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joined 2022 September 05 16:31:20 UTC


User ID: 625



2 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 16:31:20 UTC


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User ID: 625

That one is going to be hard. On our very first date, she made it amply clear that her "things ranking" went as follows:

  1. Sleep
  2. Chocolate
  3. the idea of Antonio Banderas in the 1998 mask of Zorro.

I have finally made it to #3, toppling Banderas, but she would totally dump me before giving up sleep or chocolate.

But yeah, we've gone from a bar of chocolate to a couple of squares of dark chocolate. So there's progress.

There are 2 difference.

The first is that the European male lineage was almost entirely wiped out. If everyone is the child of the winners, then you're a child of the winners. If that genetic breakdown is more of spectrum, then some are more children of winners than the others. Second, Europe kept winning. They do not have an issue of cultural inferiority. The Europeans do not have their own white man to look up to, to borrow from and to integrate into.

yeah, I guess that's my only option.

Fair. Urban snobbishness is a problem across societies around the world, and it gets on people's nerves real fast.

To be fair, I have been at dinner tables full of transplants in SF & Seattle, where we were all lamenting the how dysfunctional the city government is, the crime, etc. And the racism.

LOL. Have you ever been to New York City?

I live in NYC.

NYC has managed to slow cars enough

What could NYC do to speed up cars more ? What has it done to slow cars down ?

NYC manages to excel by American standards, but that's a passing grade for global cities in the rest of the world. As compared to other cities of the world, NYC actually allows cars to take a highway straight into the downtown core of the city. Other cities cut off the highway at the edge of the ring road that surrounds the city core. Both Manhattan highways occupy the most expensive waterfront space in the world. If the 2 highways were fully moved underground, you'd be looking at one of the most expensive sale of airspace in the entire history of humanity.

Parking is free or dirt cheap in most of the city, while occupying area that generates far more revenue if given as restaurant seating space. Note there are 3 types of people who take cars into NYC. The first are people who are so rich, that they could have simply taken a daily cab instead. The second are slightly-rich people who commute into the city with a car, who should have to pay actual market rate for parking or have their employer pay it. The final are disabled people who ofc deserve to be accommodated, and should have separate reserved parking on each block.

Public transportation is so slow and a hassle.

Public transit is only slow if it is has to sit in traffic. In NYC, Boston & Western Europe, it is a lot faster to get around in public transit than in cars. The problem with cars, is that you have to build larger roads and parking spaces everywhere. That makes transit impossible. That leads to everyone using cars, which in turn requires larger roads and parking spaces. So now everyone wants to go somewhere by far fast, but that that has made traffic worse and the place you want to go to farther off. When you build for transit, everything is so close by that even walking is faster than a car.

far away

Yes ofc. Agreed. For anything out of town, trains can serve a similar purpose. But I am not opposed to cars as an essential means of transport outside the city core.

All of this is especially perplexing giving the rampant drinking culture in the US. If the only fun event in most towns is drinking, then how can I drive to the spot ? I guess the obesity epidemic keeps the BAC levels low /s .

Makes sense why I never wear one.

I never go to plays, and when I do it's improv-ish. I love jazz, but the underground kind. My NYE parties are house parties with a bunch of 20 somethings. And I have been to a $$$$ restaurant just once, on vacation, so I didn't have a suit. If I ever wore a suit to a work party, I'd look really out of place. Hell, I already look out of place for not just wearing swag tshirts and baggy jeans in my tech workplace.

I love layering with bombers, work jackets, heavy shirts & corduroy..... but all of them fall on the wrong side of dressed up. I think there is some truth to this scene, but I could never dress as douchey. Not rich enough to pull it off either ahahaha.

Another good reason to learn Sanskrit, is that a great many manuscripts remain untranslated. Even when they are translated, they are done by woke moralists who interpret the works through a 2023-western-woke lens.

The hard part of learning Sanskrit, is like Latin, no one actually speaks it. So you would only ever be fluent in it as a written language.

That's really interesting. I am not sure if that supports my anecdotes or balances it out ahaha. Either way, useful nuance.

I bet it makes for more creative love making. Porn is creatively bankrupt.

Have you tried an OpenAI model setup with Azure. Those have different hosting mechanisms and can be more stable than OpenAI directly.

I have been getting instagram ads for a flat folding cable machine + bench arrangement. Something like a peloton for weight lifting.

Don't remember the name, but that might work for you.

No new evidence, but an anecdote.

I hurt my right ring finger badly (A2 pulley- climbing) last October, and it has been a long recovery process. Lately however, I have started noticing pain in that exact same location on my left finger, and nowhere else.

Now, I haven't climbed in months, and have been resting all my fingers since. If anything, this is the most relaxed my fingers have been in years. It's almost like my brain can't tell which side the pain signal is coming front, mixed it up, and instead perceives phantom pain signals from the wrong side of the body, but that exact same location - mirrored. When I try to use my 'phantom hurting' right finger, I can still load it up to full capacity and have full mobility in it. Funnily enough, this is also the least pain my actually hurt finger has been in, but that's to be expected given the careful recovery process.

From my datapoint of 1, I have to conclude that some pain is indeed, psychosomatic.

disclaimer - it could also be carpal tunnel / RSI due to overuse. I have been doing 70+ hr work weeks. But, I'd expect it to affect my other fingers too.

The cons of one-note are just too irritating to me

  • Doesn't support common markdown

  • Can't share notes with granular access (It's 2023, what's up with that? It is rhetorical question. I used to work with people in the office team, no one cares enough to solve it )

  • Doesn't sync collaborative notes instantly

  • Everything except the windows app is a terrible way of interacting with it

  • Taking quick notes is pain in the ass

  • Search is meh

  • Tagging is non-existent

No one is as good as Microsoft at providing mediocrity across the board. The app will tick every feature box, but none of them will be quite excellent.

I'd rather just rip the bandaid off and learn some new opinionated platform.

But, none of them properly support inking nor do they properly sync with another collaborative inking service which I can embed in them.

Would you be willing to share it ? If not, I am just glad you came to love it.

geomCDF(p=.3, x=2..inf) = .49

Ah damn, I am pleasantly surprised.

So if I understand right, assuming a binomial distribution, the probability of at least 2 successes from 9 tries (at p = 0.3) is almost exactly 50%.

I just threw a ballpark figure that I would be in the right order of magnitude.

I would love actual data on the typical number of onsites people have, and of pass rates

Maybe it's because I apply for ML roles more so than SWE roles , but I usually know from the screening if I will be able to ace the interview. There is weird feeling in the air.

Like its almost more deterministic than probabilistic. I would never give this advice to anyone else. But I do tend to follow vibes-based-interview protocols myself.

IMO, the issues that Chetan Bhagat touches on, don't need as much context about India though. They are fairly straight forward and easily understood even when read from a western lens.

That being said, you make a good point. I'll admit, my reaction to seeing Chetan Bhagat being recommended was kind of knee jerk.

It is especially rich of me, given that I just called RRR the best Indian movie since 3 idiots (a movie loosely based on a Chetan Bhagat book). Also, say what you want about him, he does capture the angst of your average 18-25 yr Indian male pretty well. 2 states was fairly relatable too.

Still not my first recommendation, but I will retrack my earlier kneejerk reaction. Chetan Bhagat is alright.

What ??

Recommending Chetan Bhagat is like recommending Stephanie Meyers to understand American culture. (edit - which might not be a bad thing?)

He is a bad writer and a bad intellectual.

It is decent schlock , but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone..

It's alright.

Risky investments perform terribly most of the time. Im saying exactly what it looks like.

Take the money you are willing to throw away, and waste it on grey market private company stocks instead of all the other 'risky' options that have been in the dumps. (As would be expected in such market conditions). The strong guarantees I can give about stock market returns all have low ceilings.

If you want reliable gains, then index funds.

If you have enough money to be a private investor, consider buying grey market stocks (equity-zen) in up-and-coming transformers driven companies. Obviously, this is highly risky, so don't put in any money you can't afford to lose. But it is a good place to put your 'high risk' investments. I'd say better than Crypto, weed stocks, self-driving or anything in the ARK portfolio.

Look out for tasks that previously could not be done before, and replace humans in a very clear manner. This keeps the unit-economics stable. Try to get some series-A / Series-B area stock and hope one of them works out.

Note: Stock picking is never a good idea. So if you're asking this question on a forum, then you probably just want to hold a broad based index + some bias onto major SNP500 players such Microsoft/Apple or anything normal-PE-ratio company that seems to have a good foot in the door.

Perfect description of ADHD medication. I havent had the headaches, but the positives effects are very similar.

"Trans people are oppressed because girl bosses who gatekep what it means to be woman and then gaslight them by claiming to be allies?"

That's my best guess

Agreed on all counts. There are zero real democracies that have managed a transition from poverty to wealth. They all grew as autocracies and converted to democracies once stable.

India is unlikely to become autocratic, but the current setup has too many checks and balances. I am a big proponent of reducing states rights and opening the judiciary (primarily by allowing fast track appointments for those who excel at standardized testing , setting targets for case clearance as part of promotions and limiting the supreme court to matters of constitution, rather than morality).

That's a good start. India has fair elections. Let those elected to the parliament choose the path for the nation. Too much beaurocracy is no good.

Boring choice, but I'd choose NYC.

If you don't need to commute, you can buy a house in a quiet Brooklyn neighborhood or one that is mid-gentrification. I am not too different from you in age or compensation, and Greenpoint, Brooklyn is my dream neighborhood. The area near 11th ARR in Paris is my #2 and Somerville, MA is my #3.

Every place that is sunnier and as happening as NYC is culturally isolating to someone who is not from there. So Madrid, Tokyo and Barcelona lose on those grounds.

downstream of the cultural issues

You are techincally correct. The last couple of generations grew up in the suburbs and hated it. Now they don't want to go back.

With the demise of organic in-person culture, suburbs and small cities can feel isolating. Other than a few places like NYC, you'll quickly find yourself isolated because you never meet anyone. NYC forces you to collide with people like almost nowhere else in the US. The other big cities also achieve this to a small degree. But past that, every other place in the US makes a newcomer feel like they're trapped in their own head. Now newcomers suffering didn't used to matter as much, but pretty much every young professional is being forced to move into some other city as a transplant. They all get shuffled around, each getting more and more isolated.

So yeah, people want housing and they want it in a place where they won't be miserable.