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The draft will never, ever happen. TPTB know that a draft which doesn’t exempt blacks will burn New York City and DC down simultaneously and a draft which does will result in widespread noncompliance and fragging.

I would expect enrollment at small Catholic colleges

They’re bankrupt and trads are scared of student loans. Right now the trend is against small Catholic colleges, who are shifting towards charismatic Catholics to make up for it.

Figuring out how to make adolescents bridge over into adulthood and the broken marriage market are top 5 problems in the tradcath world. These are not totally unrelated problems, obviously. But this isn’t Orthodox Judaism or Mormonism here where the community is astonishingly well run on a temporal level even if it’s not to everyone’s taste.

Abbott has practical political reasons for supporting Israel, he doesn’t need to be an evangelical for it. Most likely he converted to Catholicism under pressure from his wife(who is an IRL tradcath); he certainly seems less religious than she is and while going to a Christian church is necessary to be a successful republican politician at a high level, that church being evangelical is not; mainstream evangelical theology holds that religious Catholics have no reason to convert because the church is an invisible brotherhood of true believers in Jesus Christ and not a singular institution.

I'm rereading The Human Reach series by John Lumpkin. It's a hard sci-fi Tom Clancy in space series- the atomic rockets guy was illustrator and scientific/technical cosultant- and is at the very least interesting and engaging with no glaringly obvious scientific errors. Ships have heat radiators and space battleship tactics are cognizant of Newton's laws and the tyranny of the rocket equation instead of trying to do Midway or Trafalgar in space.

One thing I think it could benefit from is introducing an economic logic driving space travel and colonization. The series takes place in a world of continued relatively low fertility and tries to use national pride as the logic behind space colonization, which in turn necessitates trade, creating enough of an infrastructure to set space battles and spy stuff against. But it's hard not to notice that the great powers could easily just... not. Not build antimatter factories or fusion fuel production operations or engage in long range exploration. Indeed, it's lampshaded in the books themselves; two of the belligerents are specifically noted for their populations being too low to fill out colonies and the sheer expense of colonization and maintaining a space navy is readily apparent. Every benefit to the homeland is drawn from things based in Earth orbit and not beyond. It's not implausible that the US and Russia and the like would maintain a single colony for national pride, but maintaining multiple and then going to war to own more of them seems to require an explanation, which is lacking in the book.

You think America is going to be a single digit percent white? Or 80+% black?

If America’s population tripled entirely with sub Saharan migrants(and this is unlikely), we would still be as white as South Africa ever was- not as it is today. If America maintains its current trajectory we’ll be white plurality but minority for a long time, but without any increase in the black population.

he is advocating for the effective destruction of ethnic Europeans.

No he is not. There are numerous major(1 million plus) ethnic groups of north-western European descent who have fertility rates at replacement, and efforts to target or harm those ethnic groups are usually opposed by Musk.

So there’s corrupt, banal and incompetent, reasonable but unpopular, and crazy and evil as the three basic blocs.

It sounds like the ANC can caucus with the EFF/MK if they have to; can they caucus with the DA and friends?

And regarding cape independence, I’d be interested in hearing from people with specific knowledge- how much of it is just people with whatever agenda hitching it to complaints about poor national level governance? Texas nationalism is basically that- people with some not-gonna-happen agenda(goldbugs, Russophiles, etc) convince themselves that Texas independence would be their best shot at implementing their agenda, and generate interest off of the fact that everyone in Texas except partisan democrats thinks the state can govern itself better than the feds can. In South Africa’s case one can easily see the same process going on.

Korea doesn’t have the lowest fertility rate anywhere in the world right now, though, does it? I think Hong Kong and Macau at least are lower, and maybe Taiwan as well. And while SK is lower than the PRC, it’s not massively lower. Really east Asia just has really low fertility to the point where Japan is an outlier high TFR nation.

Pillarization is where individuals within a society live in separate worlds on ethnoreligious lines and was derived from the prewar situation in the Netherlands, where Catholics and the two kinds of Protestants lived extremely separate lives from each other with separate sports leagues, schools, newspapers, political parties, churches, etc. A more current example is probably Lebanon, where Maronites Shiites and Sunnis are functionally the government for their specific groups. Pillarization is a long term goal of a few very conservative Christians in the USA(that’s explicitly what gab is trying to enable) but doesn’t really have much mainstream support.

Balkanization usually refers to a country breaking up into smaller territorial units- like if Texas seceded.

I’ve never heard ‘fracturing’ used in a modern context but it’s a pretty good literal translation of a variety of terms used in the classical world to describe the transition from a democracy to an authoritarian regime- eg the collapse of the Roman republic was referred to as ‘fractio’ by the chroniclers of the day, and the Greek term for the same process is στασις, which means something like ‘standing apart’.

I think but I’m not sure that ‘siloing’ and ‘walled gardens’ are references to individual steps on the path to any of those things.

Ukrainian social norms are not particularly like those of the modern west; it’s a strong candidate for the most conservative social norms of any country with a Christian majority and this is apparent from interacting with old country Ukrainians in a way it is not with old country Mexicans or poles or whatever. The idea that Ukraine does not have at least some degree of actual patriarchy to go with women being exempted from the draft is not, it appears, particularly based on fact.

AFAICT, the modern democrats and their elite backers- the Kennedies very much included- really value having a team player(translation, not RFK jr) in command at the top, and prefer the predictable lower middling performance of an incompetent team player over having a wild card like Trump or RFK.

I mean let's be real here, RFK also can't win. But democrats are the party of status-quo predictability, managed decline included if necessary, and republicans are the party of out of left field high variance ideas. RFK might be on the left, but he's also definitely a supporter of variance ideas.

I mean, to be clear, quiverfullism was very much a fad in fundamentalist Protestantism and isn’t necessarily a better representation than the Amish. Most Protestants who agree with the core theological points don’t identify as quiverfull- iirc the duggars fall into the category of being quiverfull in belief and practice but strongly disidentifying with the movement.

I suspect that you’d need need to compare proxies and/or better organized representative groups to get data on the fundamentalist Christian lifestyle. Last time I saw any data on religious stay at home moms with 5+ children they were extremely happy and reported a high percent of their children in the same denomination. Selection effects galore, obviously, but the same can be said for self-described quiverfulls.

To be clear, if you are white and will be spending all day in the sun, rashguards, broad brimmed hats, and sun blocking sleeves are a very good idea even with sunscreen.

I’d have expected that prestige media shuts up because diversity statements make them mildly uncomfortable and conservative media crows because diversity statements are obviously dumb, and that a few lefty rags publish an angry op Ed every now and then but otherwise don’t focus on it because they’re distracted by Palestine protests.

That sounds like basically what happened.

The real issue with the tradcath marriage market is the missing step A- the social technology to force young people to take budding relationships very seriously and either call them off or get engaged in a quick timeframe is there. It works. It’s just, well, that requires a step A to get there and tradcath communities are extremely bad at that step A. I have yet to see a workable solution actually get implemented and it’s not as if there’s a single top down authority to make people adopt one.

It doesn’t seem like there’s an epidemic of bad marriages or whatever, tradcaths expect to have to make sacrifices to have a marriage work out and a preexisting framework for deciding who sacrifices what. That may not be perfectly fair, but it’s highly workable and intuitive.

That scenario isn’t really in the cards. Even an actual and not just threatened Texas secession probably doesn’t want to bring the south with it- Texas doesn’t want to be Germany and the Netherlands combined for a neocofederate EU. The rest of the south is largely nonproductive before the breakup of the hegemon causes a financial crash.

My suspicion is that Korea is just a sucky place due to their lifestyle and that places which are sucky for fixable-seeming reasons(Koreans could just not do the things that make them miserable if they could figure out the coordination problem) are drawn to radical and generally bad ideas. You used to see it a lot with communism; tsarist Russia was genuinely worse off than its neighbors even if everyone expected it to catch up eventually. I'd hazard a guess that Korea has built-in antibodies to communism for obvious neighbor-related reasons and that it has no such antibodies to feminism, allowing it to run wild into radical man-hating.

In other words, Korean gender wars are a side-effect of the same factors driving down the birth rate. And I've pointed out before that people don't have kids if they expect it to be a miserable experience all around which for Koreans is a very reasonable and grounded expectation. I like to compare to rednecks in America who absolutely love being parents and have a replacement fertility. My tribe's TFR advantage isn't because of our better family values, it's because we expect to actually like it(well, kind of- I'm talking about the broader red tribe here and not about tradcaths specifically, that TFR is probably due to conservative family values).

Don’t chew gum.

Actual historical monarchies had tons of useless parasites supported by the state, either directly or through corruption.

Everyone has some kind of bone to pick with porn, and except for social conservatives it’s usually not the sexual content.

Aside from chargeback theory, there’s intellectual property rights violations galore, ties to sex trafficking, age verification issues, etc.

Was Henry actually a loser, or was he a winner who happened to treat his women badly?

Tripling the population with sub Saharan Africans is a fantastical pie in the sky scenario that won’t happen and was intended to illustrate just how mathematically implausible South African demographics in the USA are.

I think I would stand out like a sore thumb in a group of motteizeans enough to be doxxable even if we don’t share our usernames.

Few of those black parents themselves provided the murder weapon for their kid, which is the relevant difference.

Because it’s unsexy and the governments that care the most also make it hard to build stuff.

Actually Texas-which builds stuff and has a lot of renewable energy and also has very bad geography for pumped water storage- has quite a bit of energy storage because demand on the electrical grid regularly exceeds production.