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joined 2022 September 04 23:45:12 UTC


User ID: 278



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User ID: 278

It's certainly plausible that there are recordings of him saying that in some other context. Though to what end, I don't know. Certainly they couldn't maintain such a rude all the way to November, and I don't see what a week or two would buy, other than maybe fake endorsements from a candidate who then tragically died.

I agree, I think there's a much likelier chance that Biden is very upset at what happened and is just not being very cooperative with the people who engineered his ouster

Possibly to prevent a new VP that might be forced upon her by the Congress, so she can run with whoever she wants?

538 is a model, only slightly based on polling

In this case I think it depends on what is being pushed. You have to keep in mind that this is a security tool specifically promising and designed to implement rapid defense against zero-day security exploits. Holding off for a week or so on a threat under active exploitation is not what they are being paid for.

Yes, I think the key distinguishing factor between Nazism specifically vs. nationalism or fascism generally is the belief in social Darwinism and eugenics at the volk-scale. They genuinely believed that a glorious future awaits, when the best and brightest and strongest dominate the world and mold it for the betterment of all. It's one reason so many killed themselves at the end: they had fully internalized that in losing, their inferiority was manifest, and so suicide was not just practical, but a moral duty to humanity.

Neither, it's may-guh. The same vowel sound as in "make".

It seems like the simple and obvious solution would be for social media companies to set user post visibility to friends only by default, though with something like Twitter its basic premise is that you are posting for everyone to see.

Ordinarily yes but obviously this is a loophole in the 7th Amendment if violation of that law is an element of the crime, and the judge can simply rule that law to be constructively violated.

Consider two laws: a law against disorderly conduct, and a law against wearing a mask while committing a crime. And the prosecutor brings a case against you for the charge of wearing a mask while committing a crime, accusing you of committing disorderly conduct while masked up. You definitely were masked up, but deny that you were disorderly. Should the judge be allowed to simply rule that you were committing the crime of disorderly conduct for the purpose of this prosecution, without ever proving the elements of the crime, and despite you never being charged with disorderly conduct?

Good point. Let's remember he was the prominent keynote of a major Biden fundraiser and made a prominent public endorsement. He's too close to the campaign itself to even joke about that kind of thing.

It is, however, still outside the Overton window and not supposed to be publicly stated.

Fallen Angels maybe?

What I would do is buy a new hard drive and install it, and keep your old hard drive attached as a second disk (if you have the room) or in a drawer, to serve as a backup. Before you shut it down, though, go to https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows11 and choose the option to create Windows 11 installation media. This will let you use a USB thumbdrive to create a Windows 11 boot device. You should be able to then boot off of this USB drive and step through the relatively simple installation wizard to install it on your new hard drive. You should not need a product key at this time; you can activate it later if you want to and you may actually discover that there is a product activation linked to your Microsoft account. If it's not nagging you about activation, you're good to go. And if you don't mind the nagging, you can actually continue to use it this way, albeit some nonfunctional things like customization options are disabled.

Note that if you install Home, you are basically required to log in with a Microsoft Account, and it's difficult to avoid even with Pro. In know plenty of people are ideologically opposed to it, but IMO it's not worth fighting Microsoft over and actually provides some nice benefits (i.e., roaming files, synchronized browser profiles, that kind of thing.)

In the case of executives, I think the explanation is generally that time opportunity cost of exercise is not worth the benefit, and I would guess that social and stress eating is a factor.

Attempting to distance himself from it will reduce or blunt Democratic attacks on him precisely zero, any more than Conservatives are less apt to attack Biden about the 2020 riots because of his public denouncements of defunding the police.

Maybe, but it could conceivably make him far more palatable centrists anyways. Think of Clinton and his Sister Souljah moment. Breaking publicly with your party's activists can win over that swing voter, if you can do it without making too many of your own people stay home.

It's not only about whether you are satisfied with secrecy of your voting. It's also about whether other voters are satisfied that your vote was not coerced. What evidence other than your own testimony could you offer?

I enjoyed the unstated premise in Andor that computer technology in that universe had largely not advanced beyond early 80's human capabilities, excepting the droids which I am now convinced are actually cyborgs.

I think they tried to do it in a way that saved face, by demanding a bunch of conditions that they didn't think Trump would agree to. But he called their bluff, and they were stuck.

what if your county is so big you can't walk out of it in one day and pass out on the road and thusly get busted for sleeping in public? what if everywhere in every direction has criminalized sleeping in public?

In that case you might have a defense of necessity or even impossibility. In practical terms, they could simply offer you a bus ticket to a place with shelters or legal camping, and my understanding is that this is common practice already.

I think this is an especially important understanding because to a large degree, the job of United States CEO is about being the face man, in effect the salesman selling the United States position to the rest of the world and his federal government policy to the rest of the country. Therefore, being an effective persuader, i.e. being an effective salesman, is actually a major qualification for the job being sought!

I agree, I think this format worked well and should be the standard going forward. Kudos to CNN for not thinking that people shouting over each other = interesting.

Reddit feels very hollow these days too

Why doesn't that work?

The answer to your question is that Microsoft only controls one component of the entire user experience, the OS. Most of what you describe, and most of what people complain about, is the result of hardware manufacturers and third party software contributing to the experience.

Isn't that what categories are for?