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Virginia is a blue state to begin with and it tends to swing away from the party in power, not towards it. They also have a weirdly timed election that would strongly benefit democrats if Trump wins in 2024 and IIRC Youngkin can't hold two consecutive terms.

Family connections bring actual literal benefits; it's probably better to be the lower earning partner in a couple than a higher earning single person. Like the whole thing about a housewife is that it's being a housewife meaning she's married; if a sufficient amount of relationship security is available then this is a rational decision, and given that divorce risk is not distributed equitably then many women- and I would estimate most who consider the stay at home mom route- should proceed under the assumption that they have sufficient relationship/family security to make the SAHM route a more rational decision.

And most adults are not that estranged from their parents, even in early young adulthood, nor do most marriages with a SAHM end in divorce. The median 'retired housewife' is happily married and posting instagram photos of her grandchildren, not alone and working at walmart to pay the bills.

I'm pretty sure American Jews vote left wing because the American right has a history of racial discrimination, which Jews pattern match to Nazism.

Secular urbanites, which is what most self identified Jews are in practice, vote left wing. Religious Jews either block vote as part of machine politics or vote republican.

What’s stopping trump from responding to that by declaring them all in a state of revolt and deputizing red state national guards to restore federal authority? Resistance libs already fever dream about that in their persecution porn; they won’t take a chance on Abbott and Desantis being de facto dictators for half the country, and if there’s already a constitutional crisis, well, alea iacta est.

Trump can definitely pardon himself, and his chances of firing jack smith are better than you think because at the end of the day he can always send law enforcement in to escort him out of the building if he gets ignored. Changing schedule F is probably one of trump’s first acts in office and the former Desantis staffer in charge of drafting that executive order will not leave that particular loophole in place.

The draft will never, ever happen. TPTB know that a draft which doesn’t exempt blacks will burn New York City and DC down simultaneously and a draft which does will result in widespread noncompliance and fragging.

White and mestizo citizens of Brazil are mostly productive. Brazil’s dysfunction is due to a very high black population(the USA’s is shrinking in relative terms) and institutional factors. We have better institutions and can function with a lower average IQ than we currently have because not everyone needs to be a doctor or an engineer.

Governor Abbott ran for election on being married to a Hispanic woman. He was actually the moderate pro-integration candidate; the accusations of him being a white supremacist mostly come from deranged blue tribers who would say that about anyone with an R next to their name.

And although he's definitely a conservative Catholic who converted because of his wife, he's not religiously orthodox enough to be a tradcath. My sources in the Austin Latin mass community note having seen his wife frequently at religious events, but never him, and he does things like visiting the wailing wall and defending plan b(the birth control) which are very not tradcath. That's not to say his wife's religious beliefs have no influence over his policies; they do; but Abbott is a politician at heart and willing to make the kinds of compromises with Catholic doctrine for political reasons that keep him from fully sharing them.

Agreed that right wing Hispanics are key to Texas' redness and that the idea of an emerging demographic majority turning Texas blue is fantasia, especially when the local democrats exist mostly to waste out of state donations on far-left vanity runs.

If you're going to college to get married, you need to look like you have your own ambitions. Pursuing a highly-educated mate just isn't a respectable goal for women anymore.

You can, in fact, combine the two- study education and 'need help' with your math homework in the engineering commons, you'll get that MRS degree in no time. It was what my grandfather recommended my sister to do, although she met a law student with a trust fund before she could execute that plan.

Grain fed is a misnomer- it’s actually grain finished- you’d go broke raising cattle from weaning on a grain diet. Ordinary grass fed steers are finished out on corn for a few weeks or months to cause rapid weight gain, which makes sense for farmers because they’re sold by the pound.

The omega 3:omega 6 ratio is different because the steers in question are obese at slaughter. The obesity makes the meat taste better and have a slightly better shelf life, which explains a big part of the popularity. Grass fed is more expensive in the USA in part because it’s aimed at a market which will pay more, and less because it’s a superior product.

Presumably because the backlash to an assassination would lead to Trump's successor getting elected in a blowout.

Ah, yes, 40's and 50's girlbosses are widely admired among the masses, the stereotypes of cats and alcoholism are signs of respect.

I think people Just Don't Like Middle Aged Women regardless of whether they're moms or not. Honestly I'm not sure middle aged men get the greatest shake either, although there's positive stereotypes slightly more often I suppose.

We don't have any socialists that I know of, but we've got some techo-optimist progressives. I think this is an expression of the IQ here; internet socialism seems like a phenomenon of just not understanding markets or capitalism, and techno-optimist progressivism has some of the same impulses towards utopianism and unlimited future progress, without the basic obvious factual errors and delusions.

We definitely have some prominent racists. And I'd definitely lean towards them being disaffected blue tribers- indeed, our white nationalist effort poster is explicitly so- but I'd dispute that far right wingers generally are opposed to being associated with guns, Jesus, casual homophobia, and beer-and-forklift-jousting blue collar America.

You can own a weapon. Attitudes towards recreational drug use are far more liberal. You have less concern over police brutality and the justice system needs a warrant to surveil you. You have far greater freedom of speech. You can hire and fire notionally who you please, and it’s easier to get a job because of it too. Religious freedom laws are much more comprehensive. If you are a parent, you are allowed much more latitude in deciding what is best for your child, even if not in agreement with the government.

Dandelions are a pioneer species, meaning they’re prolific breeders with high pollution resistance which spread easily and do best in disturbed environments.

Mowed lawns, roadsides, parks- these are disturbed environments exposed to the elements and with some level of pollution. That tends to suppress non-dandelion species more than dandelions, as well as make an inviting environment for dandelions. Where I live it’s common to have unmowed areas where bluebonnets are known to grow; the relative lack of disturbance for part of the year actually results in fewer dandelions.

The draft not working very well in Vietnam was why we got rid of it, though.

You can have broad based conscription(WWII), you can have hyper-limited conscription of ne’erdowells and people who opted in(GWOT featured a lot of troops who did not particularly want to be in the military), you can’t thread the needle.

Generally, things ran on Kafka's playbook with a side of hypocrisy.

Yes, I’d definitely gotten the impression of apartheid being a corrupt mess running off of cheap labor and limited central control of the state apparatus, which didn’t work as well as it’s thought to have. It’s nice to have that confirmed.

What I’d never heard was the description of it as being fundamentally bureaucratically arbitrary; most people who described living under the system- including one who was half Lebanese and I would have expected to suffer from bureaucratic probes into his racial classification- described the oppressive aspects as being aimed at other people- either blacks or dissident whites who couldn’t keep their heads down. I’m totally willing to believe it could be a problem for some people, though.

And BTW ‘Japanese are white but Chinese are colored’ and ‘Muslims are colored unless they’re Turks’ just seem like common sense to me, although I suppose that’s not the extent of racial arbitrariness.

Hlynka got permabanned.

Presumably, these are liberal women engaging in signaling by choosing the bear. I believe in real life, that is not the decision that would be made.

I propose a live experiment; put a lumberjack with his chainsaw on one end of a path in the woods, and a grizzly bear on the other. Put a woman halfway in between and see which way she runs. Run the experiment 1,000 times and I predict more than 900 of those times, she’ll pick the lumberjack.

An imperfect analogy already exists with commercial vehicles, where the company that owns them and their insurance company is held liable for any damages caused by the driver.

The usual demands are so high as to be called the ‘ghetto lottery’.

I did not enjoy my childhood, but school was at most a minor contributing factor to the suck.

I went to Catholic schools for 12 years. Education was generally very high quality, except for religion specific classes which varied from a grandma rambling about how daily mass is important to her all the way to a hippie introducing us to whatever woo and pop psychology seemed appropriate. This on more than one occasion included a guest lecture from an ancient astronaut theorist, but it more frequently was ‘sit in a circle and talk about what myers-brigs does in your faith life’. Plenty of teachers just gave a final essay(‘pick a sacrament’ ‘history lesson on X in the church’) and had us watch something unobjectionable(movies about saints were common) for half the semester, with a talk about considering the religious life sprinkled in.

My peers were a broad cross section of the population; the überreligious Catholics whose parents felt incompetent to homeschool were there, but generally eyepoppingly wealthy because tuition for that many kids ain’t cheap. There were ghetto kids recruited for sports, but most people were normal suburbanites who probably went to church but expected not to worry about it until next Sunday. I don’t recall bullying being a serious issue; certainly I heard about a case or two of it, but I never saw any. Rules were general enforced very strictly and behavior tended to be just a bit better as a result.

My parents were very involved in my schooling, and no other part of my life. Until I had a nervous breakdown resulting in hospitalization my senior year, my mother woke me up every night to scream about the need for higher grades. What my grades actually were did not affect this except for the possibility of them being used as evidence.

Desantis and Abbott are conservative a-listers, though.

Sure, but the country does need things from the red tribe- like being willing to join the army during a general shortage of blue collar male labor- that the red tribe can just withhold if they feel like they aren’t getting a fair shake.

A significant minority of women likely do not have this instinct or have it in a much weakened form. Through human and pre-human history women really haven't had that much of a choice on whether they bear children or not, so selection for enjoying motherhood is probably not as strong as you might think.

Children and especially babies require an immense amount of attention and in the premodern environment child mortality was extremely high. There was obviously a strong selection effect for women who enjoyed childcare because their children died less often from neglect.

Eh, it seems like most SJ types recognize a civil war puts them against the wall while a fascist regime takes power. There’s some resistance libs who crow about the military beating up gun owners but I don’t think they’re talking about a civil war. They have an insurrection in mind.