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joined 2023 July 08 21:31:26 UTC


User ID: 2557



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 July 08 21:31:26 UTC


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User ID: 2557

Hi, long time lurker, but I have a few questions regarding the Vault. The Vault is near and dear to me because it was some random High Quality contribution crosspost, idk bestof or something, that brought my attention to TheMotte years ago. I like the Vault because it gives me a full list right away of writing to checkout/read. But I do have a few concerns.

  1. Is it updated every month? or is it like a yearly thing because currently I'm seeing HQC from July 2022 and not June 2023 on the Vault. Maybe I missed a detail somewhere that says that.
  2. Is there a way to capture and display the context surrounding a HQC? I think the quality contribution is best read in-context. If it's a reply, it's the dialogue/interplay that really highlights the quality of a HQC. Even if it's a top-level comment, the replies/inspirations/counter-arguments that spawn off the HQC are worth noting because a HQC already made me, the reader, keep wanting to read more on that topic. Maybe a) only direct replies to the HQC, b) only parents up to 3 levels of the HQC, c) any children threads of the HQC that includes replies from the HQC's author.