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you are loved <3

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joined 2022 November 03 01:48:35 UTC
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User ID: 1784


you are loved <3

4 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 November 03 01:48:35 UTC


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User ID: 1784

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What cost would that be?

negative reactions to surviving where someone else didn't are common. this is not a hard concept to understand nor grasp.

by the power of snuggles and friendship, magic will happen and we will gain the ability to fly if I do that!")

in this scenario, i think you have to realize that 50%+1 picking blue does save everyone, including those who misread the question or whatever.

Should run a country =/= they should literally die

this seems to presuppose liberals don't make up the vast majority of this poll's respondents which... who knows? it's hard to say but if they were a representative sample of Twitter, then we'd expect red to be more common

We already do tend to do so every single day

so I've seen rumors around, and keep in mind these are just rumors, from HN and others that Twitter has been accidentally DDoSing themselves.

in the Twitter UI as of a few days ago (and earlier while looking for more information on a related thing I accidentally confirmed this), it'd start making hundreds of requests per minute to Twitter's servers. now looking through it, I found this

This is hilarious. It appears that Twitter is DDOSing itself.

The Twitter home feed's been down for most of this morning. Even though nothing loads, the Twitter website never stops trying and trying.

In the first video, notice the error message that I'm being rate limited. Then notice the jiggling scrollbar on the right.

The second video shows why it's jiggling. Twitter is firing off about 10 requests a second to itself to try and fetch content that never arrives because Elon's latest genius innovation is to block people from being able to read Twitter without logging in.



obviously my source is pretty biased, but the self-request spam seems to at least be happening to some extent.

Liberals aren't leftists. Generally liberals and conservatives are both very in favor of markets.

it really was completely easy to tell though. this is like when hbomberguy said

It may be a lie, but the fact I believed it speaks volumes about my enemies, and not me


I got -14.53

Normie, 15-30th percentile: You're not that antirat, but you're definitely not a rationalist either. Maybe you have a degree in literature, or have a few dogs, or like watching sports.

for movies that purport to be based on true stories, maybe lack of realism should be?

While the existence of depopulation goals is so well documented that it’s not a conspiracy theory anymore

you've got to explain rather than just asserting its true.

on its face, this doesn't seem to make much sense to me: upper class would likely be quite averse to a shrinking population (this is why they are also broadly in favor of immigration). a shrinking population base can more easily demand higher wages on the basis that there are few able to perform their job. this is why you see such people like Elon Musk decrying the so-called "population crisis," with a smaller population basis, it can be harder to exert control in some scenarios (specifically for skilled labor).

you have two not necessarily competing "solutions" to this, Republicans will tend to call for banning of abortion and Democrats will tend to call for a very uh... liberal immigration.

i'd also argue that the type of low-skill worker is where depopulation would be least prevalent, why pay a living wage when you can pay illegal immigrants much less (and this wage gap has been documented1) for the same amount of work as a legal immigrant or a native-born.

1: See page 10 of the link. It seems to be relatively difficult to find strict numbers on like average wages, but it's likely I didn't look hard enough. Regardless, programs like E-Verify here in the United States tend to keep illegal immigrants out of most skilled labor, the hearsay seems reliable enough (I guess as much as it can be).

I wish Twitter wasn’t taken seriously as The Public Square. This is depressingly stupid. Why would someone make easily falsifiable claims about an organization’s stance and about his role in it?

because ultimately there a little consequences. twitter is probably the most free speech site on the planet (Musk had nothing to do with this, it's just part of the platform) if your bar for "free speech on the internet" isn't "lets me spam slurs all day long" and so when people can spread something false information, it'll be harder for people to shout correct information louder.

cremation is an energy-positive process

it literally is

the games are wacky and fun! whether you're someone like @carpathianflorist who will trust someone for no reason at all, whether you're like @aqouta who wants to build charts to figure out who the demon is, or like me who will get into a counterclaim with my own minion my first game, there's a lot of fun to be had!

at 100% cooperation between all parties, there is no difference between blue and red. chug them both if you want and wash it down with a chaser.

I think it is a given that some people will either:

  • misread the question and choose the option they don't intend to
  • be transiently suicidal and would be helped by not encouraging someone towards suicide
  • have unironic mental retardation (in the clinical sense) or be mentally disturbed in some other way (schizophrenia, etc)
  • be incredibly young and do not understand the effects of either option
  • have someone they know and care about that fits in the above 4 groups
  • have someone they know and care about that might fit into the last option

if any of these are the case, it is almost certain for there not be 100% coordination to pick one or the other. it is not only probable, but imo extremely likely for someone to pick blue based on the last 2 or more uncommonly the first 4. therefore, untold numbers will die if red wins. you don't need to be unintelligent for the first to occur (even highly intelligent people make mistakes). therefore, we want to reduce the number who die. and the only way to do that is to get 50%+1 to pick blue.

it is much more attainable for 50%+1 to do something than for 100% to do something. and so, we should be focusing all of our effort on getting 50%+1 to do something by encouraging everyone to do something, because 50%+1 blue or 65% blue or 84.25% blue or 100% blue has the same outcome as 100% red, but the inverse is not true.

are you sure all of the people you care about will pick red? would you bet their life on it?


for one

...or anyone who accidentally presses the supposedly "bad one"

He also professes he believes in judging people at the individual level. How you go from the above to "stay away from black people" (his purported cancellation-causing message) makes me scratch my head. Either he didn't say that or he did and it's a wild leap of logic.

sometimes what people say is not what they mean. an outlet may report it but a lot of times how outlets report things is based on what they say. analysis on self descriptions, when not central to their story, I find is often glossed over (for good reason I might add).

from my perspective it's pretty clear that Scott Adams has been right-wing for quite some time. he leaned hard into trump during the 2016 election cycle and it's clear he's not really a leftist. most liberals i think many liberals that i've encountered online have known this ever since... well ever since that 2016 election cycle.

i think if you scroll through his youtube channel that pokes through a bit. like the "i'm renouncing my blackness" thing is pretty much completely comical in its sincerity.

optional chaining

so essentially instead of writing code like

const x = somethingThatMightReturnNull();
if (!x) return;
const y = x.doSomething();
if (!y) return;

we could do

const x = somethingThatMightReturnNull();
const y = x?.doSomething();
if (!y) return;

but apparently this doesn't work on some older browsers I suppose, such that even having an unrelated function that does it makes other things in the file not work.

okay sent in a fix: https://github.com/themotte/rDrama/pull/654

thanks for the report

hmm. yeah, the weird thing i think is from what you're saying it was working before. we didn't really change anything except to fix an issue with the the unread indicators (although that was in a separate function, so not sure why it'd affect it other than maybe parsing?

okay i'm able to reproduce this on Waterfox Classic 2022.04. will dig into it a little bit.

not sure btw why this would be happening unless something is incredibly strange. are you blocking JS by any chance? we load the collapse_comment function from comments.js so if you're using any extension that's blocking that script, blocking it will make some things break.

otherwise if you have a devtools screenshot i can take a quick second and take a look

Unfortunately, the number of such people is small and is getting smaller all the time.

unfortunately indeed

I never heard of a murderer burning a body without fuel.

ah but this wasn't the claim! @SecureSignals's claim was that the cremation process was energy negative, which has shown not to be the case not only by @faul_sname's calculations but experimentally as well

also while SecureSignals seems to always be insinuating that 1 body was burned at a time... this is clearly not the case as claimed by... well everyone that isn't a holocaust denier

good thing we're not talking about proper cremations! you do realize the nazis weren't exactly interested in giving the people they genocided a proper burial, right?

i seriously don't know what your trouble is when both @official_techsupport and @faul_sname gave you very good explanations, with faul_sname handholding you through the math while you regurgitate fucking chatgpt and present it as an actual argument

Oh ok, in the other direction, what do conservatives and moderates hate more than genocide?

...I don't know, there's any number of issues conservatives and moderates by in large tend to panic about. for conservatives, wokeness is a big one that comes to mind immediately (how is that for irony?).

your quote could be edited from

ABC have more of a visceral reaction to XYZ than genocide


conservatives have more of a visceral reaction to wokeness than genocide

ah... but I know that if given a choice between being woke and genociding a population, most conservatives would choose the first and most liberals would shout slurs from the rooftops as many times as they needed to if it was the only thing that would stop a genocide.

in fact, both sentences are kinda nonsensical if one isn't terminally online.

People who have emotions are generally capable of imagining what it would be like to push a button to slaughter an entire population, and generally would do anything short of physically attacking someone if it meant they didn't have to push it.

...and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who'd rather not say a slur than slaughter a population. like the only people that actually think this are either

  1. people who actually want to genocide entire populations

  2. strawmen (the most likely of the options)

you seem to be under the impression that liberals by in large hate someone dropping a gamer word than genocide because... some substack blogger said they saw some liberals have more of an emotional reaction to present day things than genocide... which is just odd

i don't think anyone does and random assertions that people do misses the point. people have higher emotional reactions to things in front of them than things that they consider to be "in the past"

this is a normal thing that people who have emotions do