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BANNED USER: Antagonistic in DMs




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joined 2022 September 09 18:36:11 UTC


User ID: 1082

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: Antagonistic in DMs



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 09 18:36:11 UTC


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User ID: 1082

Banned by: @Amadan

Facts is facts.

  • -23


If they're not groomers they're certainly doing a good job acting as if they are.

  • -20

And facts will remain facts regardless of your "rules"

It's fun to annoy you.

  • -17

Women love rape. There’s nothing that gets a woman’s motor going like forcibly holding them down and having your way with them. Degrade her verbally, pull her hair, smack her ass, choke her.

If you’d spent much time with women you’d know this.

Does anyone actually believe Biden is the president? I don't mean in an election integrity sense. I mean, does anyone actually believe he is the one steering the federal government or making decisions?

No, not even my liberal to a fault wife.

DR3 is true but irrelevant.

It's not about that. The point is, your right to do violence is the only truly inalienable right you have. No one can take it from you except by killing you.

By way of an example, the US Constitution has nice clear language about cruel and unusual punishment. And yet, the treatment of inmates in US prisons is routinely inhumane

Well you answered your own concern there. If it's routine, it's not unusual. Punishment is by it's own nature cruel.

And not relevant to a discussion based on nutritional content. Also overblown. Everything is a carcinogen.

Uncured bacon exists. And the risk from nitrites is not a nutritional one like is being discussed.

So if I understand correctly, I could theoretically be eligible for German citizenship by virtue of my male line ancestry stretching back to a defecting Hessian soldier during the American Revolution?

Either way, the most valuable boon of democracy is not wisdom of the crowds, but consent of the governed

Right, but we get consent of the governed who matter by including them in the electorate. Broadly, the electorate should reflect people with some influence and good judgement.

Hahaha… oh wait you’re serious.

They either don’t get paid, or paid only a nominal amount, like jury duty.

I agree but it seems like a lot of courts don't.

a natural aristocrat of noble lineage, raised from birth with the kind of education necessary to rule in a traditional society, even if there was a little philandering on the side.

That's what we have now, except that the people in these roles are selected by virtue not of lineage or skill, but depravity.

It certainly is not.

Utilitarianism is a false god. You can never genuinely capture what Utility is. Goodhart’s Law will bite you in the ass every time.

Put another way, if you really want to be a utilitarian, become a religious traditionalist. Amish, trad cath, Muslim, Hindu, Hasidic, doesn’t matter.

If true, I would imagine there certainly could be genetic factors. Similar to how pretty much every single 100 meter gold medalist in the past 30 years has been of recent African ancestry.

People, and especially women, are good at self-deception.

To that end, we can see that they most likely really do believe that they believe all of the things amadan says they do as reasons for their actions.

To feel something besides alone?

At the same time, we can also acknowledge that there's probably something to your guess here.

Maine and Vermont have certain other characteristics that result in them being pleasant places.

I hope your genitals may be afflicted by a very concerning and itchy rash as punishment for your pronunciation of taco.

It’s inalienable in the sense that you can’t take it away from someone. As long as I have arms, legs, teeth, I can use violence.

Net taxpayers. You must pay more than $X in tax more than you receive via government subsidy.

The cost of running elections is negligible... how many $10 million miles of highway would we need to give up? Not many.

Yes, I already acknowledged this as an argument for restricting the franchise but my point here is that you should also justify the increased bureaucracy costs. Do you think it's worthwhile?

What increased bureaucratic costs? We already know who is married, who has kids, who own property, who pays more taxes than they accept in government aid.