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Texas is freedom land

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joined 2022 September 05 17:27:40 UTC


User ID: 647


Texas is freedom land

6 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:27:40 UTC


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User ID: 647

Yeah, I had a similar experience. Shit was magical. I don’t know any current-year kids who don’t like it, either.

It’s like tailgating, but for parents.

It’s not funny I’d say that. Poll watchers are doing an important job. If you’re talking about the Detroit or Fulton cases, I found them unconvincing.

Do you have more info on the COVID topic? I’m curious about the actual changes in policy. All I find with Google is scaremongering about amateur poll watchers.

Exactly. That’s the best they could come up with.

I think of cases like these as the motte for election interference. If we can’t find equivalents for the 2020 election, which was more charged, more vulnerable, and more closely scrutinized, I think that suggests an extremely low rate of fraud.

Please don’t put words in other posters’ mouths.

You may argue that they are taking something for granted, but you shouldn’t assert it.

How can one justify it with non-enthusiasm?

Take out a factor for population, and you’re still left with millions of excess votes. The number of citizens grew by around 7.5M, but there were over 17M more votes. That’s not the kind of gap that hides in a couple of stuffed mailboxes. It should be obvious, incontrovertible, a smoking gun.

But that’s not what we see. Existing mechanisms like poll watchers haven’t caught such fraud. Surprise audits by experts and partisans haven’t found anything close. States with wide variety in procedures and political incentives keep turning up the same lack of evidence.

Forget the Republicans. There’s a huge incentive for Democrat muckrakers to look for just one abuse in a red state. That kind of “gotcha” would be plastered all over social media. But we don’t see that, because there’s nothing to be found. Trump didn’t have to fake it to get 11M more votes.

If he managed that compared to his 2016 bid, surely Biden could manage it compared to Hillary Clinton. People stopped voting Green, stopped voting Libertarian, stopped sitting it out. It was just that polarizing.

Oh, I got it eventually. It was “funding Uber for furniture psychics types” that didn’t scan. I think that made it more authentic.

I really struggled to parse that sentence.

Have you considered moonlighting in marketing?

I figured it was referring to Katrina.

I’d say this is a great case for government intervention. It’s particularly close to the core Constitutional mandate.

Plus, look how much of the relief is being coordinated through one state’s airport. I think forcing everyone to duplicate logistics would be less efficient.

20 years? People blamed the federal government for the 1906 San Fran quake.

Wasn’t she some sort of deputized local official? Having trouble finding anything on the subject.

But I generally agree. No idea what the pipeline to USSS looks like. Maybe all those armed IrS agents look for a career change during their midlife crisis?

Yeah, there’s no organization in the history of the planet which could have done it in a day. A city, maybe. But as soon as you go to backroads you are losing 2/3 of your time just getting to the people.

This isn’t ‘nam, this is bowling. There are rules.


  • 72 direct and 87 indirect for Sandy
  • 520 direct, 565 indirect, 307 indeterminate for Katrina
  • 66 direct, 90 other for Ian

Those appear to cover dehydration, hypothermia, car accidents, etc. but not “excess mortality.” So unless they’ve changed their methodology in the last few years, I’m good with it.

@OracleOutlook, what say you? I get the impression we’re both talking about coroner-marked deaths, i.e. drownings, contaminated water, or injuries. Is there a site we can agree on?

I’m going to ask you the same thing I asked jeroboam.

What could possibly convince you otherwise?

I’ll take that bet.

Based on my friends and family in the area, I figured the death toll would stay under 500, possibly 300. This is a first-world country and there aren’t that many unaccounted for.

$100 to a charity of your choice if the official figure clears 1000 by the end of the year?

Ah, you should have started a little earlier!

2007: An academic is allowed to lead the President into the basement of Mount Vernon alone. Source

Oh, only now?

I am struggling to be charitable here. You asked for evidence that FEMA was doing anything useful. I was able to provide that with five minutes on Google. Now you want to complain about the numbers. Fine. But you have to actually contribute something.

What would it take to change your mind?

Did you even bother looking? Here's the governor of NC stating that FEMA has provided $27M and organized shelter for 1,400 people. Here's FEMA's own press release column, complete with photographic evidence.

You are in a bubble. As long as you're only looking for tweets that flatter your existing story, guess what you're going to find?

Currently drinking gimlets with the missus and playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.. What a surreal game.

Post you favorite cocktail recipes!

Nah, it pretty much avoids the shonen power curve as seen in Dragon Ball. The main character starts out reasonably close to the top of his game. It’s his relationship with the world that has to develop.

It’s worth noting that it also avoids the Naruto reliance on Talk No Jutsu.

Was straight-to-DVD ever particularly viable for (wannabe) psychological thrillers? I got the impression that it was used more for genre schlock and feel-good films.

There’s no time machine. This proposed negligence doesn’t kill or even personally affect Trump. And—most important—Democrats don’t actually equate Trump and Hitler!

The stochastic terrorism argument is a way to assign blame. It’s not, in and of itself, evidence.