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User ID: 1327



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User ID: 1327

I've never been a fan of condemning someone's solution without offering your own alternative.

The solution is for women to apply their own agency and to stop sleeping with those 5% of men who are dirtbags.

Generally matches my experience too. Also I don't think I've encountered any women who have gone "oh no I've never done this tee hee", they were all pretty up front with their experience if the conversation went there, or did genuinely have little experience. Although it's not impossible I was taken in by excellent liars, I doubt it.

That's a pretty hot take and I very much disagree with it. I think they often express less agency than men, and that that is partially biological, but they still have plenty of agency. And through changing culture like what the article advocates for, women can have even more agency. And that'd be a great thing.

I found it remarkable that she fully offloaded any responsibility from women for the status quo. They are all being forced to have all this sex with strangers by the men and the media and have zero accountability themselves.

I came to something of the opposite conclusion. She was condemning purity culture and sex positive feminists, but wasn't ultimately trying to stop them. That this essay was targetted at women to convince them not to engage in sex that will make them unhappy, and to inform them that it's not anti-feminist to remain a virgin. That they can and should take responsibility for their happiness in relationships and not allow themselves to be manipulated.

Does she earn a lot?

I believe so, I don't know her exact numbers but she happily took an OF career over a law career.

You think a good outcome for a young woman is being a 24 year old amateur porn actor/producer?

If she's making good money off of it, then yeah, all the power to her. I'm more concerned about the men who pay for it tbh, I'd expect most of her subscribers are lonely men who aren't able to get any consistent romance in real life so they pay to get a scrap of personalized sexual attention from her. But I think what I interpreted to be her proposed solution, that woman be more selective with who they sleep with and avoid hook ups with fuckboys(aka Chads in incel lingo) and that they hold out for relationships, would lead to better outcomes for men too.

It seems like eventually the college girls would learn to say things like "I want a romantic relationship, not a one night stand" and hold out against the "why's" with their experiences of disappointment?

That does happen, but is also impeded by men putting a lot of effort into deceiving women they want more than hook ups, then not doing hook ups. And some women also being horny enough at times to go along with it even if they regret it later.

I mean, apart from the likely impossibility of trying to change society as a whole?

I think we've come a hell of a lot closer to making porn not a black mark today than 50 years ago, I don't see why it should be impossible.

Just emptiness and depression

How does a law firm choosing to hire her without considering her Only Fans a black mark, and no judges or clients or juries holding it against her either, lead to emptiness and depression?

I'm not at all convinced that that "pair bonding" is a super significant phenomenon. I think it's quite likely that instead those stats reflect that women who want varied sex will have multiple partners before marriage, and then will also desire varied partners after getting married, leading to her divorcing or leading to her cheating which leads to divorcing. Especially since a lot of women who don't have sex before marriage come from cultures where divorce is socially unacceptable.

What would be more convincing is instead of stats about divorce, since that's distorted by women who're socially unable to divorce even if they'd want to, is stats on how much women who haven't had previous partners like their spouse.

How do you think women should behave when it comes to modern dating and hook ups?

So what's your alternative solution? Do you support purity culture, or have a fourth option beyond purity culture, sexual liberation, or the author's solution of a world where people are not concerned with purity but do properly reflect on whether a hook up will actually make them happy?

Probably that's entirely driven by irrational gamblers and the fact the bet maximums and fees make betting against 3rd parties, even if it's a sure thing, not worth it when the odds are already that low.

Why does purity have value? If you think it has an intrinsic value, why? If you think it only has value because it deeply shapes impressionable young women, then I think that's the exact argument the author makes.

Sure. I don't disagree. But the women should still stop sleeping with those men if the women can predict they'll regret it, which they should often be able to.

I'd agree with most of what you've said. But ultimately I think a better equilibrium is achievable than a Christian purity culture, although I probably couldn't convince you of that if you're operating off of Christians principles instead of utilitarianism. But I look at Christian purity culture and still see many failure ponits- e.g maritial rape, or to a lesser degree all the other ways a couple could get married and grow to dislike each other and would be much happier divorced. And I agree with you that the author overlooks the many women who do enjoy kink. Although I don't think she's saying they don't exist, just that many women are pressured into kink despite not enjoying it. And I think Christian purity culture also fails those women- if a girl would genuinely be happier engaging in BDSM with multiple different men a week, and those girls do exist I believe albeit they're rarer than some pop culture would lead you to believe, they should be free to pursue that. But I do think the sort of culture you paint would be my second choice. My first choice being a culture where everyone is aware of the biologically differences between men and women, and men are held accountable for sexual abuse but only sexual abuse that's real, and women are expected to exercise agency in identifying and seeking the outcomes that are actually best for her instead of just waiting for a hot man to ask her to hook up.

And I think we should move our cultural navigational aids more towards being anti-hook up culture without moving all the way back to purity culture.

Why can't we? For the entirety of human history aged out hookers were likely to be STD ridden and have low human capital, that's no longer true.

I mean she is doing porn for money now

Is that an actual bad outcome? She earns far more money than she would using her degree. If it's solely as a result that it'll be harder for her to find a job or a man after she ages and Only Fans doesn't work for her anymore, what'd go wrong with changing society not to hold Only Fans as a black mark against her?

I've volunteered at my local small town's annual founding festival, which has small events and games like a pie eating contest and an auction, if that counts

I'll delete and reupload then

I think "the media very rarely lies" just straight up doesn't apply to headlines. In the actual bodies of the article, the description is pretty balanced, albeit biased towards Democrats by citing experts who say it's a bad idea but not citing any experts who say "obviously you shouldn't be allowed to wear a mask while committing a crime".

I did pass by a group of women skateboarding and filming their tricks, so that's something.

My rule of them is ~20% of women do genuinely have similar interests and passion for those interests as the average guy, and we should be accomadating and not pretend those 20% of women don't exist in the sports world or video game world or whatever else world. But we also definitely shouldn't be trying to rearrange society to try to increase that 20% of women to match the % of men with those interests.

I have a somewhat alternate theory to the standard HBD concept, one that may not be original but I haven't seen before, although I haven't delved the HBD forums much.

The standard HBD argument is that different races have different IQs, and that is the primary factor leads to all sorts of different outcomes. Instead of IQ causing so many differences, which I think might be true but is a lesser factor, I think different races are domesticated to different degrees. I read the book The Goodness Paradox about a year ago, and it was about how while humans kill each other in vastly larger scales than any other animal, we're also much less likely to try to tear each other's faces off in the woods than any other animal. The author first divides violence into two categories: reactive and pre-mediated. Sometimes violence is pre-planned and calculated, like a sniper watching carefully for the moment to take the shot. Other violence is reactive, like someone punches you or even just insults your mother and you hit back before you even think. The author presents a simple answer: That there is a relatively straightforward evolutionary process through which animals are domesticated, and domestication leads to much lower rates of reactive violence. The mechanism is that the animal is essentially forever childlike mentally. But not just mentally, also physically; that's why dogs look like wolf cubs, and domesticated foxes have converged on similar traits like floppy ears.

I think black people are similar, in that they are a more "adult" human. They tend to be physically bigger and stronger. I often see black women called masculine, and that is the explanation for why they're less attractive and do worse on dating apps- but I think it makes more sense to call them more adult(whatever the opposite of neotony is). Black women are well known for large secondary sexual characterics like big ass and breasts, that's hardly masculine. And east Asian women by contrast, a race widely considered more on the high end of genetics by HBDers, tend to be more neotonous, with smaller secondary characteristics and young looking faces. And their men tend to be smaller and less physically strong. So I think it's quite plausible that that domestication mechanism, while probably not the sole factor, is a sizeable one in making black people have such higher rates of crime and east asians such lower rates of crime.

Wcostream has long been my favourite animation pirating site