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joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC

Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975



2 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 08 06:32:40 UTC


Pretending to be a cs undergrad.


User ID: 975

Can't find one here on amazon. I'll have to ask around irl.

It wasn't heavy weights that was the issue, it was the rom. I was trying to touch the floor whilst being on the highest bench in my bench, that too with external rotation in my shoulders. I'm lucky it was barely 25 lbs otherwise I would have had a tear.

What is a good cycling program (stationary bike) that I can follow and keep my levels of physical preparedness up. I partially tore or disloacted my labrum (I am not sure what is what but it is sever enough that I cannot do anything with my right shoulder for 3 months). I can only do lower body exercises on machines, calf work, abs and neck so thought might as well go from skinny fat to skinny till I rehab since there is no point in carrying extra fat if I am recomping.

Would welcome any and all suggestions. P.S. do not go beyond ROM in bench pullovers, it will fuck your shoulders up.

You're super lucky to have such sparring partners. Their style of mma is highly effective.

I personally wish to learn that if I'm lucky someday with enough defensive wrestling and bjj to be able to defend myself. But yeah, being at the bottom agaisnt such people is a nightmare. Very suffocating!

I don't fully agree with you. Porier wins if he can keep it standing (likely losing tonight). He can't but if islam ends up panicking or picking a freak injury, he'll have a huge advantage in that domain, also makhachev got knocked out agaisnt a lefty despite himself being a lefty. Porier is another lefty who actually does very well in that match up. Plus rockhold was a stud athlete, bipsing isn't. Makhachev isn't Khabib, his level of athleticism isn't super high and Porier himself isn't as bad as bipsing.

Luke Rockhold was just better than bisping and would have won had he learnt how to defend left hooks. Michael had no paths to victory in that fight which is what explains the betting odds.

Spot on about rockhold. His entire game was built to demolish the orthodox wrestle boxer from a distance and make them pay with his anti wrestling. He will fight the hands if you grab him, scramble, look for submissions or get on top but in a very educated way. On top, he was as devastating as someone like Khabib or Fedor. Would have been a world class grappler had he gone the pure adcc route. Haven't seen what he did since from anyone good.

Even his stand up was southpaw, mostly jabs, body and head kicks, check right hook. Rockhold is a guy I really really liked, here's a great analysis of his fighting style, aptly titled Luke Rockhold - The ultimate power bottom

My favorite divisions to watch are 125-155. The drop in quality after that is staggering. 170 was far more stacked when gsp was around.

It sucked. Small towns are boring. I don't need to spend hours to know that

I do this on my weekly Wednesday posts too so that people can skip stuff that they find boring to begin with.

Didn't know you were Russian. I prefer 2x or 1.5x for podcast.

He's just too old at this point. I liked his old music because it was funny and relatable since he was in his early 20s. Hasn't been the same since for me at least.

Fights this week.

Porier vs Islam Makhachev

Porier is an everyday man's fighter but sightly better. Better than average everywhere, really good in some places but elite in zero spots besides one, beating up pressuring brawlers.

Makhachev is an interesting fighter. Whilst Khabib was the physical freak, makhachev wwas always the technical guy. Khabib relied on chain wrestling whilst makhachev has a better shot, much better striking, lefty and also chain wrestling. Though Khabib had a much more damaging top game, Luke Rockhold esque. Islam wants to ground and pound you too but his grappling is more positional.

Unless Islam fucks up, he should win easy. Porier is the feel good story but life is cold and calculated. Michael Bispings a one and done thing. Fighting is brutal, your chin only gets worse with time, roids can't fix it, you get paid like shit.

Recently saw some movies

  • Glengarry Glen Ross

Simply brilliant, very relatable and great dialogue's. Must watch.

  • Thief

Proto Drive. Incredible. Must Watch, amazing soundtrack. Mann is incredible

  • The Insider


  • Fargo

Boring, terrible. Don't watch, how can the same people make the big lebowski. It feels like they were mocking the Midwestern amerikaner with this one.

  • La Noire.


Nearly finished Gta Vice City. I can't enjoy video games anymore. I feel like I have to work lol. Have a fun week folks.

My safety net is getting a good remote job if it fails. As long as I know a computer skill and have the help of my Co founders, I can get a good paying job.

I can't do stable. My life's biggest regrets are not working hard enough and still lucking into good places.

If it fails, I'll use my computer skills and get a job with my Co founders. I have a safety net of a stable well paying job but that can only materialise if I go through with this.

I wish you luck for your journey too. People fail though the one big regret many have is not doing something sooner and to the best of one's ability. For the first time in my life I can avoid that and that gives me peace.

I have recnetly been trying focusing, the thing by eugene gendlin to help me in this context. I have low self esteem and care a whole lot about how others see and judge me. That and meditation are two things that should be of help.

Meidtation to stop me from thinking about anything besides what I am doing at the moment and focusing to ensure that I can address what exactly is bothering me.

  • Is there a point in your 20s when you are forced to move out because of constant bickering by your parents?

My mother has constantly been angry and aggressive since her menopause last year. I do not like shit tests coming from my mother, not the kind where the only solution is not talking to her. My dad has an incredibly short temper and would berate me for flunking high school (I still cleared the nationwide entrance tests and high school exams with literally perfect grades, being featured in the newspapers because of it). Every day he would scream at me for having flunked exams and this went on for at least 2 years until I started uni. I have to bear it from both my parents now who expect me to have a stable income while building something of my own. To them, the perfect life is of a bugman code coolie. I may have fucked up but I still went to uni without having to stay back a class. Some here would remember my posts in 2019 about trying to transfer over to the US and how my family actively sabotaged it, now whenever news of a kid getting a scholarship to some big-name uni comes up, my mom talks about it loudly as to call me a loser, even though I had zero money to even write exams, forget about hiring consultants like other kids who go out do here. Then after I argued about it, she told me that I would have failed and I got what I deserved.

I love my family, they have sacrificed everything they could have to raise me and my sibling but they are overprotective and abusive to the point where I do not wish to share a roof with them ever again. Calling me a has-been failure at age 23 (will be 24 this July) is not fun. My family suffered a lot due to bullshit court cases resulting in the loss of most of our ancestral land to legal limbo which my family sunk a lot of money into. I get why they feel the way they do yet they cannot change at this point, I should leave soon. I have not told them when I am leaving, the ticket is for June 3rd, and I want to leave without telling them about it. Have never travelled in my life since they have always been overprotective.

The shit tests are fairly constant. I started working out more seriously and saw my clothes shrink a little. I did gain some inches on my waist by forced overeating from MMA but my ma just keeps calling me fat, telling me that I am going to be fat whilst herself being really obese. Everyone in my family is overweight except me and she somehow always calls me fat whenever the topic of my clothes comes up.

  • Part-time nanny

My grandad is 91 and his room is in the section of the house where my study is so I am constantly being asked to run errands, pointless ones, it fucks my work up since I have to constantly start over and over again. Even worse is that my parents don't let me sleep because my work hours are late and they wake me up at 9 am so I average 5 hours of sleep a night. Any disagreement results in them screaming at me again and telling me that I will fail at my startup too. At this point, they are more convinced of me being a failure than anyone else I know of. Not saying that they want me to but this behaviour has always been a constant in my life. The only metric that mattered ever was fucking stupid exams, that produce their tier code coolies for the West which is what universities in my nation are in all honesty.

  • Start-up woes and relocation

I will be leaving for the large metropolis this Monday to meet with my cofounders and start serious work on my startup. One is based there and makes a good living doing a bunch of programming stuff and the other is a child prodigy of sorts who has many job offers whilst studying as an undergrad in the US. The one living there has a large apartment so we will be working out of it until we get our service apartments 5 minutes from his place, still using his home office as our primary workplace. I am the non-tech guy here for now since we need a lot of front-end and back-end infra up and running so I will have to take care of marketing, sales, hiring, communication etc and I am worried that I might get kicked out or the startup may fail. I have never had anything good happen to me over a long time and I feel quite scared.

I will keep writing more ML code, meditating and figuring out how focusing works properly since my work hours will be gruelling. I am just tired, I have no one to share any of this with, I could not share my feelings with my family earlier which is why I started posting here and now I can never share how I feel about anything with them or anyone. For now, I feel alone, with no safety nets.

I spoke with him on my first days here on ssc in 2019 jan where I was depressed af as I was giving the most important exams of my life, college. Really nice guy, thanks for the upload op.

Also I dont think atlanata would be as good because it does not have access to the ocean which IMO is an important part of a GTA game. Having the ability to traverse land, water and the sky is what made vice city a game worth playing.

Atlanta is just too hip hop from my completely skewed lens. Miami Vice or 90s New York or LA are far far more appealing settings because. Miami in particular since you do see it in pop culture but not as much as the other two and the retrowave aesthetic seals it for me. A hip hop inspired inner city game happened and that was san andreas, Atlanta based GTA game would be worse.

lol at atlanta or chicago. Miami is a far far better setting IMO, something about tropical weather, large coastline and whatnot.

Things I did for fun this past week - GTA Vice City (with the Extended mod), Franchise Cricket, Fights, below is my description of these three.

I played a ton of GTA Vice City extended. It's called extended due to the game-altering mod that updates the graphics, adds a ton of gameplay tweaks etc and I do not like it. I play the game and feel that it is mundane and I should be working instead. Regardless I still liked it more than surfing Instagram. I played Vice City for the first time as a 5 year old and 19 years later, I can finally grasp the story and how overly sexual it is lol. The game back then was a breath of fresh air on fat monitors where you could live out all your vile fantasies of violence and vehicle-based activities in Miami straight out of Miami Vice.

The game's protagonist is Tommy Vercetti who spent 15 years in Jail for his mafia family. Upon getting out, he is sent from the North to Florida for a drug deal that goes wrong and in order to repay back his family, he starts making money with local druglords, to the point where he takes over. It has a star cast featuring Tim Burton, Trejo, even people from Miami Vice. The game is no doubt primitive 22 years after its release though still quite fun.

Miami and the amazing radio that you listen to in the game are two really really important things. They make it come alive, the tune still hold up and Miami is one place I want to visit once my startup fetches me some money. The neon lights, girls in bikinis, tropical weather and distinct architecture with a ton of water in a North American metropolis sounds fucking amazing. That place must be super fucking fun if you have a little money lol.

The other source of my daily entertainment has also started feeling a little drab. You have franchise cricket in the summer, so clubs based out of cities similar to how sports are done in North America. My grandad watches it every day so I watch parts of it daily with him. My hometown's team did qualify for the playoffs despite losing like 4-5 in a row recently, though I am quite neutral about cricket, still a good way to kill time.

This weekend, Tommy Fury fights Usyk, IMO usyk wins a decision given Fury is probably washed now. I won't watch MMA this weekend since I just don't feel like it. The other day I realised that I had been watching MMA for over 8 years and have only learnt it for a few months so feel a sense of dread watching it as I could have actually acquired the skills I see on TV somewhat had I trained all that time instead of just watching fights and checking news or betting lines and analysis of various fights. That kinda attention should only go to ones day job or some serious hobby.

Spending time with these activities also made me want to go back to reading books again. Things I read for fun somehow ended up influencing me in a good way. I like the person I am when I read instead of when I am up till 3 am flying an RC helicopter for a game mission or looking at different betting odds for MMA. I have been wanting to read Faust and Ramayana, started both but left them for god knows what reason.

We are making an educational subscription-based product with automation and it is for mostly noobs who want a more hands on approach to learning. I am a little hesitant to state the specifics for obvious reasons before the MVP is released.

It is mostly for noobs and intermediates who wish to learn. It is not entertainment-focused and is rather more serious. Not a b2b saas, mostly a b2c mobile application.

Business to consumer, a web/mobile app that's based exclusively on a monthly payment plan.

I have zero previous experience lol

My startup is going to launch it's mvp in less than 4 weeks and I have to handle the sales/customer acquisition/marketing and some hiring stuff in the meantime.

Please point me to resources on these topics that will ensure that I do my parts well. I don't wanna blow my opportunity and get users the smart way to our product when it launches.

I cannot fucking play it unfortunately, I got it off unlokcedsteam, terrible, terrible frame rate, below 10, so added a bunch of mods and now it won't open. I will just save money and buy it down the line or play something else. PLaying video games now is somehow harder than before.

Talking about gta 4 since even vice city wont work

Spot on. Plus they had a vibe that you do not see now. Games were not as formulaic as they are today. Wolfenstein, Doom, Deus ex, Gohtic 2, the GTA franchise, they all seem fresh. Even the assassins creed was great till ac brotherhood. I do not like new games at all. Too woke and predatory with zero creativity.

I like the vibe of vice city the most. I will try to find repacks of it that dont have malware and play it with a bunch of mods. I feel like a boomer here but I feel that video games peaked in the 2000s.