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Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

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joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


User ID: 636


Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:50:08 UTC


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User ID: 636

You are claiming that every other mammal on the planet eats meat?

This is not even remotely true.

They were impossible until 50 years ago, as there were no non-animal sources of vitamin B12.

Animals aren't magic, they get b12 from their diet or gut bacteria. Humans can also get b12 from their diet.

Natural plant and algae sources of vitamin B12 include fermented plant foods such as tempeh[70][71][72] and seaweed-derived foods such as nori and laver.[73][74][75] Other types of algae are rich in B12, with some species, such as Porphyra yezoensis,[73] containing as much cobalamin as liver.[76] Methylcobalamin has been identified in Chlorella vulgaris.[77]

This episode had a lot of details on sauna and recovery: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/podcast-episode-93/

Language and music existed before writing and sheet notation. You can obviously learn to speak or play an instrument without being able to read.

You really can't learn to read without reading though.

I think the most predictable outcome here is a huge effort to make this kind of organization impossible in future; bank accounts shut down mysteriously, all online accounts banned, and the phones of every participant added to spam blocking lists.

I'd take that bet, I don't think these people are going to face any consequences. School choice is well within the Overton window.


40% of people making under 30k are "very satisfied" with their job, and 40% of private sector workers claim their job gives them a sense of identity rather than just being a living.

This isn't really consistent with job pride being a phenomenon of the upper crust.

Wages correlate with satisfaction (and this is clear from the pew study), but the point is that a very large fraction of people earning very little money are satisfied with their jobs. Job satisfaction and pride are by no means phenomena restricted to the upper class.

You're not likely to hurt yourself doing squats.

There's an infinite number of exercises out there and you should try any that sound interesting. Back squats, front squats, deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, trap bar deadlifts, overhead press, the three hundred varieties of rows, incline bench press, etc etc.

As a newbie just about any program will work. Keep a lot of your workouts and try to beat the weight you did last time or the number of reps at the same weight.

A rank newbie is not performing heavy squats and has much more to fear from fear of injuries than bad form.

A few minutes of reading about technique is enough to begin squatting.

You can't even fully recruit your muscles as a rank novice.

Be more antifragile.

Do we have remind me bot here?

I'll happily bet against a Chinese bioweapon release in the next year.

Even the greens have at least stopped digging when it comes to the nuclear power hole.


I think it's one thing to build new power plants and another to start mining an existing mine again.

Nasrudin was caught in the act and sentenced to die. Hauled up before the king, he was asked by the Royal Presence: "Is there any reason at all why I shouldn't have your head off right now?" To which he replied: "Oh, King, live forever! Know that I, the mullah Nasrudin, am the greatest teacher in your kingdom, and it would surely be a waste to kill such a great teacher. So skilled am I that I could even teach your favorite horse to sing, given a year to work on it." The king was amused, and said: "Very well then, you move into the stable immediately, and if the horse isn't singing a year from now, we'll think of something interesting to do with you."

As he was returning to his cell to pick up his spare rags, his cellmate remonstrated with him: "Now that was really stupid. You know you can't teach that horse to sing, no matter how long you try." Nasrudin's response: "Not at all. I have a year now that I didn't have before. And a lot of things can happen in a year. The king might die. The horse might die. I might die.

"And, who knows? Maybe the horse will sing."

prices will almost certainly fall that but it will be in nominal terms not real

I am sure we will enter a deflationary environment any day now

The etymology is actually pretty complicated.


So prices will fall in real terms after all?

I cannot understand your comments.

Well, your first comment said there will be no fall in real terms, so I think my confusion is reasonable.

It would be great to have a remind me bot to help people follow up on some of the big predictions we see every day.

A photograph of Mondrian’s studio, taken a few days after the artist’s death and published in American lifestyle magazine Town and Country in June 1944, also shows the same picture sitting on an easel the other way up.

Seems plausible that it really is upside down.

Like, national security council tier?

To be clear, the source is a screenshot of dubious (admitted!) second hand provenance showing a discord bot posting something and a guy saying "this bot is Kelsey Piper posting on irc, trust me bro"?

It is very difficult to get a man to doubt something when his worldview depends on him not doubting it.

I really thought that Oz would win easily after seeing Fetterman's verbal impairment. Not sure what to make of his imminent win.

Torturing pigs marginally less is a step in the direction of banning pork entirely? It's interesting that you see these as steps on a continuum. It's almost as if maximal animal cruelty (so long as it doesn't eat into the profit margin) is necessary to signal opposition to banning meat entirely.

EAs obviously want people to not eat meat, but most people do want to eat meat.

EAs obviously don't want animals to be tortured, and most people don't want animals to be tortured.

This "we have to torture the animals or otherwise it's a slippery slope" thing really gets to me.

If you don't want animals to suffer, but you have rationalized yourself to being opposed to efforts to reduce said suffering, you seem to have taken a wrong turn somewhere.

If you are really confident that California is going to ban eating a particular animal in the foreseeable future I am happy to make a bet about it.