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Running that sort of op might also just be to generate cohesion among the liberal party. Propaganda goes both ways.

To be clear, a lot of the stuff getting called ‘grooming’ does actually raise worrying grooming red flags- fostering secrets from a child’s parents is like thing #1 I was taught to watch out for when I took mandatory reporter training- even if the term is way overused. I was also unaware that Chris Rufo and libs of TikTok were Qanon.

I agree that there’s a better way to point that out, but culture war dynamics being what they are, it was going to go like ‘so you’re calling LGBT+ educators groomers!’ ‘Yes’ regardless of how well the initial critique was phrased.

A lot of these child drag events seem to be number four.

Sure, they’re tacky and not plausibly seductive, but everyone knows the context of throwing money at a dancer onstage, or what ‘it’s not gonna lick itself’ means. Well, except probably the child drag stars.

And having kids act out a simulacra of adult sexualization, even in a tacky and ritualized manner, should make us all uncomfortable.

I don’t have much difficulty wrapping my head around a Hispanic white.

I was unaware of the black women in sci-fi thing.

Chris Rufo is the activist behind the anti-CRT push in Virginia that arguably got Youngkin elected. He has also been majorly involved in pushing the groomer/radical trans activists in our schools thing.

I think what this leaves out is that productivity growth didn't stall- wage growth stalled while productivity continued to rise.

And Catholicism suffering from its own problems of being converged by the Zeitgeist would be, itself, an interesting top level post with some important recent happenings that I'm (vaguely)working on, but for a variety of reasons has less institutional ability to adopt the zeitgeist and less willingness to do so.

Selling access to your body would seem to describe surrogacy, possibly certain forms of modeling, organ sales, and paid blood/sperm/plasma/marrow donation as well as prostitution. And notably we put all of those things in a separate category from working at McDonald’s.

Hasidim are underrepresented among violent criminals, true, but their welfare use is the literal highest in the nation- in part because they refuse to undertake any secular education whatsoever and do not do any secular work.

I’m not saying ‘send cps into them, force their kids to attend public schools, break their culture wide open’, but we can easily stop paying the bills for their lifestyle and expect them to support themselves. I’m sure they have the wherewithal to support themselves at least to the extent of, say, rural Mississippi.

The FLDS practices statutory rape as a religious doctrine. They largely get away with this(although Texas has prosecuted a few of their leaders for not marrying their underaged baby mamas), and from a blue tribe perspective they’re fascist Christian microstate. From a red tribe perspective they’re an untrustworthy, heretical, and occasionally murderous cult.

The other major Mormon fundamentalist group, the apostolic United brethren, colours significantly more inside the lines and avoids underaged marriage.

Jewish ghettos and disenfranchisement has never, to my knowledge, happened in the USA the way it did in Europe. Open to being proven wrong, but I don’t think it has.

The hasidim are protected and accommodated largely for political purposes; ‘avoiding the appearance of bigotry’ has nothing to do with it. They live in high concentrations and vote as a block, that’s why.

To be clear, I don’t mind state resources going to catholic or Mormon or evangelical or Islamic schools separate from the local public school in large part because almost all catholic, evangelical, Mormon, and Islamic households have at least one working adult.

Generational welfare scammers shouldn’t get catered to by the state, even if it doesn’t cost any more than sending them to public schools. If I had my way, the kids of these communities would get bussed to inner city public schools with high percentages of households on welfare until the community boosted its male employment rate to match the surrounding community.

It seems like this misgendering thing is a confluence of liberal/progressive flaws- the inability to distinguish when a risk is trivial or easily mitigated by the one bearing it, unwillingness to acknowledge any individual responsibility, and complete centering of the individual will. It has predictable results.

To be fair, blacks are way more likely to be victims of a crime, so their rate of defensive gun uses is probably much higher than the general population.

I agree that there’s reason to be skeptical of the extremely high numbers of reported defensive gun uses, but we should probably assume black gun owners to be the demographic group with the single highest such rate.

Historically in the USA republicans were more supportive of Israel than the still pretty supportive of Israel democrats. Nowadays it seems like they’re mostly equal, but democrats feel guiltier about it, but the conspiracy theory/anti-establishment right walks the talk about Israel while the progressive left doesn’t.

In any case, younger and more minority voters are less supportive of Israel than older and whiter voters, which means that the democrats’ base likes Israel less than the GOP’s(and normie republicans very frequently believe that it would be inauspicious to back down on support for Israel). But make no mistake- it’s age and ethnicity that drives that, not partisanship. And it is not reflected in party leadership.

I want to highlight this comment because I move back and forth between a comfortably-well-above-replacement-fertility subculture and the mainstream USA- there is a tradeoff between women's rights/women's lib/gender equality/free gender roles and fertility rate. I do not see any possible way around that, either. If you have a 3.5 tfr then a good portion of women of childbearing age are either going to be pregnant or caring for small children at any given time, and it is simply not a rational economic decision for most women to prioritize their careers while having multiple children. And an individual woman who has four kids probably got started before she could get settled into a high status career where it would make sense to make careers a priority even with multiple kids. You can't generally trade off against that by asking the husband to make career sacrifices, either, for biological reasons.

Or it's that young couples mostly perceive themselves as failing this test.

  You can probably find research showing that most women want to stay at home, raise kids (maybe), and not work.

You can pretty easily find research that's significantly further on that side of the spectrum than the opposite. I don't know that you can find research indicating most women want full on 50's housewife gender roles.

The USA is different in part because of highly successful private enterprises with a right wing slant.

For the right to buy in to ‘right as moderator’ entails the left acknowledging that their ideas can sometimes fail for reasons beyond the usual lack of funding complaint, and the right to accept that past ideas they support came from the left.

This is not the political culture we see in the USA.

Dissidents under Stalin didn’t control two out of the three most populous provinces to the point of telling federal corruption investigations ‘no’.

A lot of the people identifying as trans seem to be deluded teenaged girls with no mental issues beyond depression and anxiety(that is, a severe case of ‘being a teenaged girl’) that isn’t helped by meddling in their hormones.

I’ve said before that I genuinely don’t know if trans activists are the majority of trans people, and I stand beside my claim that I don’t think anybody knows.

I mean, I do think a lot of the people making demands are just nutballs looking for an identity to cry oppression, and that not recognizing nutballs as nutballs is a very bad thing. But I’d shy away from saying that’s the majority of trans people.

The reasons the illiberal right is winning out over the libertarian aspect could probably fill a book, but suffice it to say that it would be seen by right wingers who made the switch as a reaction to liberals signaling they would do the same.

As for whether that process is complete, I’m not sure, and I don’t think it is, but Florida and Texas(which is much, much less ‘news visible’ due to the nature of its political system) are both much more willing to punish progressivism than they would have been in the past, and the two biggest red states set the trend for the party as a whole. And internationally Orbán and Duda are the models, it seems.

Cancel culture over the Iraq invasion definitely happened.