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User ID: 544

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Heads up, your second link also leads to the guardians removed content.

As the person who pointed this out, I don't think being inspired by a 4chan thread and even reposting stuff verbatim should in and of itself be considered trolling. There is upon occasion good points made on that website (I wouldn't spend so much time there if there weren't) and I'd rather not start a trend of sourcing from 4chan to be inherently suspect.

Hey, just letting you guys know cause I think this is very funny. This essay is based upon a 4chan thread! For example, the entirety of the first citation is just taken verbatim from this post here https://boards.4channel.org/v/thread/652238026#p652239931

I have no idea why OP decided to convert a 4chan thread into a post on the motte but it's very amusing to me. While I certainly enjoy using 4chan, I wouldn't cite it as a source.