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I mean, they don't have a vitriolic hatred for Bush sr.

That could be true. I honestly don't even know enough about him and his term to say one way or the other. I may not know enough about him either because he was just bland and forgettable, or maybe because the left didn't hate him as much. Or maybe the left didn't hate him as much because he was bland and forgettable?

Ah, yeah, I guess. Sorry! I wasn't really thinking about it on that level, just expressing my thoughts/frustrations.

You may be right, I'm not certain. Is there an explanation for Reagan?

Also, if you are right, then my next worry is that to get elected as a Republican anymore, you basically actually have to be as erratic as Trump! If that's the case, then I worry about whether things will ever stop moving left as fast as they are today.

From my position as a moderately liberal griller this sounds like exactly what the right did after Trump lost: whining about stolen elections, utterly and embarrassingly paralyzing Congress, leading half the country into a fact-free conspiracy fantasy land, and so on.

I don't have much comment about how the right is handling this, probably because I live in a very progressive area. If the right whines about things, I don't hear about it, and I don't get bothered by it. Quite frankly, I hold the left to higher standards than the right, and I think that the left should be above such behavior.

?? Biden has been extremely moderate and a bunch of far left cultural elements seem to be coming to heel. What’s going on in the movie you’re watching?

I didn't say anything about Biden, I was talking about how Trump's presidency played out.

That's been covered before on this forum. I think people have said it ended up being a toxoplasmosis thing where people reacted to other people's reactions, resulting in a bit of a flip flop.

For example, we saw a lot of leftists covering covid from the angle of "we need to do something because this illness will hit the most needy of our population the worst, like black people". And for what it's worth, conservatives might have felt that covid wasn't close enough to zombie apocalypse level, because it is such a minor illness compared to even other things like polio. They might have felt it was annoying that the left was overreacting.

Last year a headline proclaiming “most young men are single. Most young women are not.” went viral. Specifically, GSS data showed that 63% of young men reported themselves as single while only 34% of young women did. This was of course immediately seized upon as proof that a huge proportion of girls are in “chad harems.” Since nobody bothers to read beyond a sensationalist headline, not many dug deep enough to discover that this proportion has been roughly the same for over thirty years, so if the chadopoly is real, it’s been going on for a long time.

Not sure I'm following. If the claim is that the sexual revolution made the chadopoly worse, why does the fact that it's been the same for over 30 years refute this? Examining the period from 1986 does nothing for this, either way you look at it. We'd have to examine the rates over the period from like 1950 through 1990 or something, because that's when the sexual revolution happened, so you'd have a before rate and an after rate.

I started following Shoeonhead in maybe 2015 or 2016, and I haven't followed her since like 2018, but even back then she seems like she was all about the based takes, mostly ridiculing leftists. When did you know her as a socialist? Was it before I started following her, or after I stopped following her? She started dating Armored Skeptic (whom I'm guessing you're referring to) during the time I was following her and also got engaged to him, but she seemed pretty anti-woke to me before that happened as well.

I mean obviously ‘they can’t do it, so mandate they do’ won’t fix… anything. But it’s not a mystery why there’s suddenly a lack of nurses in nursing homes.

I'm not following. What's the reason there's suddenly a lack of nurses in nursing homes?

admit to yourself that you actually have first order principles

Which would be what, exactly?

Well, I guess if they factored the fact that everyone has to manage their own life into the equation, and devoted some time to that, too. Or at least commuting time. 7 hours of work, 7 hours of recreation, 1 hour commuting, 1 hour dealing with other shit, and 8 hours sleep. Or something.

I definitely don't disagree that he should not have gone into Iraq, and probably not Afghanistan, too. Uhh, I was responding in the car and maybe I got your post mixed up with another one at a similar time, also about Bush and how he responded to 9/11, when I said it was more academic.

Oh yeah, you should also check out I am the Walrus and Tomorrow Never Knows. Those would be like if Revolution 9 tried to be a little more like music.

Hah, I feel the same way, people online with half my YOE who are ostensibly near me are reporting that they getting my salary! But still, from all my experience, your salary seems really low for someone who's not entry level. Location could have to do with it, how big your tech company is could have to do with it, whether or not you're pushing for higher salaries could have to do with it, and also sub-field and specialization could have to do with it.

That's funny you should bring this up. I just happened to randomly watch this last week: https://youtube.com/watch?v=z4GYo1N5knA

I'm not sure. Why did @ulyssessword bring up net present value into a conversation to contradict @f3zinker talking about the future value of what $10M would be worth in 7 years?

I've heard of Bluey, but haven't watched it. Kids are slightly too young.

Ad blocking on a streaming site seems less like stealing to me than what the "you wouldn't steal a car" campaign was targeting. In the streaming ad-block case, you're just finding clever ways around certain aspects of the APIs/functionality that they're already putting forth. In the downloading movie case, those movies were never supposed to be put up for distribution on the pirating sites to begin with.

On the hosting side there's an army of programmers hell-bent on increasing engagement and ad revenue at any and all cost, from UI changes (removing the dislike button

I still don't understand why they removed the dislike button. Isn't it going to help to serve people better content overall, and thus keep them around the platform longer, if people can downvote bad content? The only reason I could see for them removing the dislike button is if people were using it for what Google would consider to be "hateful" or "harassment", which of course Google is likely usually trying to crack down on to promote a general "we're not the bad guy" image that comes from seeming outwardly progressive.

What are the concrete reasons why someone would want to use a 3P client instead of just the normal Reddit app or website?

The movie still works if both Malcom and Cole don't know he's dead. I don't see why the movie should hinge on Cole knowing anything about Malcom being dead or not.


I don't know, I thought he was implying that my first principles were just that I'm conservative and I hate the other side or something, which is not true. I think my values in many ways don't really simplify down to first order principles, depending on what you mean by that. They really are meta level. I am against self-righteousness and people who are so sure of their own convictions that they become bad people themselves. That really seems second order, not first.

I don't trust Beato. I've caught him demonstrating he doesn't know anything on more than one occasion.

I'm just asking for specifics. Keep it specific to what power and responsibility a project manager would have or want. Or not want, and have forced upon them.