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User ID: 1855



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User ID: 1855

some men who are perfectly capable of finding a willing partner still enjoy the feeling of control over an unwilling one. And someone whose entire brand is money, power, and bitches might easily be the sort who considers "consent" an optional and/or silly concept.

I think a plausible story of Tate raping people is a story much closer to Sam Brinton - a guy with a weird unstoppable compulsion.

But that compulsion doesn't sound at all like Tate's public persona from what little I've read. Tate's persona seems to be "[they] sit there and drink all your drinks and play with your d*ck, go to your house and suck your d*ck". That's not a story of forcing women at all, that's a story of being so cool and socially accepted that women want to have sex with you.

That latter motivation also fits a similar story of him having a harem of women doing onlyfans to enrich him.

While I admit I am a wog by birth, I consider myself to be a trans white man who aligns with 100% WN.

Given their archaic phrasing, I'm surprised they didn't also track the use of "h**t" and "w*h" to suggest that internet sexism also increased post Musk.

Since you can't fuck a kid without getting into trouble, and you can't have porn of real kids being really fucked without getting in trouble, you're settling for the next best thing.

You can't tie up a non-consenting woman up and have sex with her, so therefore doing the same to a consenting woman who is pretending to be non-consenting is settling for the next best thing (and must be illegal or wrong). Spot the flaw?

re: my regex having lots of false positives, that's fine. You go to the bottom anyway. There's no shortage of people to populate the top of the replies to Tom Cruise and Drake.

I stand corrected on what western anime nerds like.

I'm sure it is during the brief periods (presidential elections) when a spectacle is happening.

From what I recall of advertising analytics I've done in the past, it's even less profitable than the engagement numbers might suggest. Kellogs doesn't exactly love having Frosted Flakes associated with "Trump is the most raaaaacist guy ever", "Lock Her Up" or even "thousands dead in Somalia" and "plane crash" - it's just a negative mental association.

Tom Cruise, Aguilera and "Happy Hannukah" don't have this problem.

Literate programming is also executable.

Take any jupyter notebook, click "restart run all" and it re-executes the code cells.

I literally gave a principle a few comments up that lets me determine whether it's locals enlisting outsiders. I can't think of any cases where that principle fails to reproduce leftist views, though I can think of one edge case (and a fix, simply using the term "adjacent" as modern leftists do).


Why do you feel the need to misrepresent what I said?

Probably deservedly so, but then also projecting some of that hatred onto contemporary Muslims who don't really deserve any of it.

Mughals - warlords who steal lots of stuff to buy luxury items.

Contemporary Indian Muslims - owner-operators of bakeries and non-veg restaurants.

If we're comparing the tyranny of the two empires,

We aren't, we're disputing the definition of "colonialism".

To be fair, positive effects of the British Empire are probably more noticeable now due to the fact that it was much more recent.

Not that much more recent. The British arrived in India about 80 years after the Mughals, 1610 or so. They built factories.

By 1781 they were building schools cause literacy was profitable. In 1837 the postal service was founded. By 1855 India had a telegraph system. The Mughal empire ended in 1857. All throughout this time they were creating new lines of business, for both domestic and foreign consumption - e.g. widespread chai cultivation.

What did the Mughals do during the time period of overlap? Keep in mind that they were far richer and more numerous than the British, particularly early on.

It's a bit different for the British Raj in that famines under the Raj were almost always direct consequences of the actions taken by the Raj's government,

"Carts belonging to banjaras (carriers) transporting grain from the more productive regions of Malwa were intercepted and supplies diverted to feed Shah Jahan’s [Mughal Emperor] royal army in Burhanpur, who were fighting territorial wars in the Deccan (southern) provinces." - Peter Mundy, a firsthand observer

Not so different. Here's another, this time caused by a combination of bad years plus Maratha armies devastating all the cropland on their way to Mysore: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doji_bara_famine

That's the story of most famines around the world, at least since the early modern period - bad weather combined with bad policies, e.g. looting grain carts and trampling fields.

As for the Mughals, I didn't say they were less "oppressive" and I'm not sure what you mean by that. I said they were terrible.

They are generally accepted to have average tax rates on the poor of approximately 50%. That's a lot of money going into state coffers and significantly exceeded other empires, including the British. Where did the money go? Traveling as a tourist shows us many opulent palaces and tombs built by the Mughals, and history books also tell us of the opulence of their courts. History books also tell us of their many wars.

Put aside the historical romanticism - that's a story of warlords looting a nation, building very little, and spending the proceeds on luxuries for themselves. And it still wasn't enough - Shah Jahan's fundamental problem was that money spent on luxuries for the rulers was growing faster than the economy, and his empire was so corrupt that he couldn't stop it. Slapping a rainbow flag with a brown stripe on top of this - I mean a "we love hindus too" flag - doesn't change it. (Yes, I'm throwing in a western culture war reference since America is waking up soon.)

The British did not have that problem. Their stated goal, which they do seem to have acted on, was to grow the economy of India faster than the fraction they extracted. Kill the thuggees because the hurt trade. The Nizams of Hyderabad, with whom they were closely aligned, felt similarly. Hyderabad became so rich that India eventually conquered them to capture that wealth.

And if you travel to Bombay as a tourist you see this. There is no British palace, but there is a a British train station. It's nice and you don't need to be royalty to use it.

I don't see much evidence the Marathas thought things through at that level - there is certainly no Maratha equivalent of John Stewart Mill writing essays for them - but at the same time their culture did not seem as corrupt as the Mughals.

Whether that happens via the application of gunboat diplomacy or not is at most an exacabatory factor. If Britain had signed sphere-of-influence treaties with the Princely States absent coercion,

To an extent this literally did happen to Hyderabad. I mean there was certainly violent coercion, but mostly from the Marathas - a voluntary alliance with the British worked well for them. But unfortunately the alliance led the Nizams to grow weak, and instead of building up an army they started building infrastructure and universities.

Hyderabad didn't lose self rule until it was colonized by India during Operation Polo in 1948.

I will suggest that much of what is happening there is invisible to you because you lack the context.

Consider a modern movie that takes place in the American civil war. There's a black character named Forge Lloyd who is totally not on drugs and just has a heart problem, never did any home invasions, and he's killed by pro-slavery police who stand on his back while he yells "I can't breath". And by the way, police were invented to enforce slavery in 1850's USA.

Lets have some flashbacks. Forge Lloyd's mom got pregnant, but no one can figure out who the daddy is, and she quietly admits to someone that she's never been with a man. Forge Lloyd then goes around preaching a message of love and equality. At some point he says he has a dream. Then he makes a thanksgiving dinner for 12 of his buddies, and his bro Jubas kisses him.

After the flashbacks we go back to 1850's USA, 3 days after his Forge Lloyd's death. We see a mysterious figure riding off into the sunset, :insert cinematography here: and it's Forge Lloyd.

Now imagine someone who doesn't know the story of the bible or the story of Forge Lloyd writes a review. He loves the pro-Hindutva messages in the movie, and thinks it makes good points about GST.

That's your review of RRR.

Note: I haven't seen the movie. It would not surprise me if the FX are video-game like, because that is the natural evolution of ordinary telugu cinema + modern CGI. That's telugu film vocabulary, and it's evidently not your thing. That's fine.

You might as well criticize Japanese anime for showing a character tasting some bad food, and then flashing to a scene where the character is being tentacle raped under the ocean. The viewer familiar with that vocabulary knows the tentacle rape isn't literal, it's a visual metaphor for how bad the food tastes. (Food Wars is excellent and you should watch it, BTW.)

But the new system can be weaponized too, as an example, harassing someone (within the bounds of the rules)

It is my belief that the rules of this site, as they exist, do not allow harassing people. Can you provide concrete examples of replies you consider to be "harassing" that are also within the bounds of the rules?

(I am of course aware that some leftists consider citing statistics that invalidate their arguments to be "harassment". But I think this is something we very much want to have happen here, and if someone chooses to block the people who prove them wrong, that speaks volumes about the quality of their comments.)

Consider someone making lots of detailed, high quality posts on Romanian politics and nothing else. I might block this user simply because I DGAF about Romanian politics, and there's just soooo much of it.

This could also be solved with "mute toplevel comments by this user but not replies to something I wrote".

I think there's a misunderstanding, that would absolutely work fine with the workaround I described. If B makes a reply to A, B would be unblocked for that entire thread from A. C replies to B, B can reply to C, or A, or D, anywhere in that thread.

Nope. A blocked B, and C replied to B. A did not reply to B, so B does not get unblocked for this conversation.

And you've still not solved the issue of "A few days later in a different thread" from my comment upthread.

I'm not much of a programmer, and I don't know how the site is built. I assume that the mods can get access to who has blocked whom, as they would need that anyway to know to apply the extra-civility rule. And I doubt if someone is seriously abusing the blocking that they would need a whole "statistical analysis" to find out, someone blocking everyone will show up with many more blocks than a normal user right?

When you try to actually implement "many more blocks than a normal user" in code, you'll quickly discover you are doing a statistical analysis. And you'll almost certainly discover that detecting patterns like this is far more complex than you think.

Lets actually roll with your example:

Does a story of a man repeatedly abusing and eventually murdering their young child move the needle for how you'll trust, hire, or promote other men?

Apparently it has, for professions where this is relevant. 89% of childcare workers are women and about 85% of elementary school teachers are. So it does appear that we, as a society, have decided that it's too risky to let men work around children.


This story discusses that the suspicion you describe is rampant.


I would be curious to see your studies which claim 1-5% of men do sexual crime. A quick google search suggests that about 1.5% of America has ever been in jail and about 1/10 of violent crime is rape. Assuming another 1.5% of America got away with a crime, all criminals are men, and everyone in jail is a violent criminal, that gets us a ballpark of (1.5% + 1.5%) x (10% of crime is rape) / (50% of america is men) = 0.6% of American men did a sex crime.



I don't know the specifics of how large Brinton's group is nor do I know the estimated number of sexual crimes they commit. But I think you're giving the OP quite a pass to use assumptions about a group that they probably couldn't name as justifications for discrimination.

Consider an experiment one might run:

  1. Allow gattsuru to select a person he considers central in this group.

  2. Put that person, along with 9 randomly selected other people of the same gender and race into a lineup.

  3. Me, an internet rando who believes he understands gattsuru's point, has to pick the person from (1) out of the lineup from (2).

With what odds do you think I'll get it wrong?

Your threat model is wrong. Here's the threat model:


Given the fact that the majority of purchases will be through the mobile app (i.e. most likely the same device receiving the 2FA code as the one signing in and ordering), it's quite useless, actually. This is on top of the fact that SIM-based 2FA is horrendous for being extremely susceptible to social engineering,

...Or it could be that people were phished to hand over not only their password but also the 2FA code for authentication...

Current attack: an attacker with 10k stolen CCs, 50%+ of which are already reported as stolen, and he's buying burritos to determine which ones are still live. This attacker is running a python script on his laptop and placing orders either with selenium in the browser or an android VM.

Effort: python test_on_chipotle.py todays_batch.csv

Reward: 5k valid CCs.

Your proposed new attack: make 10,000 phone calls to either T-Mobile/actual Chipotle customers, perhaps half of which will be successful in convincing the customer to hand over the OTP.

Effort: 10k cold calls

Reward: 2.5k valid CCs.

Even assuming the 10k cold calls are still worth the effort to the scammer (they probably aren't), chipotle has just cut phony orders in half.

It is difficult for me to put into words why "the kind of person who does public kink shows" automatically registers to my mind as "the kind of person who is likely unfit for public office at any level." I don't think that being into BDSM or dressing like a dog or even crossdressing is especially likely to correlate with being bad at making dispassionate policy decisions, or whatever else it takes to be a good public servant. But being quite loud and public...

Similarly, most defenders of this guy would probably object very strongly to giving the same job to someone like Andrew Tate. That would be true even if he had a degree in nuclear engineering or wrote 12 academic papers on the topic.

There's a very legit purpose here. No one is stealing burritos, but quite possibly Chipotle is seeing lots of CC fraud.

Suppose you have a bunch of stolen CCs, about 75% of which have already been reported stolen, and you plan to buy a bunch of x-boxes from Walmart with them. If you pickup an order placed online with card reported as stolen, you face the risk of Walmart calling the cops who walk out to the online order pickup parking and arrest you.

So what you do is before buying the x-box you want to test the credit card by making a low value/low suspicion purchase that you don't face the risk of arrest for. A burrito from a national chain (which you never pick up) works nicely.

This is a huge pain for chipotle. They pay penalties on the shady purchases and have the fraudulent transactions eventually clawed back (messing with cashflow). Also uneaten burritos aren't free to produce.

By requiring 2FA you make it costlier for scammers to play this game. (And "costlier" != "impossible". I know you can get a SIM card for $20 at the tmobile store, but now you've just made using a stolen card $20 more expensive and required the scammer to make an extra trip.)

What I was originally responding to:

My sense is that EA does not lack for scandals

I do not generally characterize "believes things different from me" as a scandal. I guess you disagree?

Sorry you're right, I misinterpreted your claim as actually asserting that CFAR/MIRI were doing something scandalous as opposed to merely claiming the media might invent something.

As a claim about the media, I agree. But if the media wants to hit someone, they don't need actual material - they already did that to polite white boys who defend themselves against violent criminals or who stand around doing nothing at all (all captured on video from multiple angles).

On the one hand this seems a bit misguided: if you're going to send death threats to someone, shouldn't it be a literal neo-Nazi,

Those are pretty hard to find. And once you actually do it, you're mostly just punching a homeless guy who can't do anything without an FBI informant holding his hand through the process.