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This is so bizarre to me.

If you're male, I find it very hard to believe you don't see his point. You can discard it as a primitive, outdated consideration if you so choose, but don't call it bizarre - it decidedly is not.

Myself, I can't overstate just how much this scenario makes me recoil. If such mercenary behavior is straightforwardly permissible, then the idea of fighting for a nation falls apart, and you're just meat to be sacrificed to further elite interests. You don't exactly get to loot your way into leaving a war better off these days. War in Ukraine is utter hell, demanding solidarity on homefront is perfectly normal.

The Palestinian terror attacks were a type of brutality I don't think anybody in the modern western world has ever seen before.

Baffling statement as far as I am concerned. Nothing I've seen so far made we wince the way some videos from Ukraine do. Then there are cartel videos, and minor events like, for example, that tourist woman getting beheaded in Morocco (?). This is of course just the tip of the brutality iceberg that's easy to access.

I've seen some videos of Israelis getting shot, some dead women, some captive scared women. Stuff that, to me, does not feel out of place in Israel, considering the unresolved conflict. Is there any actually gruesome stuff out there?

Just say nigger, man. We aren't in reddit any more.

I think it's improper ask this, and I don't mind the word myself at all. The point was clear, it avoided the silly 'x-word' construct, too much casual use would probably not be beneficial to the forum.

It reminds me of 4th of July LARPing in Eastern Europe. Yes, it's actually a thing

On a quick glance all I found points back to some people setting up a theme park for people to roleplay in. Expansive tickets, fewer than 100 people, a lot of photos. I assume this is not really your threshold for something being 'a thing', and at least in my experience, 4th of July does not register for people in Poland beyond the mentions of it in the news.

grand Teutonic war machine lost out to the likes of Audie Murphy and his ilk; that is absolutely the case

Seeing this repeated is too much for me. If 'Teutonic war machine' lost to anything American, it was the 1/3rd+ of global industrial output and a continent worth of resources supporting the Europeans - and it was these Europeans that Germans lost out to. List Americans responsible for the massively successful industry, if anyone.

Bear pickers would get what they deserve. At least you can expect a man, if he's forced to eat you, to kill you before he begins.

I did not say America was short on them, I implied the opposite - by 'if anyone' I meant, if you're going to list any individual to represent the forces that were of foremost importance in US success in the two wars.

I think they are better hidden. That said, I tend to upvote comments that I would not normally bother with as long as the score is negative, just to pull it towards 0. No delay will make it less effective, since people downvoting are probably more motivated.

Now feature I would really like is an option to add a tag to a collapsed top comment. Maybe two types of collapsing as well - some top comments I'm not interested in at all and want to collapse for good, others only temporarily. Would be nice to be able to tell these apart at a glance.

One perspective on Navalny death is that it was meant as a signal for Europeans: "Current regime feels itself strong enough to drop the act that a reset is at all feasible. Russia is winning in Ukraine and will dictate when and how the conflict ends. Putin is the only person Europe can negotiate with".

Ukraine would be interested in Europe not treating this signal seriously, saying it was just a clot helps. It's quite a stretch though.

I was surprised that no asked asked what, concretely, is so harmful about Holocaust education

I am surprised you feel this was absent from the thread below.

If by holocaust education you mean dedicating a single high school history lesson to the topic - nothing particularly harmful.

If you mean Holocaust education as it exists, and as SS suggests it might evolve, it is a ploy to secure and solidify power by a group I don't belong to. Concretely and currently, it helps enable Jewish organizations to use USA as a bludgeon to further their goals. Among them, the attempt to extract rents my country - Poland - with the flimsy excuse of claiming the property of Polish citizens of Jewish ethnicity who were murdered during the war and did not leave any descendants.

But getting mad about having been circumcised reeks of mommy issues

I find this willingness to apply 'deranged' label to resentment over getting mutilated unsettling. Can't help but see it as a defense mechanism first.

But now they're submerged in Ukrainian immigrants. It's not the end of it either.

We've been swamped with immigrants from Ukraine for a while now. What changed is that now we're swarmed with refugees as well, for what the distinction is worth. The crowd crossing the border fits the common image of what a refugee wave should look like - there is plenty of evidence, and I made a point of going through the central train station of Kraków a few times week during the first month or two just to see for myself.

Arrivals are not particularly controversial, though the various welfare they receive is, for example.

We already have a substantial minority of Russian speaking people.

My hunch is that a policy of open arms for all (ethnic) Russian immigrants would help with the Polish reputation of being rabidly russophobic, and make it a tiny bit harder for German politicians to explain away a local conflict as something Poland pushed for and maybe even deserved, actually. And anyway, not many Russians would come, I imagine.

I suppose the potential for sabotage is a concern.

enough to trigger something that wouldn't be out of place at a Klan rally

Where is that something, do you just mean the responses under the the tweet in your link? The pinned tweet on that account, while recent, makes me suspect the shitposting crowd was antagonized before already.

most people who get conspicuously upset about it are [...] MRA’s going on screeds

Maybe, either way, I think being very upset over it is permissible.

We've experienced it, and do not consider it worthy of the term "mutilation"

It's vanishingly rare here, I think experiencing the alternative gives you just as much standing to judge it. I'm not sure if I quite understand what you have in mind when you say "the experience of circumcision-objectors observably does not generalize very well". Here, practically any adult man would consider it an unambiguous mutilation if proposed without absolute necessity.

The exact extent of the loss of function is of little interest to me, it's a technicality dwarfed by the default of no wanton destruction of body parts that I know to be perfectly good as they are. I could probably live with the tip of each finger, say 0.5cm, removed. You could prove it's only 8% loss in general performance, I don't care - it has to be a significant, unambiguous improvement before it deserves even a conversation.

I especially dislike how meaningless the practice is in the US, and as such, a reminder that men are disposable. If it were a genuine ritual you go through when coming of age or whatever, I'd be far less disgusted, even though it would hardly be any more of a choice.

I'm not demanding each 'victim' to be mad about it, of course, perspective @self_made_human describes is reasonable.

It's not 'technically not fully nude', just normal not nude, complete with something on her back that looks like a strap of a top. From what I've seen it's not really clear she was stripped of anything at all.

I don't know what you think I'm trying to convince you of, seeing falsehoods repeated irks me, that's my angle here.

Not out of place when discussing court cases, mind you, but when I see these rather strictly legalistic arguments used in the context of unprecedented, transformative tools, they seem lacking. Surely the circumstances call for more than pointing to such and such paragraph? From my shallow understanding of how society handled previous such changes, it's a vain hope, losers will simply have to cope.

IRL Russia chose Religious and Aristocratic and ended up technologically backward

MEIOU3 is a total overhaul, possibly more feature rich than EU5 will ever be - it adds pops, simulated economy, and a lengthy, painful process of reform from feudal to modern bureaucratic state. A small but modernized, urbanized country with rich and educated plebs will demolish a country like Poland - strong early, but held back by the powerful nobility, naturally falling behind as game progresses.

The mod is still rough, held back horribly by the UI limitations, has a steep learning curve and demands patience, but I 100% recommend it for all EU4 players.

Trying to continue the certification would be a political suicide in Europe

Political suicide in what sense?

In my view, current inflation pressures already make it palatable domestically across majority of countries. Perhaps less so after winter, if little additional pain is felt by average person, in contrast with current fears. I'd guess the opposite. Internationally, I fail to see the issue, beyond US pressure.

By contrast, the power of Borris Johnson to coerce, compel, bewitch, or otherwise overturn the true desires of the Ukrainian political establishment was...?

You frame this as if it were absurd to think US had any way of influencing Ukrainians. I do find the focus on Johnson silly. The idea that at that pivotal moment US helped Ukrainians decide to commit themselves to the meatgrinder, not so much. Obviously Johnson himself would be little more than a mouthpiece.

My impression is that you never give an inch.

I mean that something like Foxhole but with Factorio-complex factory gameplay and combat that's more like say, war thunder or Squad (but with lots of AI grunts) would be far more fun.

I see, I'd like to see a game like that too. Don't know about it being more fun though - it does not exist.

There's no commander's map view where he can assign objectives to units

No, it's total anarchy unless you talk people into something, and there are no such in-game tools to coordinate even just your own squad. Randoms, you must wrangle them via text/voice chat. But you can imagine, against such backdrop of chaos, a coordinated group can be insanely effective.

So 'effortless coordination' in comparison to that, and experimentation, since the base assumption is that it must be purely voluntary.

I lost my taste for that kind of game cca 1997.

I think it would surprise you. It's light on individual aim skill, heavy on positioning, flanking, correct tool usage. Digging a key trench or placing tripod MGs correctly can turn a battle. Admittedly short engagement ranges make it all somewhat arcadey, but I'd say most of the time this is not detrimental.

Maybe, no idea what sort of changes you're thinking of. But as it is, it's both good gameplay, and nicely unique. Imo the wasted potential is in the lack of serious experimentation with tools that would enable effortless coordination at all scales while maintaining anarchy.

I am primarily referring to 'brutal combat footage or savage treatment of POWs', yes. If the question is the emotional, subjective impact (what I meant by 'wince') of an individual video, I think it does not matter who the victim is, it all comes down to either extreme cruelty in full display or detail. There is a well known trench combat video when one of the surprised soldiers gets shot, you begin to hear him scream in fear and agony, and barely a second later his is shot again and silent - I mean this sort of detail. Meanwhile photos from Bucha mentioned below did nothing of the sort for me, as bad as murder is.

the whole thing with game being 3d yet having weird-ass 2d combat is not good either

Did you try it? Foxhole infantry combat is great, and if you're lucky to join an interesting battle, it is downright fantastic. Vehicle gameplay is cool too, though tank line meta is meh and there is a lot of waiting around involved. I thoroughly recommend it for everything except facility building.