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joined 2022 September 05 04:08:25 UTC


User ID: 432



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 04:08:25 UTC


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User ID: 432

People don't receive their beliefs as propositional statements, they receive them as unspoken background assumptions in other messages, and reinforcement by approval/disapproval from peers. You've misunderstood how minds are changed. Moldbug doesn't change anyone's mind either, not even the super smarties you believe can understand him.

I too am a professional software guy and nerd-from-birth much like yourself, and I basically agree with the emotional thrust of the Kriss piece. I'm not sure why you think his attitude comes from ignorance of how things work; you simply assert this as being self evident. I've been helping to build the shit machine for the past 20 years and I can see quite clearly what I've done.

You can't justify morality by appealing to morality, so what basis is left beyond aesthetics?

torture for them to be forced to collaborate with relatively shitty programmers

This is mostly because we want them to notice our brilliant optimizations and beautiful abstractions in PR review, and decorate our PR with :thumbsup: and :+100: and :sunglasses: emojis. But it all just goes past them and they Approve without comment.

making someone uninterested do those things will make them good

Someone who is uninterested will never become good anyway, so you might as well encourage them to do these things and find out if they are or not. I have worked 25 years in this industry and never met a developer I respected who was not in love with it.

I'm kinda wishing for a long deep recession that culls those with a disconnection from the nature of reality.

Oh me too. I just hope I don't find out I was one of them.