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Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

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joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


User ID: 636


Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


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User ID: 636

It's premature to talk about differences in quality before it's even on the market.

For that matter, if it's so much worse, there's no need to ban it.

Everyone wins except those who don't want to live near shanties.

In this thread we're talking about a government action. It doesn't really make sense to say that the government banned something so that the government wouldn't mandate it.

This is only true in the sense that groups pushing gun rights are already talking about establishing a white ethnostate.

by the end of the century human population will be smaller than at the start of it

So you are predicting... Two billion dead by the hand of the cabal if they start today?

an overwhelming majority of the remaining humans will have far less access to energy, resources, and freedoms, both in absolute terms and relative to what those at the top will enjoy.

This is already the case, so it's not much of a prediction.

most women prefer a guy with lower bf% to a roided beefcake type

Since "low bf%" and "roided beefcake" are not mutually exclusive, this is an interesting view into the female view of men.

I'm not sure there exists a statistic real enough if it's not in the direction you expect.

Certainly the median human has "far less access to energy, resources, and freedoms... relative to what those at the top [enjoy]," and by "those at the top" I mean you and me.

The cabal seriously needs to pick up the pace, population is increasing every day and the century is nearly a quarter over.

info-hazard Daughter Question

I'm almost afraid to ask. Is this just the "think about it logically" copypasta?

Don't know how true this is. Your W2 says how much tax you paid, everyone knows how much is being taken.

This doesn't constrain their future actions. It's just as easy to repeal this law and ban real meat as it was before the ban. Maybe if it were a constitutional amendment or something you'd have a point.

SGOV dividends are largely federal tax exempt since it's 90%+ treasuries. I don't think that's the case for BOXX?

voice acting is a mistake

That's crazy. Games like e.g. TF2 were made iconic in part due to their voice acting. I can't even imagine it without VA.

The soviets didn't even manage to secularize the chechens, so I am skeptical that they could secularize a foreign population.

We're not talking about checking anything off, we're talking about a number of hours reported.

You are of course welcome to reject reality and substitute your own, but it's a sign of epistemic closure when you don't update at all in the face of evidence.



In east Alameda countythere's enormous amounts of empty space. Much of the prime real estate in Santa Clara county is warehouses or other industrial areas, and much of the bay area is really shitty SFHes built on shoestring budgets in the sixties.

That's off the top of my head.

Henry Cavill is hot because he’s tall and has a great face, if he had the physique of a runner or something it would make minimal difference, that was my point.

I don't think this is true. He's got a large, wide frame that he'd continue to have even if he had a runner's physique, and women like large frames. If he was about a foot wide in the shoulders nobody would think he's attractive.

John Hamm is a good example of this. He's a handsome guy and looks good in a suit because he's got a large frame. His actual physique is similar to a sack of potatoes, but it just doesn't matter (yes, it never even began for framecels).

If we are assuming do-gooders puppeteering the state then a state ban is just a distraction anyway.

That's news to me, I've had a background check done for every job I've ever worked.

I'm saying that it will grow monumentally in 2100 compared to 2000... And no, I'm not at the top even if I'm in a position to be a lazy layabout with internet and hookers, and if you're posting here, I assume neither are you. How many banks do you own?

You said that the overwhelming majority of humans in 2100 will be far less well off than those at the top.

We are talking about the world here, and not just the US, right?

My income is well within the global 1%, and the median American's income is within the top 3% globally.

I know you will want to salami slice even further, and talk about the global 0.1% or 0.00001%, but there's no reasonable metric by which the man in the mirror is not globally on top, despite ressentiment to people who have it even better.

the absolute value of available energy and freedoms for a common person will be considerably lower in 2100 than 2000.

I'm aware that this is the other part of your prediction, and I again can only say that the cabal needs to pick up the pace because the bottom half of the world is way better off than in 2000 and it's a long way back.

I don't think this is a good representation of the "latest" in nutrition.

Meta-analysis indicates that replacing saturated fat with unsaturated or even carbs results in weight loss.

Protein restriction does not "rev up the metabolism" and is bad for maintaining lean mass.

You are highlighting one passing sentence of his out of a ~100-sentence post about something else.

This is a poor response - if making a dig about Jews is not the point of the post, why is it there? Would you be dismayed if someone wrote a 100 sentence post, included a dig at straight white men in the middle, and someone bristled?

Didn't we establish that California is losing population? Have a look at housing price growth over the same period.

"Those", being the same government that just banned it?