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User ID: 278



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User ID: 278

It's not just the criticism, it's the ratfuckery. We're talking about constant escalation. You think it's a uniquely anti-Trump phenomenon but that doesn't seem plausible to people who've observed nothing but continual escalation this side of the millennium.

It should be apparent by now that Garland was not the middle-of-the-road moderate he was painted as in the media. Nothing stopped Obama from nominating someone more palatable to the Senate.

That's interpreting a provision that is generally applicable to the public as also applicable to the President, which I still think is questionable for the reasons I suggested.

Why? Let's suppose I hypothetically produced a jurisdiction with such a law. Would you find it invalid, and if so, on what grounds? Or is your position just that there is no chance of a slippery slope along these lines?

But, if you know that none of those things will actually happen, as everyone does, how can you condemn even the mildest of social consequences? You seem to be taking the position that only governmentally imposed consequences are morally acceptable, which seems both ridiculous and naive.

Isn't Leinenkugel available nationwide now? Summer Shandy is far and away their most popular variety.

I suspect that it is not so much "processing" (why would blending up pork scraps and extruding them into a sausage shape change the nutrition) but specifically preservatives which are bad over time. Unfortunately, preservatives are usually introduced into processed foods to make them more consistent and less prone to spoilage, making them cheaper as well.

If Israel is blockading Gaza than the people of Gaza have every right to use military force against Israel.

Possibly. It doesn't give them the right to indiscriminately commit terroristic acts against the civilian population, which is the path they chose.

You can watch the stuff that has your favourite characters and ignore the rest if you like.

Possible, but politically unsound.

Black Americans are, well, American. It's not a symbol of Americans being replaced by foreigners, at all.

Kind of. They are Black Americans, with a society and culture distinct and separate. A kind of parallel society, and one that seems antagonistic to the other Americans. Similar to South Africa, really.

Party in the USA seems like an obvious choice.

  1. It has USA in the title
  2. It's at least somewhat positive about the USA in the lyrics
  3. It's singable and upbeat
  4. The other major theme is parties, which are also popular

it would be nice if we had a religion that had been born in and adapted for modern, industrial society rather than something that worked very well for agrarian societies and was ultimately adapted to industrial ones.

Our Ford and Savior

The main reason that shale looks good at the moment is the combination of unaccounted externalities, incredibly low interest rates/money-printing and a paucity of conventional light, sweet crude.

Is this a copypasta from a couple of years ago? The Fed has been raising rates for a while now.

You believe they are burning investor capital to do this...why, exactly?

The same reason Ponzi or Madoff did?

I don't follow. Ponzi and Madoff had a clear plan: take a bunch of peoples' money, then don't deliver what you promised, and keep the money. SpaceX is taking investment money, but they are also delivering what they promised, and more. It's hard to see how you stand to gain by actually spending the money you planned to pilfer on providing goods and services to others.

A more plausible theory might be trying to do what Uber or other companies have attempted: burn investment capital long enough to become the near-monopolist in a particular market, then raise prices to achieve massive profits. In some senses, Tesla followed that model to a degree. In the case of SpaceX however, it seems less likely because (a) they haven't actually raised their prices despite capturing the lion's share of the commercial market and (b) most of their competitors are government agencies or government-guaranteed providers who can't be driven out of business this way in any case.

Is that actually true? I think I heard about a case recently where the government didn't even consider alternatives to SpaceX.

Yes. Except in specific circumstances, all government service must be put for bid, so the government is in principle considering any alternative that meets requirements. You might be recalling this story: https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/10/for-most-science-missions-nasa-is-down-to-a-single-launch-provider/ but the news there is not that the government refused to consider alternatives to SpaceX, it's that every other launch provider except for SpaceX decided not to put themselves up for consideration. If there were companies willing and able to beat SpaceX on price, they could have bid on the job. None did.

Also, I'm pretty sure their overcharging is documented in some cases. I think the Starlinks for Ukraine carried 3x their market price.

It's a market, so "overcharging" is charging more than agreed upon, or using unfair leverage to charge higher than the market clearing price. So, the question is, what satellite internet service provider was offering a better price than SpaceX? If the answer is "none" then it's probably not overcharging. You might argue that SpaceX used unfair leverage because of the dire need of the U.S. government to provide Internet service to Ukraine, but I think if you were to conduct a survey, 3*retail is actually a very reasonable price for any defense contractors, because servicing the military comes along with a lot of additional work and responsibilities. It's also why government launch services cost more - the government demands a lot more from the provider than commercial customers usually do.

I thought transcontinental, but either works

An urban growth boundary would be a terrible thing. Letting people build on farmland they own is no different to letting people build on urban land they own.

Without this, how would you stop white people from moving out to the suburbs again?

Despite those restrictions, under the current numbers Biden would be required to use the authority.

Or else what?

Since always. Even in the modern day when a system will easily have 16-32 GB of memory, that's 10% (or 20%) of the entire system! It's not remotely acceptable for a single app to take up that much memory.

Disagree. RAM exists to be used. There are lots of performance reasons for trading off memory utilization with CPU processing and storage IO, and a complex program which is a primary use case for a PC should make those tradeoffs in favor of more RAM utilization unless operating in a memory-constrained environment.

He wrote a whole book so it doesn't seem like the silence intimidation worked very well. What property was seized, are you talking about the laptop?

So, no harm, no foul? Government abuse is fine so long as the person persevered in any case?

What reasons would TTV have to believe that election authorities in Arizona and Georgia would not cooperate with them in good faith?

Are you asking, theoretically, or are you asking me if I know personally of specific reasons they believe this? I don't have first-hand knowledge, no. But I have personal first-hand experience with this sort of thing. I personally witnessed election malfeasance as an independent observer. Ultimately, I did nothing with that information for several reasons: A) I had no physical evidence. I knew what I observed but that's all that I had. I had no ability to corroborate my observations. B) The police and elections commission were involved. The same people that I could complain to. Did I expect they would seriously undertake efforts to investigate themselves of wrongdoing? No, I did not. C) Without physical evidence, I would actually be vulnerable to a defamation claim for taking my observations public. I would at a minimum be subject to the smears of people far more powerful than I am and who would be motivated to deny any wrong doing.

So, I know something was done improperly. I know nobody cares. I know that most people can't fight city hall.

Both are unnecessarily messy

I've been watching a number of films from the 70's and it's remarkable how many end with the protagonist failing to accomplish their goals in a meaningful way.

  • Blowup: the protagonist fails to stop the assassination conspiracy and his girlfriend is killed.
  • Marathon Man: the protagonist foils the criminal conspiracy, but at the cost of both his and his brother's lives.
  • Network: the primary protagonist loses his girlfriend, his wife, his job, and all influence and the secondary protagonist is assassinated live on television by the antagonists
  • Parallax View: the protagonist fails to stop the assassination conspiracy and is killed
  • The Conversation: the protagonist fails to stop the assassination conspiracy he uncovers and is left paranoid and alone

I think there is a lot to the theory that the JFK/RFK assassinations deeply traumatized the Boomer generation in a way we may only be slowly recovering from.

See, in the twist cap situation, I would always lead with, "may I offer a suggestion?" When they inevitably agree, you're now offering solicited advice. You've engaged them in asking for your help, which makes them inherently more open to accepting it. "Don't offer unsolicited advice" doesn't mean "speak only when spoken to." And of course etiquette always takes a back seat to actual danger.

It can be hard to get the best lawyers when that can be a career blackball for them.

I am not sympathetic to Hamas.

This contradicts your earlier statement that, under similar circumstances, you would take similar actions.

if Israel killed my whole family, who have nothing to do with Hamas, in pursuit of killing some Hamas member my first response would be to start Hamas 2

I take this to mean that you find it understandable and morally acceptable to engage in the actions Hamas has engaged in, as revenge for unjust acts that have affected them.

That's normalizing out the result though. If they had more political diversity, they wouldn't all chose to live in those places.