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certified low iq

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User ID: 348


certified low iq

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User ID: 348

Is that how lawsuits are typically brought? That thing reads like a reddit schizo post. I find myself constantly surprised how how loose lawyers are with their language in contrast to how precise engineers need to be to limit their risk exposure.

Do we have any idea when a ruling on Chevron could be expected and how sure are we that it's actually on the chopping block?

It's hard to say. The east coast had always been the center of the Jewish business/neocon republican wing. The really kind of excessive coverage of the Columbia stuff may simply be a product of proximity to this compared to the other universities with similar protests.

To the extent that this Jewish republican wing had been trending away from the GOP, I fully expect that to reverse.

It was always the case that Ukraine was losing this conflict. The vibe shifting now isn't anyone having their minds changed, it's the raw reality of the situation overwhelming jingoism, propaganda, and russophobia. The only aspect that opponents of western support in the conflict had missed was how brutal and slow and generally ineffective contemporary war looks like today.

I'll read this later, but do they have more argument/evidence than just that some apparently very visible Russian assets happened to pass through similarly visible diplomatic and intelligence locations? Do we know how they're doing this? Do these assets pass near locations that don't report Havanah syndrome?

Not that I judge much credibility for the US intelligence apparatus, but I surely rate them less likely than 60 minutes to go "Russian boogeyman did it."

Does anyone know what the current legal landscape looks like for MBE (or women owned or diverse ownership) requirements on public works? It (awarding city/state/federal money to minority owned firms who cannot win contracts on their own) seems plainly worse than even Affirmative Action in universities and yet I don't think I've heard of any groups working to dismantle this.

Also worth noting this is another element of US public works cost disease. Everyone is quick to point out ballooning consultant fees but loathes to acknowledge how 10+% of public spending by cities and the like ia often required to be given to MBEs as subcontractors (which generally suck).

The residency slots are capped by the AMA, are they not? Seems like a relatively easy fix while we are talking about grandiose civil rights reform.

I really miss Waffles fm, the private music tracker that popped up after What cd died, became quite popular for a couple of years, and then died itself. Not so much the tracker, but the forums and the editorial blog post things about weird genres of music were great for finding really obscure music (and even movies). It seems like every other music based forum I encounter is full of typical culture war bullshit.

Idk just pouring one out for another victim of the current age.

Are those good weights? Do those match the actual spending or preferences of the people whose "vibes" we are deriding?

Perhaps it's like black Friday models of TVs and they produce cheaper, lower quality candy for the season knowing people will be buying a ton.

I kind of doubt it though. Most of these kinds of candies I liked as a kid taste awful and cheap to me now as an adult so I think it's more likely a matter of taste.

Well, fundamentally, I don't see why a community shouldn't be able to vote to remove a statue. I certainly hope one day we have the option to remove through civil means all of the stupid murals and art of a lefty bent in my city. This has just illustrated for the hundred thousandth time that "not an inch" is the only reasonable policy toward activists.

Destroying the statue was teabagging the outgroup plain and simple. The moderate voice in every statue controversy has consistently said something to the effect of "move them to a museum" which is what happened here. What this event (moving to a museum and then destroying it) shows is that there is no quarter to moderates in the culture war. It's very much in line with the friend-enemy distinction principle.

As a southerner who was on team "move them to a museum", I'm genuinely disgusted.

Seems like a poor choice by Chesebro. $6K to make it all go away seems like a pretty darn good deal to me.

Indeed. Credibility matters. You don't get to push fake nonsense and expect people to believe you afterwards.

It makes me think of some US political spat I can barely remember. I think some congressman made an incondiary claim that was proven false, then responded by saying something like "yeah but they would if they could". Like, no dude, you don't get credit here. You lied.

Audio seems fake to me, but when has that ever stopped a government? They will use whatever resources they have to accomplish their ends. Even if they had no relation to the hospital, there's effectively zero downside to fabricating evidence in addition to what is already available.

Israel nuking Iran wouldn't jive with any of their western partners. You can highlight all the Iranian aid and enabling for Hamas you want, but to launch nukes on Iran prior to any other kind of soft or hard escalation would lose all but the most zionist western politicos.

This has made me respect Benji much less than I had previously. He's clearly far from impartial here and is burning his credibility to advocate for his own interests.

Which is the whole point behind SOLs. There is no way to mount a proper defense.

There are two or three points really. One is, as you say. That it's more or less impossible to ensure a fair trial 20 years after the crime. Another is rooted in the cultural desire for a speedy trial to prevent the process from eclipsing the punishment. And thirdly, it incentivizes law enforcement to pursue justice quickly instead of sitting on an inconvenient case.

All three are represented in the Masterson case.

I did lot in my grad school research, mostly seismic and resistivity. A little professionally afterwards.

Most won't have the resolution to pick up a small, residential burn pit, depending how deep it is anyway. Electrical methods might pick it up, since they're sometimes decent resolution near the surface.

In foundation engineering, finding trash pits and burn pits during development when doing test borings or excavations in long developed areas is pretty common. God forbid you hit an undocumented landfill. That's a good way to get your project delayed ($$$). Sometimes you'll need to have a cultural study done if they think it could be a historical landmark or archeological site, so your idle thoughts aren't too out of line with reality ha.

Well, GPR works based on reflecting em waves, so it runs into the same issues that pure electric geophysical methods and purely mechanical geophysical methods run into. Mechanical challenges like scattering or interference from voids, thin nonrepresentarive layers, layer inversions, boulders, etc. Electrical challenges like water content variations, voids, salt/contamination, etc. They are also generally way lower resolution than the layman would expect.

Electrical methods are generally more sensitive to moisture content, and in my experience, are more likely to detect a change in moisture rather than material (material and moisture are generally correlated). And that's kind of the thing with most geophysical methods, they're telling you when a material changes and by moving your sensing equipment you can see how that change is related to space.

There are GPR "suitability maps" for the US that show vaguely where you can expect GPR to be accurate. I haven't seen one for Canada though, but GPR would be usable in areas with similar surface geology.

As someone with fairly extensive geophysics experience, GPR is pretty meh and I've always found it weird that it's treated as though it was anything other than a very noisy form of sensing that can only tell you when the subsurface material changes (and even then, the depth and size of the change is hard to ever be sure about). Geophysics is inherently very unreliable when it comes to trying to identify small changes below the surface and I'm very much not surprised that these graves are false positives. Plenty of the actual papers that back up the use of the GPR for this purpose found as much and similar uses, like detecting utilities or animal burrows or cavities is just as unreliable. The effectiveness of GPR also depends on the materials involved, which can reduce your penetration to mere inches.

I mean, I'm speaking to my experience in Austin, where you go half a mile from downtown and any undeveloped wood will have a massive 10-20 person camp complete with literally tons of trash and thousands of used needles. This is a hazard that comes up in many new construction projects. For commercial work, it gets dozered into a dumpster or buried on site. For state work, it usually turns into a huge health and environmental hazard requiring more consultants and specialists to document and remove these materials (the new TxDOT campus was delayed for almost a year over this issue).

So in my experience, these kinds of camps are some of the worst for drug abuse and theft just generally the most negative kinds of homeless. But it's also a good point that plenty of semi-functional people don't his as well. Hell, I considered doing this in college to save on rent.

One of the major problems win any homelessness related study or homeless census is that they only interact with the homeless in shelters and the most agreeable ones on the street. The ones in super-camps in the woods or parks are beyond the resources of most organizations and cities to locate, let alone survey. Additionally, the homeless are obviously highly mobile and move around a city throughout the day, so visiting a particular freeway overpass camp won't capture data about any one in a food tent, public library or a block over panhandling. I don't see why this particular paper is supposed to have solved these sampling issues.

For whatever reason, Desantis has been utterly unwilling to criticize Trump

Well, he has definitely avoided total war with Trump, but he has criticized Trump on several issues including abortion, covid policy, his handling of the capitol riots, and (obliquely) attacking him as not critical enough on gender issues. So I'm not disagreeing with you on principal, merely on the degree.

I suppose that could be part of the problem though. They seem to be avoiding directly attacking Trump, presumably to avoid alienating MAGA folk, but that in itself doesn't signal to those people that you are any better than Trump on the issues they care about. Sort of a reverse version of the "extreme in the primary, moderate in the general" formula aspirant presidents stick with. This is looking like a good example of why that formula is so prevalent.

That's part of what I find perplexing about it. If the neocon/establishment part of the party had been paying attention to DeSantis since he won his governorship, I do not think they would be so quick to back him. I think "anyone but Trump" has clouded their judgment, and perhaps you're right that being endorsed by that part of the party is clouding the judgement of the "anyone but neocons"/populist part of the party.

This touches on why I'd rather not vote for Trump, but will if it comes down to it. I don't know why anyone expects Trump to put together a more competent staff than the first time (where his people seemed notoriously ineffective and disloyal). That's not to mention the backstabbing and constant undermining from his own party leadership.

From a culture war POV, I would gleefully root for someone punishing DNC bad actors and the embedded bureaucracy, but I don't see anything that makes me think Trump would be capable of doing so. That said, if Trump were to win, it would at the very least signal something to my outgroup, and short of an actual decisive victory, that may have to suffice.

It's interesting to me that DeSantis (my preference) pitched himself as a competent and respectable Trump-like figure, and yet that hasn't won him much ground so far. I would think that would unify right wing voters, but apparently not.