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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

What "hard power"? And how would it be used, exactly, to force a hostile central power to tolerate "parallel institutions" by people they hate, rather than crushing them?

Because just like with sanctuary cities in the West Coast, the federal government relies on state and local police to enforce their edicts and those partners can just say no. It is how we got around the fugitive slave act.

And how, exactly, do you propose to do that? Because I don't see any means of doing so.

States run state colleges and hire college graduates. Conservatives own businesses. A lot of people here hire for tech companies let alone run them. Some random subreddit this ain't man.

The oldest institution in the world might be the one who built Stonehenge.

You'll find that they matter about as much as the Zoroastrian priesthood.

If trends continue, Europe will have a large contingent of people who are white Europeans who are a few shades darker than their ancestors. To state otherwise is to admit the inferiority of European culture to middle eastern islamism, and I've always found that wanting.

... When has that ever worked like that?

How? Pillarization requires a relatively neutral central power that allows multiple parallel institutions to keep existing.

If I may be so bold, because they will be forced to by hard power. There need only be a small minority of the nation to do so, so long as they are geographically concentrated.

How so — assuming said school even remains open and accredited? One gives you a whole bunch of employment options and elite connections, the other is a useless piece of paper no employer will respect (for fear of getting sued, if nothing else).

By balancing those scales? That is the idea proposed.

Become Amish.

If you don't mind me asking Nybbler, if we are destined to lose why aren't you jumping ship?

You take control of hiring, bring in a bunch of people loyal to you over the mob, and spread them out. Use them to identify who's blocking you, and fire them for cause (i.e. insubordination). Keep going until most of the paper-pushers cave (remember, only some of them feel strongly enough to risk their jobs, but a lot more will go with the flow and/or have a chain of command going through a troublemaker; rip out the first and the second and third will mostly play ball). It's not easy, but it's possible.

So are you ready and able to knock down the laws that require merit based hiring so you can choose a Hillsdale grad over a Yale grad? There are a lot of laws that prevent a return to the spoils system of old and doing this would require getting past them.

Only in so far as you can abolish the civil state can you abolish the death penalty, and I think you'll find many zealots don't make Christian Anarchism a priority.

Who is more powerful though?

An activist that lives off of 24k per year passive income, or a doctor working 80hr weeks up to his eyes in debt?

Income doesn't really factor in.

Then why aren't there more left wing posters here?

Then stop being a white gentile.

Where would you go to find the sales number?

So is holding a hot iron as your hand sizzles and boils.

External forces there may be, but you need a certain mindset to move from under them.

What, exactly, are you protecting?

Norms, generally. Deanonomizing people is something I'd rather not become allowable, and the incompetence of others shouldn't affect me.

Everyone has a sacred right to blasphemy in a secular legal system with free speech protections.

So the United States?

The normal churn of society.

Shall we expect the rise of anarchocapitalist parties in Western Europe then?

What has happened in Argentina that an ancap wins election?

So you find it more likely that they are standing at parade rest for funsies?

And they are crossing 10 kids per household in many cases, it is likely that just by sheer volume there is going to be enough castoffs to fill volume. It is going to be similar volumes for the mennonite population.

Someone must like him, he got elected speaker.

It would be based off of PM counts at the stack no? What do you think it should be, PM2.5?

The area is geographically important and israel has made it clear that they will seek to expand their borders to the point where they have days warning of an invasion rather than hours if support is withdrawn. The US likes the Suez canal being open and sees it as one of our great international missions.


Gimmie a moment I'll find something to change it to that has a nice red and blue contrast.

I consider obnoxious avatars a moderation issue rather than a code issue tho, I wanted to see how long it would go before someone complained after putting it up and realizing that animated avatars were indeed a thing.

Edit: There we go, space kook to subway wizard.

I do have to ask that you try and solve things interpersonaly before going to authority tho, there needs to be some level of self-regulation

Egypt is also the second largest recipient of military aid, and they're much larger a nation than their adversary in Israel.