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joined 2022 September 04 20:00:27 UTC
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User ID: 128



6 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 04 20:00:27 UTC


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User ID: 128

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There’s a place for people dealing with life stressors insisting that right wing trad values are a major component of them not shooting themselves or OD’ing or just becoming an alcoholic.

I think the elephant in the living room is continental vs Anglosphere conservatism- in the Anglosphere conservatism is much more individualist/libertarian, whereas in the continent it tends to be more ‘on your own head be it if you insist on being weird’. One of those can pitch itself better to young voters looking for a leg up.

Evangelical interests need not factor in.

Abbott is not an evangelical anyways. He’s a Catholic.

Most of them are zionist to some extent, but I think in (for example) Abbott’s case, it’s more that there’s a very big ideological divide between the right and these progressive student protestors and this is a way to hurt the outgroup to the delight of the base

You’ve hit the nail on the head here. Abbott is as Zionist as is politically necessary, but he’s much more interested in an excuse to wield state power against left wingers, because it makes him look strong to his normie supporters.

Oh dear.

I encourage her to try the ‘fish are friends, not food, you’re actually a murderer’ line on someone fishing in the park. Just to show her what the actual likely reaction would be.

The pro-life movement has figured out that shrieking ‘you’re a murderer’ is not a successful tactic and they will push new members not to engage in it. The hardcore vegans have apparently not learnt this lesson.

And yet the conservative elites are mostly Catholic with a few Jews and almost no mainline protestants.

The claim comes from The Weirdest People in the World by Joseph Heinrich, in which he demonstrates

  1. Cultural change from genuine belief in the Christian God
  2. Catholic marriage law dissolving tribal and clan based social structures which led to the invention of capitalism
  3. Societal structures built by the Catholic Church spread innovations much more quickly than otherwise, supported iterative improvements in technology and lifestyle, and meaningfully reduced time preferences in European populations

The lack of theory of mind is truly something. The leading response to "I won't eat at a table where meat is served" is "so starve then" and the second leading response is "Then leave the table". In distant third is "So you want some of my brisket?" with "fine, it'll be vegetarian this time, but you're an asshole and I'm eating double steak tomorrow" trailing it by a good margin. "Well, I guess I'll reduce or eliminate my meat consumption" is lizardman's constant.