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joined 2022 September 05 01:38:45 UTC


User ID: 348


certified low iq

1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 01:38:45 UTC


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User ID: 348

The value of such experiences that are tied deep into our biology shouldn't be flippantly discarded.

This describes an attitude that comes up in the conversations well. It's like an anti-naturalistic fallacy. Just because it is in our nature to pair bond and such doesn't mean those bonds are any less real or meaningful.

Can you elaborate on what friction there is to voting where you are? I am in Texas and I find it ridiculously easy and painless to vote here.

They are absolutely angling for an "I'm speaking" moment. Same thing with Biden's "will you be quiet" moment that received extensive and fawning media repetition.

Maybe the spectacle was the point. By tapping out in such a manner (i.e. one that allows an easily disseminated 10 second gif) it draws so much more attention. Consider that this might be strategic by a woman who has skin in the game both literally and in the sense that a man is probably going to medal in a woman's sport. Or maybe she straight up simply feared for her own safety.

Taking this and maligning women athletes is uncharitable and silly.

Too extreme an assumption. It could simply be "don't have sex unless probability of a child is acceptable to you."

This matches my impression. Where is all this JD Vance criticism coming from? The neocon types and the Democrats. Why exactly is this a drag on Trump when these are the people who would be criticizing virtually anyone he had picked?

I don't think I am cynical enough to think Israel would false-flag themselves, but I may be cynical enough to think they would false-flag some non-Jewish civilians in an occupied territory who refuse Israeli citizenship and still consider Syria their authority.

Surely they aren't literally exploding?

Scrutiny of this kind is probably best left as a local matter rather than coopted as a national political strategy.

I hope he responds with a really off the wall interpretation like how the schisms among high IQ subsets of Europeans over theological quibbles turned into bloodshed resulting in a eugenic selection for intellectual disagreeableness.

I thought this is exactly why they rollout updates instead of distributing them all at once. Do we know for sure there was a rollout or could they have mistakenly pushed this everywhere at once?

And I disagree. If you assume performative equates to insincere, then my original comment doesn't even make sense. Austin progressives are absolutely sincere in their beliefs. They are also incredibly focused on their appearance of being super progressive, even to the point where they will pass local ordinances that are counterproductive (e.g. the various ongoing homeless policies) or that are clearly intended to be overturned by the state.

Performativity simply means that the priority is projecting an image or impression, i.e. performing. It doesn't mean that the person performing can't actually believe the things they claim.

They aren't irrelevant at all. You're hung up on my use of the word "performative" and I'm pointing out that it doesn't matter if it's true in the sense that you've interpreterd it or that this interpretaion may even make my point stronger. There's not even necessarily a reason to think that performativity precludes sincerity, so your perception of this as "booing" is really just your own built in assumption, as I tried to point out.

How exactly would you propose distinguishing between "genuine" beliefs and performative ones? Why wouldn't they lead to similar kinds of behavior? Is there a chance that performative beliefs may result in even more extreme actions than genuine ones?

And I'll point that even and maybe especially "genuine" beliefs are not free of contradiction or inconsistency and are not necessarily rooted in philosophical or moral reasoning.

Does whether it is performative or not impact anything about a jury selected from Austinites?

An Austin jury would be one of the most anti-Jones juries you can get. The level of performative progresivism and Alex Jones hate here in Austin is hard to describe.

Yeah, normally I would disagree but that video is straight up bizarre and Macron sticking around to visit with veterans just underscores the whole thing. I think opinions on Biden are pretty well fixed at this point.

Helicopters in rough terrain and bad weather is uncomfortably close to rolling dice with your life on the line.

That doesn't make much sense to me. The dancing Israelis on 9/11 are one of the most widely known conspiracy theory-esque ideas in the United States. It seems like a direct counter example to your argument.

Is that how lawsuits are typically brought? That thing reads like a reddit schizo post. I find myself constantly surprised how how loose lawyers are with their language in contrast to how precise engineers need to be to limit their risk exposure.

Do we have any idea when a ruling on Chevron could be expected and how sure are we that it's actually on the chopping block?

It's hard to say. The east coast had always been the center of the Jewish business/neocon republican wing. The really kind of excessive coverage of the Columbia stuff may simply be a product of proximity to this compared to the other universities with similar protests.

To the extent that this Jewish republican wing had been trending away from the GOP, I fully expect that to reverse.

It was always the case that Ukraine was losing this conflict. The vibe shifting now isn't anyone having their minds changed, it's the raw reality of the situation overwhelming jingoism, propaganda, and russophobia. The only aspect that opponents of western support in the conflict had missed was how brutal and slow and generally ineffective contemporary war looks like today.

I'll read this later, but do they have more argument/evidence than just that some apparently very visible Russian assets happened to pass through similarly visible diplomatic and intelligence locations? Do we know how they're doing this? Do these assets pass near locations that don't report Havanah syndrome?

Not that I judge much credibility for the US intelligence apparatus, but I surely rate them less likely than 60 minutes to go "Russian boogeyman did it."