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I have no idea where they actually live.

20 people to a three bedroom trailer.

The secret side effect of high housing costs is extreme crowding in lower income households. They need the income from renting out bedrooms to keep paying their own way. And people can’t afford their own place, so they rent rooms, often to share.

I’ve seen people on here wondering how low functioning but not actually dangerous people can be homeless; don’t their extended families take care of them? There’s no room, quite literally, in these households. Couches are being crashed on by someone who can contribute, or a more sympathetic dependent. Bedrooms are rented out for the cost of apartments in more normal cities. You don’t see the same scenes in place like houston where housing costs are more reasonable, because low income households can accommodate people like that.

[2]: Yes cjet as you say every single time anybody complains about this topic there is no length requirement. And yet: yes there is.

There is no requirement for belisarius-level textwalls. You need a paragraph of thine own for each top level post or spicy hot take. That’s a perfectly doable standard and 90% of contributions which don’t rise to it are ones we’re better off without.

Germany has multiple major cities and holland seems to have at least two.

The vaccines are shitty and untested. But that’s also all they are. They aren’t some depopulation conspiracy; they were rolled out among the elderly first, after all.

I mean I also know lots of people who had babies after getting them.

What is it with spicy race rambling as top level posts today?

OK. On to the contribution. Passport bros are not primarily a reaction to the shortcomings of western women. They're a reaction to the brokenness of western dating markets, where some fraction of people- both male and female, simply cannot find a reasonable match for structural factors. In an ideal world these people would be matched up together because, and I repeat myself, femcels are a thing. This is not an overwhelmingly male group and in an ideal world the redpillers and female dating strategy crowd would get over themselves and find their way together. Alas, we do not live in an ideal world, and neither do the denizens of the third world, who find the USA irresistible.

Nor does it surprise me that redpillers are much blacker than average; gender relations seem much worse in the black community and redpilling is much more common as a reaction to broken down gender relations than it is to endogenously hating women.

Black men, due to higher muscularity, higher extroversion, and other “traits”, are viewed as the most masculine of the races. This bears out in interracial dating statistics where BMWF couples (excuse the porn-inspired abbreviation—it’s just efficient and I don’t feel like reinventing the wheel here) are well over-represented compared to WMBF couples who are under-represented.

Except this is partly just because no one likes black women very much, including black men. Either as attractive in themselves('men do not find African features attractive' is a statement at least as true as 'men don't like fatties' and 'men prefer younger women'), nor for their stereotypes(nobody is going to describe their ideal woman as bossy, demanding, and lazy. Precious few will describe her as strong and sassy, either, if you're trying for more positive stereotypes), nor for their individual characteristics which tend towards obesity, single motherhood, etc.

It will be interesting to see if this trend spreads to White America or if it stays confined to Tiktok and Black Twitter.

White men with Mexican wives are everywhere. White men with filipina wives are almost as common. It's not like no one knows this one weird trick. Whites just bluntly refer to mail order brides(or 'Russian brides') instead of using terms like passport bro.

That’s what I thought you meant and that’s what I replied to.

I think you're actually wrong there- whites are on average more physically imposing and have more facial hair, musculature, etc. I think you're also grossly oversimplifying the domestication process; the gene most associated with domestication is a thing that occasionally occurs in humans and causes williams syndrome, a rare developmental disorder. Insofar as animal intelligence can be measured, dogs are dumber than wolves, cattle and sheep are dumber than aurochs and mouflon, etc, etc- the opposite of whites and asians vs blacks.

Whites and Asians having more domesticated traits also needs a causative mechanism which doesn't run into obvious flaws- eg complex civilization as a domesticating force doesn't account for the middle east today.

Selection pressures on humans within historic times are interesting to talk about. But, I think domestication is definitely the wrong approach.

Desantis and Abbott are probably fairly uncommon political talents, just like Obama was and Trump is.

Blacks are on average shorter and less muscular than whites, but unusually big blacks are way overrepresented in football because 1) they hit puberty earlier, so they are legitimately bigger around the time when football starts separating into the actually-good-or-not tracks, and 2) their parents are more tolerant of them receiving injuries or compromising their educations to pursue athletics.

Nor is the situation uniquely dire for the right! Keep in mind previous acts of defying the Feds have ended with the 101st Airborne deployed to high school.

Rumors from within DHS tells me that the federal government couldn't find anyone willing to go against the Texas state government during the border brouhaha. There's a decent chance of the federal government simply lacking a monopoly on force these days.

A relative of mine by marriage works for a bank. He has a banker in his office who doesn't show up to work on Fridays, and upon inquiring why, was informed that this particular banker takes potential clients fishing in his boat instead of going to the office on Fridays, and routinely signs on million dollar accounts by doing so. One has to imagine there are few women on these trips, even for the small business owner world(which realistically most million dollar bank accounts belong to).

All male environs seem conducive to serious business.

As for hunting, hunting trips might be elite display or largess towards poorer male comrades(such as employees or less successful relatives) as often as they are an opportunity for networking among social equals. Exotic game ranches aside, the usual pattern is for one or a very small number of economically successful men(who are already close enough not to need networking amongst themselves) to buy a lease which relatives, longtime friends, employees, etc can use as well. I've not heard of business deals being cut on the deer lease in the same way as on a golf course.

Country clubs and golf courses in Texas(and probably most of the rest of the south, I’ve just no experience there) have ‘locker rooms’ which have comfy chairs and serve drinks.

I prefer my racial esoterica to revolve around Atlantis and the tower of babbel, but that was legitimately interesting

I mean, someone still has to report it.

So sometime between 1970-1980, depending on social circumstances. That was the cutoff point, I think.

There were actually two sexual revolutions. One just after WWI, where a greater degree of free choice, longer period of courtship, smaller age gaps, and other things we associate with the west as opposed to other cultures today became the norm, and a second one where people admitted to having fornicated.

For pre-first sexual Revolution courtships, read a little house on the prairie. One of the books is functionally the story of how it went down(I remember the story of my great-grandparents, who were on the very tail end of this system). A minority of conservative Christians want to bring the system back, but as any of them could tell you, it’s not working very well.

I did, to make fun of them both being a meme at the same time.

she is acting in accordance with her values

Considering I have a strong prior that the values of someone choosing to go by 'Bambie Thug' are to garner as much attention as possible at all times...

Of course, such vetting processes are also heavier on the upper end of societies. I am not sure how it was on the lower end: "This helot man has managed to survive for two decades without starving or being slaughtered or maimed by the Spartans, that makes him husband material?")

Obviously such things are pretty light in available sources, but both Ancient Rome(plays in this case) and the late 19th century had mass-consumption media that describes courting for the hoi polloi in those societies, and Christian moralists writing in the early modern period provide another window. They describe a system in which husbands were often much older than wives, the woman’s parents were very involved(it seems pretty clear that Laura’s father gives his approval for Almanzo to begin showing interest in her in Little House on the Prairie), and that economic factors and reputation were considered the most important things in a potential suitor. One has to imagine, given that fathers tend to love their daughters, that screening out potential abusers would have been taken seriously in societies where husbands had the right of corporal punishment over their wives, but it’s not the sort of thing you see in mass media.

Dog breeds are a bad genetic comparison for anything because so many of the genetic differences are driven by single genes, as opposed to a gene package like how heighth and IQ work.

And to note- there is a population control push ongoing in Africa, it’s not particularly working any better than anything else in that continent, but it’s definitely there and definitely a western liberal elite project, and the opponents to it are overwhelmingly conservatives who bemoan low western birthrates!

I have long said that the eurovision song contest needs to be imported to the USA. We need an outlet for regionalist jingoism and dumb arguing and snark. We need something to get politics notionally out of the news. I need another opportunity to insistently call Taylor Swift 'Travis Kelce's girlfriend' because football is more notable.

Fellow DFWite- you should rent it out. The DFW real estate market is absolutely brutal to transition from renting to owning in; I’m assuming this is a northwest Dallas location in Dallas ISD based on what you told me, which means your home should increase in value a lot if you hold on to it, giving you a massive head start when you and your future wife buy your forever home. A good property management company is a must, but your house is unlikely to sit vacant.

I’m not sure why you’re moving into an apartment when rents are absolutely insane right now. I will also caution you that the fun part of town(if you’re young I assume this is deep Ellum or maybe uptown) is much less fun to actually live in. I would advise you that living in your house is the best move, renting it out while living elsewhere is a distant second, and selling is a bad idea unless you’re moving out of town or buying another house immediately.

Unless there are indications to the contrary, I'm fairly convinced that the "they're pairing black men with white women!" complaints have quite a bit more to do with the complainers themselves remembering such pairings due to getting incensed about them than the ones other way around.

Seconding this one. Hollywood does not have a secret plot to destroy the white race. In fact, functionally all mainstream media with the message of ‘have kids even if you’re poor’ is de facto specifically aimed at white people, mostly as country music. The population control efforts usually pointed to as examples of TPTB trying to reduce the population were usually aimed at non-white people, often by literally being deployed in Africa.

We’re not that notable.

This is Dallas, self-management is a bad idea unless you’re plugged into a network that pre-vets people and have a lot of free time.