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joined 2022 September 04 23:45:12 UTC


User ID: 278



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:45:12 UTC


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User ID: 278

I'm cynical. I believe the plan is to get people so fucked that they need the government, and specifically a nanny-state, far-left, socialist government.

BZZT! You have been fined one credit for a violation of the verbal morality statute.

Worked up enough to…what? Evade taxes? Take potshots at the local Democrats? Fedpost?

LOL, nice try.

If it's in Europe's self interest, then they should do the heavy lifting of money and materiel. US taxpayers will eventually grow weary of subsidizing the defense of people who get far more vacation time and unlimited free healthcare,and are awfully smug about it besides.

Both are unnecessarily messy

That is changing too. Bit by bit "monagamist" is becoming an epithet, the sign of a closed-minded, selfish, insecure loser. You won't want to come across as being polyphobic.

Or, he is too valuable to the MIC via SpaceX.

It's a trust issue. People are familiar with the conduct of lawyers with an axe to grind, and simply know better than to voluntarily place themselves in front of that buzzsaw.

What are your thoughts?

Sounds like 90% of Reddit TBH

Probably true, but they can for example teach that homosexual sex is perfectly normal and desirable.

Eh, it's easier for me to just not read books than it is to either justify my low status choices or read higher status stuff I just don't like.

Since always. Even in the modern day when a system will easily have 16-32 GB of memory, that's 10% (or 20%) of the entire system! It's not remotely acceptable for a single app to take up that much memory.

Disagree. RAM exists to be used. There are lots of performance reasons for trading off memory utilization with CPU processing and storage IO, and a complex program which is a primary use case for a PC should make those tradeoffs in favor of more RAM utilization unless operating in a memory-constrained environment.

Conflating "closing the file/discarding changes" with "closing the application window" was never a great UI compromise, so this seems like an improvement. You just need to accept that program state and file state do not need to be correlated.

Somebody better tell Werner Herzog!

Whenever Richard Cory went down town, We people on the pavement looked at him: He was a gentleman from sole to crown, Clean favored, and imperially slim.

You make some good points, though I think the status quo is even more vulnerable in some ways. What would be a better way to try to equalize presidential influence over the court, do you think? Currently it seems a bit too based on luck, whether people die on the job while your party controls the Senate.

It already is, I'm sure. Congress can designate federal enclaves basically wherever it wants to and doesn't need an amendment to do so, but I was just clarifying that rescission of D.C. didn't imply state jurisdiction.

With limits. They cannot criminalize valid exercises of executive or judicial powers.

You need to satisfy all the elements of an offence to have committed the offence.

This would be a conspiracy charge.

I agree. However, it is a large capital investment, so once you make the plunge to buy one, it makes sense to use it whenever it would be marginally advantageous to do so.

I also remember making the decision in high school that it would never be more than a hobby, but committed to making it a hobby I would be competent enough at to enjoy. Having gotten over the biggest learning curve already was such a game changer, but could only have happened by starting young. It's made me realize how early focus on a couple of skills can pay big dividends later in life.

Do I understand you correctly, that you think there is a plausible First Amendment issue here? Do you see this as a problem with the statutory construction, or with the application of an otherwise valid law?

Offshore then.

Ordinary (non-conditioner) shampoo seems to work just fine as a body wash, and is much cheaper for some reason.


And therefore, the West's support for Ukraine is entirely justified by the desire to make sure nobody is allowed to get away with just seizing territory because they want it.

But why do we want that? The U.S. had a clear interest in preventing this when the spread of Communism was a real threat. But that's not the case any longer. What interest do we have in guaranteeing the rights of the weak everywhere against the strong? (Without taking position on whether or not Ukraine is stronger than Russia, the implication seems to be that they cannot win without massive assistance from us.) Some countries, perhaps, are Too Big to Fail. Is Ukraine really one of them? Is preservation of the status quo worth any amount of blood or treasure? I'm not persuaded of the automatic moral duty of bystanders to intervene when one country consumes another any more than when one wild animal consumes another. In terms of international relations, the world is a jungle and jungle rules and ethics apply.