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I think you’re pointing out, correctly, that she’s going at it from the perspective of ‘this is how patriarchy works in goatfuckerstan’. It’s worth emphasizing for the audience- goatfuckerstani patriarchy is legitimately a worse deal for women than modern or historic Christian purity culture. Pagan primitives patriarchy is possibly an even worse deal.

It seems like eventually the college girls would learn to say things like "I want a romantic relationship, not a one night stand" and hold out against the "why's" with their experiences of disappointment?

It seems like they don’t do this because teenaged girls(which is what they are) aren’t capable of regulating their own emotions well enough to say no to a guy their interested in.

I've long had this theory that affirmative action in the corporate world matters much less than commonly thought, because it's aimed mostly at high-visibility roles and not at high-importance workhorse roles.

However, I recently had a friend, training to be an airline pilot(after ten years flying for the airforce, so this is policies and procedures and equipment familiarization on the company's dime, not flight school) tell me that his airline was trying to diversify the mechanics. I'm wondering if Motteizeans have additional anecdotes which can shed some light on the question. AFAIK there is no push to get more black women in water treatment or power plant operation, and obviously it's pretty bad if unqualified people are pilots and surgeons because of their skin color, but it seems relevant to whether people really believe this crap or if it's for appearances sake.

I think it’s because they don’t trust men to do what they say they’ll do. The feminist attack on Harrison butker- aimed at their own audience- wasn’t ‘you deserve a career’. It was an evidence free assertion that he beats his wife. A lot of the ‘why do women give up X to not be dependent on a man’ has an answer, and that answer is ‘they think a man will abuse them if they’re dependent, or otherwise not fulfill his side of the bargain because he thinks he can get away with it’. This belief may be neurotic and unfounded, but it’s hard to argue that it doesn’t exist and inform the behavior of a lot of very risk averse people.

I encourage you to go talk to the socially conservative housewives in whichever sect that practices female domesticity is easiest to access; they will tell you that their particular sect has figured out how to make men behave, but women out in the world have to go into the corporate world, poor things, because they can’t depend on their men.

Unironically, the best way to safeguard the white demographic cohort going forwards.

But manchin will probably not cooperate with replacing an assassinated justice, that’s a pretty big jump, and the core blue tribe has a widespread perception of the right being better at violence, so a big escalation like that is something they’re scared of.

he is advocating for the effective destruction of ethnic Europeans.

No he is not. There are numerous major(1 million plus) ethnic groups of north-western European descent who have fertility rates at replacement, and efforts to target or harm those ethnic groups are usually opposed by Musk.

China might also believe that they have a once-in-a-generation chance to use a major crisis to break America's assabiyah, which would push towards a Taiwan invasion in October.

Pieces of evidence they'd use to support that idea-

-Escalating internal tensions in the US. We know Chinese internal press, the ones for their literati, took a lot of notice of the Texas border square-off(which might be flaring up again). Provincial governors telling the federal government to pound sand and getting away with it is, most frequently, the death knell of state capacity(which the Chinese likely don't distinguish from cohesion). Of course Texas isn't a province and has always been a touch more jealous of on-paper states' rights that in other cases get ignored, but China has identified conservative-American resentment towards liberal policies pushed or enabled by the federal government as a major seam to break open American societal cohesion since the 80s, with America Against America. The Trump conviction will likely strengthen the idea among senior CCP analysts that liberal-conservative tensions in American society represent a major weakness which can be exploited to neutralize their main rival.

-The Ukraine war is controversial in American society, and the CCP might identify the unpopularity of helping Ukraine- and partisan split- as a key indicator that invading Taiwan is something they can get away with, and which would worsen American society's internal tensions rather than causing a rally around the flag effect.

-The best time this year for red China to attack Taiwan is, quite literally, a few weeks before the general election. This is a major political factor with unpredictable effects on the American response; if the CCP thinks they can sail around an aircraft carrier without engaging directly(and we can assume the PLAN has sufficient discipline to avoid starting a firefight with even very annoying American forces that aren't engaged in hostilities), then they probably anticipate being able to use the election to gum up any potential US response until Chinese troops have captured Taipei.

-Taiwan semiconductors is 1000% the most valuable thing on that island. Gaining control of it before America manages to establish its own alternative version gives China a crucial edge for however long it takes America to build its own version, and might be worth Japan's building a nuke.

And if there’s ever a demand for $6 trillion worth of platinum the same way as for sugar and tobacco, you’ll have a point.

Pretty much nobody thinks ‘kill the boer’ is a literal call for killing off the whites. The EFF’s platform is to dispossess white asset-holders, which university students are not.

There’s no specific breakdown of border patrol in NYC, but the border patrol is generally very red and so is the NYPD, which is probably the closest proxy.

In any case recent events point to the border patrol following Greg Abbott in the event of a constitutional crisis.

The same can be said, at that point, for the state of New York.

Trump’s preferred AG is literally Ken Paxton.

Suffice to say, if he’s re-elected, things could get interesting for democrats real fast.

Realistically, Ohio doesn't actually have anything to gain from keeping Biden off the ballot, and the Ohio republican party just wants to be dicks about it because they can. Biden has like, a single digit chance of winning Ohio. Whether Biden is technically on the ballot is therefore a minor paperwork issue that Ohio is making a big deal about because it's an opportunity for shitflinging.

That also means that Ohio keeping Biden off the ballot doesn't actually bring any greater likelihood of secession/major consequences. It might indicate that those consequences are more likely than previously thought, but it's not a rung on the escalation ladder.

The federal government lacks the state capacity it had in 1860.

Yes, the default niche for non-third world slavery in the 21st century, like actual slavery, is sex work. There's a few other niches where it hangs on, but they're niches. There's a few unfree domestic servants and a small number of unfree people working in sweatshops, but by and large the hondurans making sub-minimum wage in a meatpacking plant in a company town in deep rural areas chose to be there and could easily leave and get another shitty job if they want, and most of the indonesian children making sneakers are there because their parents want them their and not because their bosses force them to be. Yes these people face unfair labor practices, but it's not slavery- they choose to put up with it. Even the Bangladeshis in Qatar building world cup stadiums aren't really slaves; they're paid labor which gets a shitty deal by first world standards.

Prison labor is probably the largest category of unfree labor in the modern, even semideveloped world, and it doesn't make any economic sense, it just gives prisoners something to do other than fight each other and try to smuggle in drugs, and lets the rest of us feel better about making them be productive. Most heavy labor slavery is deep third world because machines just make more sense for the kinds of tasks that slaves can do.

I dunno that that's true. Brown immigrants vote D for transparently self-serving reasons, or occasionally machine politics, and not due to ideological affinity.

There's also plenty of eastern Europeans who would like to move here who would be willing to vote R. Current law just doesn't allow working class immigration except for illegal border crossers.

The borderers mostly fought for the union, actually- heavily borderer areas were more opposed to the confederacy.

It's certainly true that the average poor white in the south had some borderer blood, along with being descended from indentured servants, cavalier bastards and hangers-on, etc. But 100% borderer populations fought for the north.

One thing I would like to see explored in science fiction(maybe as a collaborative project somewhere) is a hard sci-fi future where early human colonization efforts led to speciation and the different species interacting with each other in the distant future after some kind of sea change in frequency of interactions.

Human trafficking is mostly aiming at sexual slavery, prison labor is horrendously economically inefficient and mostly exists because you have to do something with them rather than for the output, and sweatshops are mostly employing free people who can quit their job and go get a different, equally shitty one.

and tend to be fine with say black identity politics to a point.

Black Americans have been here longer than the ancestors of most white Americans(who are mostly Ellis Islanders) and are here to stay. For better or worse, a place for them has to exist in a USA unwilling to resort to genocide, and a reasonable amount of identity politics is a reasonable way to assure that.

That’s pretty normal for socially conservative cultures.

The original conviction was probably legally wrong due to Texas’s broad self-defense statutes, however.

Why don’t you marry her? Only a couple of years of seeing each other every few months, then she’ll I’m sure have a foot in the door to live in Scotland with you. Your family thinks it’s a good idea, her dad would definitely know if it isn’t. You should just go for it.

And- I’m going off the numbers gathered by Lyman stone so I don’t have them handy, I’m just remembering- nobody really likes it. 40% of women want to wait until they’re married, and a large majority of women want to meet each other’s families before sex. The percentage of women that like this system is likely negligible and men are mostly complaining about it.