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certified low iq

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joined 2022 September 05 01:38:45 UTC


User ID: 348


certified low iq

1 follower   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 01:38:45 UTC


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User ID: 348

Destroying the statue was teabagging the outgroup plain and simple. The moderate voice in every statue controversy has consistently said something to the effect of "move them to a museum" which is what happened here. What this event (moving to a museum and then destroying it) shows is that there is no quarter to moderates in the culture war. It's very much in line with the friend-enemy distinction principle.

As a southerner who was on team "move them to a museum", I'm genuinely disgusted.

It's hard to say. The east coast had always been the center of the Jewish business/neocon republican wing. The really kind of excessive coverage of the Columbia stuff may simply be a product of proximity to this compared to the other universities with similar protests.

To the extent that this Jewish republican wing had been trending away from the GOP, I fully expect that to reverse.

So what is the intended usage pattern here? Are we supposed to keep 99% of the posting in the round up thread or treat it more like a typical reddit sub/forum?

This touches on why I'd rather not vote for Trump, but will if it comes down to it. I don't know why anyone expects Trump to put together a more competent staff than the first time (where his people seemed notoriously ineffective and disloyal). That's not to mention the backstabbing and constant undermining from his own party leadership.

From a culture war POV, I would gleefully root for someone punishing DNC bad actors and the embedded bureaucracy, but I don't see anything that makes me think Trump would be capable of doing so. That said, if Trump were to win, it would at the very least signal something to my outgroup, and short of an actual decisive victory, that may have to suffice.

It's interesting to me that DeSantis (my preference) pitched himself as a competent and respectable Trump-like figure, and yet that hasn't won him much ground so far. I would think that would unify right wing voters, but apparently not.

How long until Julius Bronson finds this place? There have been a few other bad actors the Motte has come across as well (e.g. vintology). Has there been any thought about how to handle them if they were to show up? Should their permabans be continued here or this a chance for everyone to have a fresh start?

It doesn't fit the tone of the Motte at all, but our own marsey derivative would be weirdly appropriate given the reason for the diaspora and the rdrama roots of the place. I mean, who doesn't like marseyposting?

Seems like a poor choice by Chesebro. $6K to make it all go away seems like a pretty darn good deal to me.

I do not believe there's a sincere desire in the masses to reconcile, nor do I believe there's a practical way to do so.

I agree and think this is the real mystery in today's culture war - how far will escalation continue?

In a way, civil war is incredibly unlikely for now because of the relative comfort and safety we have. However, I worry that this comfort allows the divisions plaguing us to keep simmering away and implicitly raises the stakes of any eventual conflict or divorce. We defer the conflict resolution at our peril. The evaporative cooling of a small scale civil war or something analogous like secession a decade ago, could have actually allowed a rapprochement.

The residency slots are capped by the AMA, are they not? Seems like a relatively easy fix while we are talking about grandiose civil rights reform.

As someone with fairly extensive geophysics experience, GPR is pretty meh and I've always found it weird that it's treated as though it was anything other than a very noisy form of sensing that can only tell you when the subsurface material changes (and even then, the depth and size of the change is hard to ever be sure about). Geophysics is inherently very unreliable when it comes to trying to identify small changes below the surface and I'm very much not surprised that these graves are false positives. Plenty of the actual papers that back up the use of the GPR for this purpose found as much and similar uses, like detecting utilities or animal burrows or cavities is just as unreliable. The effectiveness of GPR also depends on the materials involved, which can reduce your penetration to mere inches.

Mosquito bites transmit bacteria and such as well as mosquito saliva which triggers an intense and localized inflammation response. Same thing with ticks and other blood suckers.

These are substances that require some amount of time for the body to notice and react, which is why bites don't hurt immediately or even shortly after receiving them. The mosquito has already fed and gone by the time the bite starts swelling and itching.

It comes down to one thing, as it always does in these race swapping arguments: good faith.

You can easily argue that race swapped characters can be fun and entertaining in plenty of movies and in many cases, the casting can appear to be meritocratic - the best actor gets the role, regardless of race.

I don't think any of the people who complain about race swapping in 2023 think that the swapping is being done in good faith and I would have to agree because frequently these actors are actually incredibly bad and the meta-promotional material for these shows and movies is dominated by "only a racist wouldn't like this" messaging. Not to mention, that in my experience, blue tribers are frequently anti-meritocratic, or at least are willing to argue against it on equity grounds so you're left wondering "based on their declared and demonstrated values, are they making these swaps in good faith?"

This shouldn't be surprising. There have always been interest groups and think-tanks taking funds to study all manner of issues that they argue will become a Big Deal. And then, when tire meets the road, the people who are actually in charge of things disregard these nerds and play it by ear and make their decisions based on whatever their existing biases are.

A really good example of this was Covid where some 30+ different organizations in the US government had plans and preparation for a potential pandemic. The US had even been praised as being the most prepared country in the world for such an event by the Nuclear Threat Initiative and WEF prior to Covid. And when it mattered, the US more or less just did whatever was politically/tribally expedient every step of the way.

It's such a consistent phenomena that sometimes I wonder what the point is in funding super niche organizations like Yud's.

Are those good weights? Do those match the actual spending or preferences of the people whose "vibes" we are deriding?

Starting a new job in two weeks. Pretty excited because the comp is so much higher than I have now. I'm anxious that I'm totally unqualified (it's a drastically different role than I've had for the last 5 years), but can you imagine not taking a risk like that?

The downsides* are that I'll struggle and require half a year to figure out the basics if the job. The upsides are that I'll be challenged and forced to learn new things and I'll be paid more for it. The unknown-sides are that I'm not sure what it means for my career trajectory afterwards. Seems irrational not to take the risk.

*leaving out the failure and firing scenario since I think it carries way too much psychological weight for how unlikely it probably is.

Maybe apart from appointing SCOTUS justices

It's weird you just toss this seemingly self-refuting statement in there. His SCOTUS picks yielded a conservative win that they've been working on and spending inestimable resources on for almost 50 years in Dobbs. And there's at least an outside chance that affirmative action could take a hit in the upcoming SCOTUS slate.


Someone please ping her. I know she had some trouble with the rules, but it's at least worth starting fresh.

Ditto for iprayem3 or whatever his name was. I thought he had great commentary prior to quitting.

Is that how lawsuits are typically brought? That thing reads like a reddit schizo post. I find myself constantly surprised how how loose lawyers are with their language in contrast to how precise engineers need to be to limit their risk exposure.

It was always the case that Ukraine was losing this conflict. The vibe shifting now isn't anyone having their minds changed, it's the raw reality of the situation overwhelming jingoism, propaganda, and russophobia. The only aspect that opponents of western support in the conflict had missed was how brutal and slow and generally ineffective contemporary war looks like today.

One of the major problems win any homelessness related study or homeless census is that they only interact with the homeless in shelters and the most agreeable ones on the street. The ones in super-camps in the woods or parks are beyond the resources of most organizations and cities to locate, let alone survey. Additionally, the homeless are obviously highly mobile and move around a city throughout the day, so visiting a particular freeway overpass camp won't capture data about any one in a food tent, public library or a block over panhandling. I don't see why this particular paper is supposed to have solved these sampling issues.

Idk do you really need librarians as such in 2023? What exactly do they do that some lower level admin without a corresponding graduate degree would be able to do?

Is there much evidence that the presence or lack of presence of a librarian or library has much of an effect on student outcomes?

Ticks will stay on your body for comparatively a much longer duration than mosquitoes. I don't see how there's any actual benefit from a mosquito having any kind of analgesic property when they'll finish sucking and fly off in seconds. The benefit to a tick is much more obvious.

Additionly, as someone in the American south and no stranger to "skeeters" and ticks, I don't know that I've ever had a mosquitoes bite become itchy as quickly as you describe.

The fundamental power balance in this world is not "we've got nukes, everyone without must bow before us or we'll nuke them".

I mean, that's something of strawman. To say "I have nukes, you don't" is absolutely an example of a fundamental power imbalance and to quibble otherwise is naive at best.

If Russia nukes Kiev (no one will give a damn how its spelled when it's a crater) and Odessa, they have to seriously consider the possibility that the response will be nukes on Moscow and St. Petersburg.

No one would nuke Russia over Kiev. It's incredibly irrational that so many politicos are grand standing and stating otherwise. This isn't some kind of turn based strategy game where Russia nukes Kiev on turn 1, then the US nukes Moscow on turn 2 before Russia can respond on turn 3.

if you're Putin, you can't be sure the West won't risk trying to put the mad dog down.

I have very little faith in our leaders, but I don't think they're suicidal and willing to self-immolate to own the Russians.

How much of this is feminism vs other aspects of the western disease? Feminism is but one aspect, along with obesity, anomie and atomization, video games, wage, stagnation, and general sedentary behavior.

I wouldn't be surprised if the problem is that Westerners are fat and lazy which is a turn-off for both western men and women.

I agree that this seems like the best usage. Keeping all the activity in one thread also encourages more activity purely by concentration and interaction. Diluting posts and commentary across several threads would result in overall less activity.

It might be cool to have more stickies though, like having the round up, wellness and off topic threads perma-pinned.