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Texas is freedom land

6 followers   follows 3 users  
joined 2022 September 05 17:27:40 UTC


User ID: 647


Texas is freedom land

6 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 17:27:40 UTC


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User ID: 647

I don’t either.

If you expected this, don’t act so sore when it happens.

I think the effort level is fine, though I am left a little confused about where you’re going with it.

But I expect it to devolve into culture war immediately. Would you mind reposting it in the thread?

Would you mind adding a submission statement or otherwise starting the discussion?

Sam Altman! I know that name!

I suppose I don’t know what you expected. When the government decides to explore a technology, one of the first steps is always some sort of consortium.

Thing is, that’s also perfectly compatible with the doomers. The paperclipper doesn’t care if it was given marching orders by a corporation or by the President, so long as the order involves paperclips. Making it more banal and routine just raises the number of opportunities!