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Kai su, teknon?

10 followers   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 05 05:31:00 UTC

I'm a transhumanist doctor. In a better world, I wouldn't need to add that as a qualifier to plain old "doctor". It would be taken as granted for someone in the profession of saving lives.

At any rate, I intend to live forever or die trying. See you at Heat Death!


User ID: 454


Kai su, teknon?

10 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 05:31:00 UTC


I'm a transhumanist doctor. In a better world, I wouldn't need to add that as a qualifier to plain old "doctor". It would be taken as granted for someone in the profession of saving lives.

At any rate, I intend to live forever or die trying. See you at Heat Death!


User ID: 454

I find the idea of women's sports chuckle-worthy, about the same tier of interest as the Little Leagues. Aww, you poor things, incapable of standing up in absolute terms, let's make a nice carveout for you so that you can say you tried.

At least in tennis you have something sexy to look at.

The first one I was aware of was Castor Semenya, who I’ve always had a soft spot for because it seems like a really tough break to have been born labeled as a girl

The real tough break is having a name that sounds like castor oil with semen in it, as far as I'm concerned.

At any rate, I've always watched the whole trans in sports debacle simply for the popcorn munching potential, since I don't give a shit about the outcome either way, it's always fun to see people tearing their hair out when trying to reconcile mutually incompatible maxims and desired outcomes.

Fuck it, let's have a Transhuman Olympics, where PEDs, augmentation and everything you can do short of fighting the other participants is legal. As a tweet once said, let's see how high humans can really jump.

as Fallon Fox celebrating the bliss of fracturing women’s skulls in cage fights

Whats that phrase again, play stupid games and win stupid prizes? Unless those women were coerced with cattle prods into stepping into the ring, they made the eminently stupid move of embracing their fate instead of boycotting or bowing out. Certainly, if I participated in a wrestling match and my opponent was a Silverback gorilla, I'm conceding right there and then.

  • -18

I do not miss the point, I simply do not care about the point.

Not that I'd expect you to notice that, you treat transhumanists like they killed both your parents in a deserted alley.

  • -12

The only reason Deontologists even function is because they're Consequentialists in denial.

I'll dunk on whoever I like, thanks. But if you wish to dunk on me, someone who's clearly alive circa Today AD, you really ought to get your facts in order my g.

My investment in untangling the physical implementation of something the author never thought about, because no matter how galaxy brained you think he was, neuronal plasticity wasn't even an idea at the time, is rather limited, and so is my interest in delving further into it.

You absolute 🤡, I didn't even being up the notion that it had anything to do with it, Duplex made a comment that is a perfectly acceptable first approximation for a layman that was mildly interesting to consider and I didn't feel like debooonking it like you're suddenly so interested in doing.

It's akin to claiming a physicist is a fraud when they don't go around correcting someone referencing Newton's First Law because aCksHually, the uncertainty principle forbids something from having precisely zero changes in its momentum or energy with absolutely certainty.

I'm so sorry I hurt your feelings by having less than positive opinions of Lewis, PBUH.

I don't know about you, but if I lived a life of at least several decades in Narnia, then the fact that I returned as a child is hardly sufficient to make me suppress or deny the memory. There's willful ignorance, and there's that.

Not to mention that she has her family to corroborate her claims.

My money is still on mental retardation.

will kill

*will try

I wish them the best against someone who has an ASI at their beck and call.

Except those supposed implications weren't mentioned in the OP.

You're new around these parts aren't you? Which isn't a crime at all, we could certainly use new arrivals, but just about anyone who has been here for more than a few weeks knows my clear stance on the CW aspects of the topic, such that I don't feel an explicit need to rehash them.

Besides, like I said, any long discussion of (ideally) high quality is de facto acceptable in this thread, or else I wouldn't have had glorified travelogues make AAQCs. Not that this one doesn't have CW implications, the part about GPT-4's stellar performance in the USMLE making me obsolete as a doctor is only half in jest. Or maybe a quarter. It'll get you too.

You can yell at clouds all you like, but much like Shamans and their hexes, RCTs have shown that doesn't do much to help with rain ;)

I don't particularly care Hlynka, if this Thanos snapping managed to take both of us, you included, I'd consider it a net positive!

But I fail to see what the difficulty of Turing-testing random pseudonymous accounts on a text-based forum has anything to with it. Last time I checked, we're both operating according to the laws of physics and biology. Your analogy of how ML works is simply painful.

There will be no survivors. You think not having a cell signal saves you from a Paperclip Maximizer that's demolishing the biosphere for spare parts? Come the fuck on.

My dismay at the statistical illiteracy of the average person only continues to grow.

America is one of the few countries in the world that is doing well after COVID, sure prices are sticky and have coalesced at a higher level than they were pre-pandemic, but wages have grown too. The labor market is red hot.

Nothing blackpills me more than realizing it's not possible to simply educate people into seeing anything but what they're primed to do by others, and claiming the US is going downhill has become fashionable at the least.

I believe you had the conversation. I just don't believe that it helps your case. Like the now infamous folks at Levidow & Oberman who asked GPT for cases supporting their suit against Avianca, I believe that you asked GPT to "explain a thing" and that GPT obliged. Whether the answer you received had any bearing on reality is another matter entirely. The energy state of a moving particle is never zero, it may be negative or imaginary due to quantum weirdness, but it's never zero because if it were zero the particle would be motionless, and the waveform would be a flat line.

I will defer to Bing, because:

A) I already know for a fact it's true, given I was reading it one of the better magazines dedicated to promulgating an understanding of the latest scientific advances, and only wanted an explanation in more detail.


B) For all your undoubtedly many accomplishments, understanding what I was even trying to ask isn't one today. I'm aware what the Uncertainty Principle implies. If you stop all motion, unless the system is a harmonic oscillator which literally cannot stop moving because of its zero point energy, then for a different substance at theoretical zero, then we simply lose all knowledge of where the particle/wave even is. So you simply don't even get what I'm asking, whereas the LLM you so malign did. I wonder what that says about your relative intelligence, or even epistemic humility.


So far, Bing has you beat in every regard, not that I expected otherwise. For anything mission critical, I still double check myself, but your pedantic and wrong insistence that it can't possibly ever be right, god forbid, is eminently worthy of ridicule.

That your exposure to Chihuahua's has been exclusively purse dogs for neurotic white-women rather than the vicious little Rat-Catchers of the south-eastern US and Mexico doesn't mean the latter don't exist or haven't earned their stripes.

Thankfully I'm tall enough that even a vicious nip at my ankles won't phase me, but I'll put these mythical creatures in the same category as the chupacabra, which has about as much concrete evidence behind its existence.

Neither GPT-4 nor OAI never really figured out how to handle a hostile interlocutor, the best they've managed was some flavor of "Nuh Uh" or ignoring opposing arguments entirely, which in my opinion doesn't bode well for true general AI. As I keep saying, the so-called "Hallucinations problem" seems to be baked into the design of LLMs in general and GPT in particular, until that issue is addressed LLMs are going to remain relatively useless in any application where the accuracy of the response matters.

Once again, plain wrong, but I've already spent enough time sourcing reasons for why your claims are wrong, or at least utterly irrelevant, to bother for such a vague and ill-defined one.

Further, and by far more importantly, the hallucination rate has dropped steeply as models get larger, going from GPT-2 which was pretty much all hallucinations, to a usable GPT-3, to a far superior GPT-4. I assume your knowledge of QM extends to plain old linear induction, or just eyeballing a straightish line, because even if they don't achieve magical omniscience, they're already doing better than you.

Worst part is I've told you much of this before, but you've set your learning rate to about zero, long long ago.

C'mon. You know better than to talk like that.

You might be able to justifiably claim that the "rich" may consider poor white Americans as being somehow worse than illegal Hispanic immigrants. You can't get away with being condescending to someone you disagree with, not when it's a habit.

I won't construe this is a formal warning or anything, but you got 5 AAQCs last month, surely you can adhere to better standards.

Edit: Never mind, I'm taking the mod hat off this thing, it's not an infraction that is worth it really.

I despise the idea that the Captain must go down with their ship. What's that going to achieve? Sure, their duty might incorporate sticking around as long as possible to arrange an evacuation, but when that's done, they don't have any responsibility to feed the fishes.

I do not see how there's any remotely plausible world where AI somehow causes us to go extinct while sparing the Amish. Unless the Amish have some really sick data centers hidden under those barns of theirs.

Would many activists prefer that their campaigns result in everyone turning bisexual or gay? Maybe, probably. Doesn't mean that's what they expect.

I don't think a significant fraction of them think being straight is bad, and even if they did, that's not likely the reason why they endorse Pride. And the tendency of many gays to take pride in "converting" "straight" men is more of a fetishization of the unattainable.*

Of course, I'm trying to interpret the question I think you're trying to ask, because as of the time of writing, what you said:

What percentage of people going to gay conversion clinics do you think believe themselves be straight be afflicted with something they find undesirable?

Makes no sense! I presume you meant "to be straight to be afflicted".

*Many gay people mock the straights, but or ask questions along the lines of "are the straights OK?" but that's more of an in-group catechism and bitching, rather than a genuine belief that being straight is somehow inferior.

Note that I'm specifically addressing gay men (or maybe lesbian too), the trans activist community has an unhealthy obsession with cracking eggs.

That's small enough I have no shame in calling it miniscule, but YMMV.

Current gen AI is maybe possibly beginning to flirt with toddler level intelligence, but still struggles with things like object persistance and immediately falls apart in anything resembling a contested environment.

I am impressed by this argument, but probably not for the reasons you'd like.

Please, spare me, I just had a productive conversation where I figured out, with the assistance of GPT-4/Bing, how electron waves require energy to move in 3D space but not a 2D plane.

If that's the intelligence manifested by a toddler, especially your toddler, then you're putting some serious shit in the bottles of milk in your MOLLE pouches. Your kid might even beat Yann Lecun's dog at chess, a performance lesser minds like mine would be ennobled through watching.

Then again, you have queer definitions of hunting hounds that encompass the Chihuahua, and you accuse me of misunderstanding the English language, but I think for all that we're both using Latin script, we don't even agree on what words mean. That's the charitable explanation, labored till heart failure as it is.

I'm going to stick with the Oxford Dictionary and common sense, instead of whatever definition of toddler or intelligence you deem suitable.

If GPT-4 didn't learn to handle hostile interlocutors, why did most of the jailbreaks fail? We have to resort to things like multimodal attacks to have any effect, and OAI's coaxing wouldn't work at all if the model wasn't smart enough to learn their intent instead of a case by case rules list.

Go home to your kid Hlynka, enjoy the joys of watching a human intelligence grow, and ponder a little about how fast things less constrained to 1.4 kilos meat and 20 watts of energy can grow. You'll do more good there, and at least less harm to my mental health.

Yes Hlynka, you can make incredibly accurate and sweeping observations about the potential of a man by watching his behavior as a precocious toddler. Object permanence? Hardly there. The ability to go from crawling to bidepal locomotion? What a queer phase change to expect, surely the fact we can't predict capabilities from loss functions rules out such unfounded claims.

How long have we had AI smarter than the average human again? Somewhere between six months to a year.

Well, it's wisening up faster than some people I know, and they're about as prone to hallucinations, just less epistemically humble about things than a poor little chatbot running on a dozen H100s taught to provide a mile of disclaimers with its answers that probably costs OAI about as much to generate as the facts do.

I took it to mean that it would be a sufficient solution, at the time, but without any implication that it was necessary today, where far less than the utter annihilation of the Palestinian people will more than suffice.

I'll let him clarify his stance, if he wishes, but just because someone said Genocide X years ago would solve Y problem today, that doesn't mean they're suggesting the very same for Y today.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record that goes "AI will fix it", that sounds like a job for AI.

I suspect a model finetuned on the moderation decisions of The Motte will beat the brakes off the typical internet or reddit mod.

I'm not seeing how that's the case? I've usually seen pings put at the very bottom of the post, or as a separate comment entirely where the entire point is to just ping and draw attention to a post itself.

I see it as primarily drawing attention from those who've opted in, and not having any effect on those who haven't.


Topic X

...Wall of Text...


It doesn't seem obvious to me that this has any pertinent drawbacks!

After all, you can already use markdown to make headlines

And I don't see any injunction against it, even if it's rarely used

I really don't care enough to litigate this further or look up the primary source that is-

checks notes

An almost century old children's novel.

That being said, if there's "magic that makes forget most of their time there", then that entirely undermines the whole "problem" since it's possible the poor girl isn't in willful denial, but genuinely believes that she hallucinated the whole thing.

See, I think it's all moot because human labor will shortly cease to matter. But ignoring that:

The people who are opting for pregnancy in a considered manner, especially those who want to go through IVF and potentially embryo selection, want a baby more than is the norm, or they wouldn't bother. People who adopt instead of accepting being childless probably want kids more than average after all.

Likewise, I would expect implants to suppress the birth rate vs oral contraception, because the implant has to be intentionally removed by a doctor, while the pill might just run out or be forgotten (or "forgotten" with some subconscious drive toward having children).

My exam in about a dozen hours leaves me well prepared to field that point. You know why implants are offered in the first place? It's precisely because they reduce unwanted births.

Some poor 18 year old girl is scared of being knocked up? We give her an IUD. A 26 yo woman, we ask her if is planning a family. No? Or a 36 yo who says she's got 3 kids and not one more? Then an IUD, or perhaps an implant, which can be trivially removed for any reason, let alone if they desire kids.

Leaving aside total birth rates, where I expect changes to be minor, this is also helping mitigate dysgenics. A lower class girl with low time preferences has far lower odds of being knocked up again by her deadbeat boyfriend, and then has every opportunity to remove it when she legitimately feels ready.

Among the new individuals, I noticed netstack, selfmadehuman and another individual which is liberal.

I'm a liberal? That's news to me!

On political compass quizzes, for what it's worth, I am dead center. In terms of self identification, I call myself a classical liberal with libertarian tendencies, and that is very much not what just "liberal" means these days, sadly.