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BANNED USER: Antagonistic in DMs




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joined 2022 September 09 18:36:11 UTC


User ID: 1082

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Antagonistic in DMs



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 09 18:36:11 UTC


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User ID: 1082

Banned by: @Amadan

Notably, the MultiMC developer (peterix) refused to allow distribution of the launcher as a Flatpak on Linux (which is personally what I prefer for a project like this), and has been extremely touchy about distribution in non-distribution-package formats like Flatpak or AppImage

To be fair, Flatpak and AppImage are abominations to those of us who are Linux sysadmins at heart.

with the mental faculties of a young child to high federal office, Pennsylvania is also setting up a judicial crisis for its election process.

Oh my god... I hadn't realized that he was that badly damaged by the stroke. To have him run is just cruelty.

Those tits are absolutely massive.

Fibbing, Feckless, Factious, Fake, Febrile, Feeble, Fickle, Furtive Fetterman.

There are literally a dozen better options than "Lying Liberal."

Alliteration is key.

It sounds like you have commitment issues.

In my mind, it's key to commit to a church and stick to it. Be a Catholic. It's not that difficult.

I feel like any legislation that disenfranchises me at this point in my life is not in line with my principles.

But, in principle, if I were to fall into a category of drains on society, yeah, my opinion should be disregarded.

The only people civic minded enough to turn out to run our elections are also 70-90 years old.

So it becomes a problem to have them do counting of ballots given their cognitive decline.

Soon enough that will be considered child abuse.

The last "real" president was maybe FDR?

I would guess Eisenhower actually.

Well, the problem is that many, if not all, types of non-SFH have negative externalities for the people in the SFH.

For example, if my neighbor sells their house to a developer who then builds a 5 story apartment building, this will have significant effects for me.

My street will go from quiet to busy.

I will go from knowing all my neighbors to definitely not knowing all my neighbors.

Noise will go up.


All these are externalities we, the current residents of this neighborhood, seek to avoid.

Therefore, we work with the town to zone our area for SFH.

There's no aspect of "competing" here except insofar as we are in a death struggle with developers.

Or just giving yourself lead poisoning.

I respect that but I believe that ending animal agriculture just means a further separation of man from nature and, in some sense, reality.

... or DuckDuckGo, for us nerds!

Us true nerds have moved on to Kagi.

Putin didn’t know his army was complete shit. He didn’t take a good gamble and get unlucky. Some limited nato training since 2014 simply eclipsed the entire Russian military.

Perhaps, but if Ukrainian leadership had panicked and fled, I doubt the training makes a difference. See the Afghan Army and security forces in the face of the Taliban just last year.

The goal of human civilization and society is not to make the most efficient use of resources. If you can accept that then there’s no reason to insist on a tax policy that would inherently sacrifice things that are genuine good things.

I am genuinely appalled at the extent to which America, my country, has colonized the cultural landscape of our supposed allies. I would apologize but that seems a trifle in the face of what is in some ways a cultural genocide. It seems as though in many countries, there are no genuine foreigners, just Americans who speak a different language.

AppImages and Flatpaks can contain whatever libraries the packager wants. So, e.g. when there's a vulnerability in some library, they are not updated automatically to the new patched version when you run apt update && apt upgrade

My biggest issue with Linux is that package manager cliques get to decide what programs I can run, which doesn't seem much better than the apple app store.

That is a very bizarre objection to package managers? I'm not aware of any package manage where you can't just add another repo for it to check against. For instance, I have added several repos to my computer so I can get certain software not included in the distro's repos by default. It's as easy as adding a line to a text file.

I want to be able to just Download_The_.EXE.jpg in cases where you can't trust maintainers to be supportive.

You can always do that.. just download the .deb or .rpm or whatever format your distro uses and run dpkg -i mypackage.deb

Granted you'll have to manually resolve dependencies but it's not actually hard to do.

Property taxes also suck

Nominative determinism in action

but if I ask you what’s 22:00+2:00, you are likely not going to answer 24:00 (which isn’t a thing)

Yes it is... that's a perfectly valid way of expressing time.


The real reason Google, et. al. have been hiring these people is because hiring them prevented them from becoming competition. Something which will become very obvious if they stop.

the restaurant and bar industry permanently crippled

I mean, I'm seeing severely curtailed restaurant and bar hours by me still. Nothing's open until the legally mandated closing time anymore.

Can we have a sensible right that also is not concerned with people's private sex lives?

I would love to be able to not care about other people's sex lives, but it seems like there is a direct line from "well we'll let gay people be gay" through to "we are prescribing puberty blockers to your son/daughter and cutting his/her dick/tits off" and "we're fucking your kids and there's nothing you can do about it"

What makes bacon unhealthy? Fat? Fat is not in itself unhealthy. Eating nothing but bacon is not great for you, generally, but neither is eating nothing but lettuce.

I wasn't offended by Mexican week, but I thought it was a hilariously bad idea. Tacos do not count as baking. Also, they're not pronounced "Tack-Oh."