war thread (perhaps one of the oldest culture war) it is profoundly depressing to me that these parts of our history, especially the history of The Catholic Church, seem to be suppressed or at the very least ignore in modern western society.


I’m on mobile, but can try to explain what I mean.

I have a lot of lefty new age, yoga instructing, Bali visiting, “I’m spiritual but not religious” saying, “Buddhism is more of a philosophy” claiming friends.

These people are hungry for something. The age and mysticism of stuff like their misunderstanding of eastern philosophy, is attractive to them because it seems to carry so much weight.

Meanwhile in almost every single town or neighborhood in America, there is a Catholic Church. The church has 2000 years of philosophy to pull on, as well as the most moving art that humanity has ever produced. People associate “meditation” with eastern philosophy, not knowing that their is an equally old tradition of meditation and mindfulness happening in that goofy building with the cross in it.

Not only is the spirituality, the history, the art, the philosophy, etc all there, but all of that philosophy and tradition is what we used to build the modern world. That Church is welcoming people to come into it ever day, or at least every Sunday, and people just…don’t. They don’t even bother to look.

I’m irritated that we have allowed Catholicism to become primarily associated with goofy people in hats, abusive priests, and ugly boring buildings. Im basically just retreading the frustration people have with Vatican 2.

The second thing is that my heart breaks for Protestants. The people attending these awful mega churches and weird youth group pastor things are being deprived of something I think is truly beautiful, and they’re essentially being taken advantage of by people who have a 500 year old hatred of the church. I think Protestants are more than happy to simply lie about Catholicism to maintain this grudge.

A Catholic is warning you that the society is collapsing. You don’t take them seriously or listen to any of their reasoning because you see them as a clown and ignore anything beyond the clown.

A mottizan is warning you that you this stuff is not going to remain as just a few kooky kids on college campuses. You ignore the them because you see them as a clown, and ignore the substance of what they are saying because you don’t see anything behind the clown.