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joined 2022 September 05 01:38:45 UTC


User ID: 348


certified low iq

1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 01:38:45 UTC


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User ID: 348

Is that how lawsuits are typically brought? That thing reads like a reddit schizo post. I find myself constantly surprised how how loose lawyers are with their language in contrast to how precise engineers need to be to limit their risk exposure.

Do we have any idea when a ruling on Chevron could be expected and how sure are we that it's actually on the chopping block?

It's hard to say. The east coast had always been the center of the Jewish business/neocon republican wing. The really kind of excessive coverage of the Columbia stuff may simply be a product of proximity to this compared to the other universities with similar protests.

To the extent that this Jewish republican wing had been trending away from the GOP, I fully expect that to reverse.

It was always the case that Ukraine was losing this conflict. The vibe shifting now isn't anyone having their minds changed, it's the raw reality of the situation overwhelming jingoism, propaganda, and russophobia. The only aspect that opponents of western support in the conflict had missed was how brutal and slow and generally ineffective contemporary war looks like today.