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User ID: 937



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User ID: 937

Worldnews is more interested in bullshit and propaganda than predictions.

He hasn't been particularly active recently.

What's the economic cost of torturing 100 disabled, net-cost people? If it's second-order effects of normalizing such practices, good luck reasoning about a concrete number...

That's true in general but not here I think. Other 'good' series usually manage to maintain great scriptwriting, for example Sopranos, Breaking Bad, etc. Bad scriptwriting is the default starting position, but series that start good and are intended to be good really do require special circumstances to go down the drain.

We know what caused the GoT fiasco (lack of source material, producers wanted out, extremely long and built careers which caused pressure to move on). Those are the conditions.

Imagine working your ass off, being in that top 0 point whatever percent of the population that could ever be CEO of anything... And then sleeping with some woman your age. It sounds almost autistic: he didn't get the message (that sexual access is one of the main components of the payoff for male success).

I'm not saying sleep with your intern. Or never have a serious relationship. Just that the opportunities and expectations are different for different classes of people.

I don't understand your point. Leftists would probably agree that these days white supremacy and patriarchy are instantiated through socioeconomic effects and networking effects.

I'm guessing because avoiding these pitfalls is politician 101. They're not actually having a debate up there, Trump doesn't have to answer the question he can weasel out somehow, and Dems know it. This is more useful for actual debates where opponenets are trying to convince each other or the audience, i.e. they answer questions more or less honestly

Influence ops are definitely a thing. Your point may just as well be made to argue that they are easier to implement than one may think. I've seen a convincing paper analyzing twitter bot activity in influence ops around the war in Ukraine recently: https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.07038

Plenty of sf classics were written by leftists though? Gibson, arguably the father of cyberpunk, is even woke now.

I'm not even sure what baseline you could pick that would make your proposition true. Straight white men are already a pretty unwoke demo.

But I don't know the numbers, you may be right that conservatives are very overrepresented in sf classics.

Nah single thread is better, I can mindlessly scroll through dozens of different topics without opening new links