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Texas is freedom land

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joined 2022 September 05 17:27:40 UTC


User ID: 647


Texas is freedom land

8 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:27:40 UTC


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User ID: 647

Not that I’m biased or anything, but it’ll probably be good for her. The opportunity to plow through multiple volumes of Potter probably has a lot to do with my later taste for chunky slabs of fantasy.

Join the fucking club, I guess.

Explanation in the edit.


You keep doing this thing, this complete disregard for the spirit and letter of the rules, and we keep letting it slide. You’ve been an articulate and passionate and interesting commenter. But now when I see your name in a thread I know exactly what I’m going to get.

One month ban.

Edit: fuck me, this is what I get for modding on my way out of work. I read this as a straightforward attack on the general category of feminists as “hollowed out p-zombies” who “aren’t capable of consent.” And I thought, Jesus Christ, this is the clearest possible violation of the Specific Groups rule and the general proscription on Booing the Outgroup. I could write up a detailed explanation, or I could assume that he and any observers would recognize the same old fight as always.

We have been politely asking you to stop tarring all leftists/Democrats/Californians/NGOs/women with the same brush for literal years. And every time, you insist that no, you’re just speaking truth to power! Surely there can be no transgressing against people who want to MUTILATE and STERILIZE your kids!

I have so much respect for you as a writer, a craftsman, a father. You’re smart and you’re damn funny. You also have this pathological urge to tell everyone about how evil the other team has been lately. And that comes into direct conflict with the Specific Groups, Outgroup Booing, Antagonism, and occasionally Evidence rules. A lesser poster would have earned a permaban several times over.

I banned you for a month because the last one was two weeks and I saw this as more of the same. Now all sorts of pillars of the community are popping in to tell me it was a bad shoot. There’s also the fact that Amadan thinks I was too harsh; you were only “pretty close” to generalizing about all lefties/feminists.

So…did I get you wrong?

  • -16

We definitely also mod stuff like that. The ceteris is never paribus, sure, but it’s still against the rules.

I recognize that we don’t see or choose to act on everything.

I’m sorry for being so snide. Maybe I was wrong to imply that you’re only applying this standard to your political enemies.

I remain frustrated by the number of people who have watched Trump cheerfully trample the commons and loot the (figurative) treasury only to insist that it’s fine, since he hasn’t yet gotten what he wants. He can set up his own sinecures as long as he dismantles a few of the existing ones. He can pardon his own buddies, because that’s just how the game is played. He can siphon money and reveal state secrets and purge his opponents and offend whomever he chooses, and it’s fine, because at least he’s hurting the right people.

But when anyone on the other team is revealed to have engaged in such shocking behavior, oh, the knives come out.

Which is exactly why I’m so frustrated by this sort of performative shock. It’s an isolated demand for rigor.

I am definitely not accusing you of anything like this; you’re one of the most consistent, evidence-driven users I know.

I’m seeing 53M here and 60M here. Not much info on methodology. Wikipedia’s higher numbers are supposedly based on more accurate research from after the fall of the Iron Curtain, but I wasn’t able to find an actual paper dealing with more than one country at a time. So your numbers there are plausible.

Is it possible that @johnfabian was using a statistic that included wounded? Those would still count as casualties.

I do think the Mao numbers are on the high side. Here and here are articles with significantly lower numbers for the Great Famine despite no friendliness towards Mao. 40M is given as the upper bound.

Let me know when you have such a shocking realization about anyone you actually liked.

The usual rules about specific groups, outgroup-booing, and heat vs. light still apply. Even when you really don’t like the people involved.

Given the number of times you’ve been warned or banned for more or less the same thing, this shouldn’t be news to you. On the other hand, you keep doing interesting stuff when you can keep the vitriol in check.

One month ban, then.

Less of this, please.

Sorry. I think there’s two parts: “an enormous propaganda machine” and “manufacturing public opinion.”

I concede that the NYT has agency, sells a narrative, and thus counts as a propaganda machine. At the same time, I don’t believe it qualifies as the propaganda machine, because I don’t think it actually manufactures much at all.

I think both the NYT and Reddit comments are explained by convergent evolution. They share enough assumptions that, when asked for an opinion on anything, they come up with something pretty similar. Same for the other left-leaning outlets. Same for the largely separate cluster of assumptions on the other side of the Culture War.

Steve used Reddit comments as evidence for the propaganda machine. Under this model, that doesn’t really hold, because I’d expect similar comments even in a vacuum. That’s why I assumed Jesweez was acting in good faith.

This isn’t fun at all! But it is unsettling, and I do think it’s relevant to the AI discussion going on here.

I hate that most such conversations immediately devolve into thought-terminating cliches. Why have a serious argument when one can just accuse people of liking “slop”? But I hate the idea of an endless bot circlejerk more. This article is a pretty tasteful way of describing the discomfort without sounding like a Luddite.

Please do. I’ve got it on my shelf for once I finish the current crop.

I always assumed that was the kind of stuff he had in his desk at Mar-a-Lago.

What’s the “everything else”? I use Schwab ever since they absorbed TD Ameritrade (or at least its app?) and I haven’t noticed much difference. But then, I’m doing pretty boring buy-and-hold.

Reddit’s gonna Reddit whether or not the NYT posts that kind of article. I think this is because they have the same incentives pushing them into a particular line on any given CW topic. Maybe this is the prospiracy vs conspiracy model?

The point is that my model makes similar predictions, so I assume they were being genuine. If Steve doesn’t, why?

Use your words, please.

Even saying "I think this is a ridiculous hyperbole" would save us from playing a game of charades. Bonus points if you also explain why.

Why not?

From over here on the "nothing ever happens" team, it looks like the simplest explanation.

Testing a feature here:

AI Art Mind-bendingly beautiful prose.

I have some impression that glaives and halberds are much more common in Chinese fantasy. No idea if that’s true, or if so, why.

Their arrows also have remarkable penetration.

I seem to remember Chivalry having terrifying polearms. Or maybe I was just bad. But I suppose the dragging shenanigans made everything look pretty goofy.

The coolest crossbows are handgun-style, like Dishonored.


Also, you forgot the big + small combo. Or maybe it’s small + tiny? Rapier + parrying dagger, katana + wakizashi, saw cleaver + pistol. Fromsoft knows what’s up.

Well…was it right?

No, they were quite clear.

Also very upset about some other goings-on, but still. It surprised me.