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Idle courtiers- and military reserves who in practice just steal the budget- took up a much larger fraction of a state’s resources in 1700 than the welfare class does today, unless you’re counting pensioners. And, of course, today’s monarchies spend gobs on welfare compared to their normal dictatorship neighbors, or to democracies.

I know a trad-Cath civil engineer who hates suburbs, and argues that instead of the "white flight" retreat that drove their growth and "urban decay," whites should have defended the inner city by "just shoot[ing] all the n*****s."

This is probably because he, like most IRL tradcaths, believes commie-coddler powers that be engineered the civil rights movement to direct the worst of the white flight generating violence against Catholic neighborhoods in an effort to break the cultural power of Catholicism(on the upswing in the 50’s and early 60’s due to very high fertility rates and strong group identity), not because he literally believes blacks should be exterminated.

Twitterati edgelords are on a whole other level; being a Christian reactionary myself I'm well aware that politically incorrect racial attitudes are common in the community. But going on unbidden rants on the subject doesn't seem particularly common, nor does unqualified praise for Hitler or support for ethnic cleansing or population control.

I have never met a mentally OK enough to be basically functional tradcath who believed Jews ought be exterminated(and I have met a lot of tradcaths, including many who voice politically incorrect ideas and strong antisemitism quite freely), but I have no trouble believing you’ve found one- you wouldn’t be the only friendly or neutral observer who claims to have. I admit to being curious as to his attitude towards converts from Judaism, who would be ethnically Jewish but not religiously.

I recall, particularly, a traditional Catholic priest who once told me that bishop Williamson was of course right about the Holocaust, but he shouldn’t be allowed to say it because he doesn’t believe it would have been a tragedy if it had happened. Even if not exactly mainstream within traditional Catholicism, I don’t harbor delusions of bishop Williamson being one of a kind.

Actual historical monarchies had tons of useless parasites supported by the state, either directly or through corruption.

This is Ukraine. The gender studies grants will be stolen. I mean, probably a lot of the grants for normal stuff will be stolen, but Ukrainian elites are smart enough to get that the gender studies grants are ones that no one will even notice if it's all stolen because it doesn't do anything.

In the 80’s? The days of the moral majority? Opposition to the sexual Revolution was if anything more mainstream than today.

And yet the conservative elites are mostly Catholic with a few Jews and almost no mainline protestants.

Ukrainian social norms are not particularly like those of the modern west; it’s a strong candidate for the most conservative social norms of any country with a Christian majority and this is apparent from interacting with old country Ukrainians in a way it is not with old country Mexicans or poles or whatever. The idea that Ukraine does not have at least some degree of actual patriarchy to go with women being exempted from the draft is not, it appears, particularly based on fact.

I think your aunt is picking up on the quite reasonable to point out fact that a CPA(or anyone else who uses a spreadsheet to make decisions) with dictatorial powers would make better object-level decisions for the organization than the current pope and most of his appointees. And what that's missing is, of course, the enormous amount of internal politicking going on where individual and group actors within the Catholic Church might have conditions which benefit themselves which are drastically different from benefit to the Church(the organization) as a whole, along with lots of true believers in the spiritual side of things making decisions off of what amounts to pure ideology, plus bog standard corruption.

I suspect that this is a very generally applicable and that it explains lots of jewlumminati-type conspiracy theories; organizations can easily become irrational actors.

Is Ben Carson higher functioning than the average rabbi? Seems entirely plausible.

The claim comes from The Weirdest People in the World by Joseph Heinrich, in which he demonstrates

  1. Cultural change from genuine belief in the Christian God
  2. Catholic marriage law dissolving tribal and clan based social structures which led to the invention of capitalism
  3. Societal structures built by the Catholic Church spread innovations much more quickly than otherwise, supported iterative improvements in technology and lifestyle, and meaningfully reduced time preferences in European populations

I'm aware that most pagans are into hippie nonsense, not racist nonsense, and that even most pagans with conservative tendencies are not particularly racist- the radical esoteric traditionalist crowd is truly fringe of the fringe- but if we're talking specifically about radical esoteric traditionalists, well, they're truly extremists and I suspect have a large fraction which just Does Not Play Well With Others, same as any other frighteningly extreme fringe of the fringe group.

The median pagan just wants to do drugs, and maybe sleep with some rebellious hippy chicks. Most racist pagans are in prison gangs. The 'ethno-conscious paganism as an ideological choice' thing is a small enough group that it's worth asking why people who claim to want reactionary social norms don't join the much larger communities which offer much more reactionary than average social norms which actually exist.

To be even more clear, the Catholic and Orthodox interpretation of that passage has always been that the rich young man sought monasticism and was dissuaded by the requirement of poverty.

The law in question for Lawrence specifically only applied to homosexual sodomy.

Probably, yes, but I think pillarization implies that there aren’t clearly dominant and subordinate groups like the various Islamic implementations; Shiites are de facto socially dominant in Lebanon today and moderate Protestants in 1930’s holland, but there wasn’t/isn’t a formal hierarchy.

It seems a major complication that nobody wants fewer Ukrainians in their country.

Is there a way to override for specific users, maybe by incorporating a mod bot that manually approves every one of their comments? @ahhthefrench, disagree with him though I frequently might, is clearly a good faith contributor who shouldn’t be caught in the new user filter.

I think in this specific case the protestors are annoying enough that sending in the veterans of Ken state wouldn’t lead to realignment towards their cause.

Most protests do have some chance of efficacy by changing the hearts and minds of local officials, or at least softening opinions. This seems like it has no connection to anything.

In direct quotes, generally yes, but it was suggested that students who were uncomfortable change it to ‘negro’, and teachers sometimes did.

Lots of the pro-Palestine protestors are waving the flag of Hamas, which has killed some IDF soldiers but no U.S. personnel as far as I know. The Hezbollah flag I’ve never heard of, although some of the protestors seem to generate word salad about why Hezbollah aren’t a bunch of murdering terrorists.

contemporary 'Christianity' which is just a hedonistic gay progressive with AIDS calling themselves a bishop.

This is a small minority of denominations and they are typically doing very poorly.

Internal exile still exists in America. Chances are, if you live in America, your municipal government will happily buy you a one-way greyhound ticket to anywhere else in the country- how else did you think so many homeless got to California?

There’s also probation, where poor rule followers have essential liberty under many restrictions.

Everyone has some kind of bone to pick with porn, and except for social conservatives it’s usually not the sexual content.

Aside from chargeback theory, there’s intellectual property rights violations galore, ties to sex trafficking, age verification issues, etc.

Almost certainly. Even if instances of actual sex are only replaced by a single instance of masturbation(seems probably a lower bound to me), actual sex has declined as the percentage who use internet pornography has increased. This is not caused by young men taking vows at a monastery instead.

Furthermore, I’m given to understand that masturbation-caused health problems used to be a punchline to a ‘it’s got to be bad for you somehow’ joke, whereas now they’re a thing that actually happen even if perhaps somewhat less commonly than nofap would have you believe. I suppose it’s possible that alien space bats caused this, but it’s more plausible that there’s simply a lot more onanism than there used to be.

Furthermore, as noted downthread, it’s difficult for me to imagine(I have not watched porn since I was a teenager) watching pornography and not masturbating. Higher pornography consumption- as nearly every piece of data indicates is the long term trend- probably drives more masturbation rather than less.