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BANNED USER: Antagonistic in DMs




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joined 2022 September 09 18:36:11 UTC


User ID: 1082

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Antagonistic in DMs



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 09 18:36:11 UTC


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User ID: 1082

Banned by: @Amadan

with the mental faculties of a young child to high federal office, Pennsylvania is also setting up a judicial crisis for its election process.

Oh my god... I hadn't realized that he was that badly damaged by the stroke. To have him run is just cruelty.

Notably, the MultiMC developer (peterix) refused to allow distribution of the launcher as a Flatpak on Linux (which is personally what I prefer for a project like this), and has been extremely touchy about distribution in non-distribution-package formats like Flatpak or AppImage

To be fair, Flatpak and AppImage are abominations to those of us who are Linux sysadmins at heart.

AppImages and Flatpaks can contain whatever libraries the packager wants. So, e.g. when there's a vulnerability in some library, they are not updated automatically to the new patched version when you run apt update && apt upgrade

My biggest issue with Linux is that package manager cliques get to decide what programs I can run, which doesn't seem much better than the apple app store.

That is a very bizarre objection to package managers? I'm not aware of any package manage where you can't just add another repo for it to check against. For instance, I have added several repos to my computer so I can get certain software not included in the distro's repos by default. It's as easy as adding a line to a text file.

I want to be able to just Download_The_.EXE.jpg in cases where you can't trust maintainers to be supportive.

You can always do that.. just download the .deb or .rpm or whatever format your distro uses and run dpkg -i mypackage.deb

Granted you'll have to manually resolve dependencies but it's not actually hard to do.

one female-bodied they/them person is hands down the most attractive person there - flat athletic tummy, great curves, etc

That's not a trans, that's a woman trying to be cool and edgy by following the latest social trends.

Soon enough that will be considered child abuse.

Because Georgism remains a bad idea with a weird appeal to a small subset of smart people? Essentially, there's no difference between Georgism and the government owning all the land outright.


If they're not groomers they're certainly doing a good job acting as if they are.

  • -20

This isn't reddit, you can't martyr yourself and get the admins to clamp down.

The real reason Google, et. al. have been hiring these people is because hiring them prevented them from becoming competition. Something which will become very obvious if they stop.

Facts is facts.

  • -23

And facts will remain facts regardless of your "rules"

It's fun to annoy you.

  • -17

I wasn't offended by Mexican week, but I thought it was a hilariously bad idea. Tacos do not count as baking. Also, they're not pronounced "Tack-Oh."

I hope your genitals may be afflicted by a very concerning and itchy rash as punishment for your pronunciation of taco.

I agree but it seems like a lot of courts don't.

By way of an example, the US Constitution has nice clear language about cruel and unusual punishment. And yet, the treatment of inmates in US prisons is routinely inhumane

Well you answered your own concern there. If it's routine, it's not unusual. Punishment is by it's own nature cruel.

So the only way to prevent extremism is to give the Democrat extremists exactly what they want?

Would you buy "the only way to prevent abortion extremism is to ban abortions, giving them what they want"

The only people civic minded enough to turn out to run our elections are also 70-90 years old.

So it becomes a problem to have them do counting of ballots given their cognitive decline.

Hahaha… oh wait you’re serious.

They either don’t get paid, or paid only a nominal amount, like jury duty.

... or DuckDuckGo, for us nerds!

Us true nerds have moved on to Kagi.

but if I ask you what’s 22:00+2:00, you are likely not going to answer 24:00 (which isn’t a thing)

Yes it is... that's a perfectly valid way of expressing time.


In my opinion, we should be limiting the franchise, not expanding it. Expanding it does not lead to improved outcomes, it only dilutes the votes of people who would make good judgements on which politicians we should be electing. Criminals, especially felons, have notoriously bad judgement. Why should we want their input on governing our society?

I feel like any legislation that disenfranchises me at this point in my life is not in line with my principles.

But, in principle, if I were to fall into a category of drains on society, yeah, my opinion should be disregarded.

Yes, I already acknowledged this as an argument for restricting the franchise but my point here is that you should also justify the increased bureaucracy costs. Do you think it's worthwhile?

What increased bureaucratic costs? We already know who is married, who has kids, who own property, who pays more taxes than they accept in government aid.

The cost of running elections is negligible... how many $10 million miles of highway would we need to give up? Not many.

Either way, the most valuable boon of democracy is not wisdom of the crowds, but consent of the governed

Right, but we get consent of the governed who matter by including them in the electorate. Broadly, the electorate should reflect people with some influence and good judgement.