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User ID: 1681



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User ID: 1681

With no ethics, and a big budget you could go very fast.

Females develop eggs after 20 weeks so you could make 1000 per generation, polygenically screen them all, pick the best and iterate.

In just over a year you have 3 generations and the pick of 1 in a billion (of descendants of your starting stock)

You don't need to know how intelligence works, you just need to sequence enough people in genome wide association studies, build a polygenic score and then run it

250 IQ is 10 standard deviations from mean IQ 100, SD=15

If we have 1000 offspring per generation via egg harvesting embryos, taking the top 1% (10) they should be 2.33 SD from the mean

With 80% heritability, response to selection per generation is 1.86 SD

Thus it will take 5.36 (6) generations of selective breeding to get 250IQ with 1000 offspring per generation

Or 6 * 20 weeks = 2.3 years

If egg/sperm are from +3 SD donors, it's 3.76 (4) generations, or 1.53 years

Please consider donating towards my volcano lair lab on Kickstarter

You can't take half the components of a Ferarri and half the components of a Ford pickup, mix them together and have a working car. The piston of one wouldn't fit in the cylinder of the other.

But you can mix the genomes of males and females of the same species.

Cars have very few components so the variation is eg swapping out this brand of muffler for another one - they must all fit together. Genetic variation is extremely small (modifying less than a billionth of the system) - and mostly independent of other variation.

Imagine a car with 10,000 tunable components, that can vary without breaking the machine (life is robust to variation)

There are 8 billion cars, almost completely stock. Some have a few parts well tuned, and are fast, some have a few parts detuned and are slow

The fastest cars have 500 components perfectly tuned and are 4 or 5 standard deviations faster

What I'm saying is we look at millions of cars tuning matched to speed. We use this to work out what the best tuning is, then we select for that, making a car that uses existing components, but the combination has never existed before naturally.

We KNOW we can rapidly selectively breed animals that vary enormously from the natural stock. Look at racehorses, dogs, milk production in cows, the giant extremely fast growing chickens we eat today that lay eggs at phenomenal rates etc etc

LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act

An article on how it changed how the country is governed:


I am a geneticist - nobody talks about selectively breeding human IQ because it gives you bad press, your uni may fire you and you will no longer get any grants.

But humans are just animals, and IQ is just a normally distributed polygenic trait... so ask them about whether it would be possible to say breed +5SD weight or wing size in fruit flies or mice length and they will say "of course"

The rapid turn around of generations via embryonic eggs is science fiction, but it's much closer to "geostationary sattelite" than "warp drive".

Eugenics is not part of the traditional culture of any country. The reason it's not implemented anywhere is a lack of popular support; it has nothing to do with the EU.

In Denmark, the Danish Cytogenetic Central Register, shows an average of 98% of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome before birth are aborted each year.

Denmark is also famous for exporting tall blue-eyed babies via sperm donation catalogues

So, examples of currently active positive and negative eugenics going on there.

What matters most

Most work in human genetics is finding the cause of genetic disease (inherited and cancer)

In all western countries I can think of, they do prenatal screening tests, the results of which are used to kill the genetically less fit.

What is this if not government eugenics program that almost all scientists support? High 90% of people terminate down syndrome foetuses upon positive result.

In polls, most westerners are ok with termination to stop disease, just not ok with anything that looks like making super babies

Though of course, if you look at sperm donation stats I am sure the average chosen donor is above average IQ, height, attractiveness etc

Chat GPT-4 gets 88th percentile on the LSAT vs 40th for Chat GPT-3

If you are using the free version it's the equivalent of a D student, pay $20 to get an A student.

Your professor used to be right when he said the cutting edge AI model wasn't that good for law, but AI moves so fast he is now wrong

Biology defines males and females as having small (sperm) and large (egg) sex cells.

True hermaphroditism is extremely rare and non functional:

Spermatogenesis has only been observed in solitary testes and not in the testicular portions of ovotestes

The chromosomes XY, XX etc generally kick off development to phenotypically adult human sexes but there are rare disorders which most people are familiar with now.

The chromosomal pairs for sexes are different in different species, eg in birds males are the sex with 2 identical sex chroms.

But birds and mammals both fit the large/small sex cell binary

Great post.

A culture war angle you didn't touch on was admixture with white Australians.

You are either aboriginal or not, ie 1/16 counts the same as 100%.

Nature or nurture, whites outperform aboriginals, thus the indigenous medical school scholarship students all look like this:


I would be willing to bet most pure blooded Aboriginals are most concerned about better food, health and shelter while the 1/16th seem to be fighting hardest to get the government to hand out cushy white collar jobs - this looks to be what the voice is to me.

It is totally unacceptable in polite company to point out how white some of these activist / scholarship recipients / welcome to country paid performers etc look

That he would gamble and eventually lose was foreshadowed here


COWEN: Okay, but let’s say there’s a game: 51 percent, you double the Earth out somewhere else; 49 percent, it all disappears. Would you play that game? And would you keep on playing that, double or nothing?

There's no difference between sterilization and death in the fossil record

Yeah I deleted that maybe a minute after posting, because I didn't want to explain thee edge cases

Exactly. If there are adults running the show they'll have planned where to put the explosives, have aircraft standing by and know the schools key TSMC employees kids will go to.

He believes wokeness is downstream from the civil rights act.

Seems plausible, though I haven't seen comparisons of legislation vs wokeness in other similar Anglo countries like Canada and Australia who have frequent first nations prayers before government meetings.

Jesus did not preach kin selection, but the opposite:

Luke 14:12-14 New International Version

Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid.

But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous

Offspring regress to their population mean.

For Ada to be the first programmer, Charles Babbage must have designed the first programmable computer without ever coming up with any test programs for it.

He decided what instructions you'd need, and that you'd need multiple ones, then never thought about combining 2 or more together to do anything, ever.

Then lucky for him, a programmer appears!

If that's the case then income tax is like the state siezing humans and taking rent from their labour.

When income taxes were introduced did they compensate the owners of human capital for reduced future income streams?

You would expect the Asian norm of kids looking after you in retirement vs Western welfare state would lead to them having higher birthrates than us, but those societies have some of the lowest TFRs on earth.

Like most things, criminality is partly heritable. Some people, when given freedom choose to defect against others.

Executing the most violent criminals before they reproduce over many thousands of years is artificial selection for civilisation.

You would expect it to increase the proportion of law abiding genes.

There are pretty big population difference is crime. Has anyone looked at historical time and percentage of executions for crime vs present day rates?

Sounds like a meat puppet from the 80s scifi book Neuromancer