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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

Depends on where you are, the truly idle rich in my area are probably the top 2 % , but they are clustered here so likely less than 1‰ globally.

I pivoted to Snow Crash and also found the first 50 or so pages painfully dull.

I thought that was the intent of Hero Protagonist as a character.

You know, I actually agree with this, there's a certain fairness to it. Someone charged with insurrection should, if they win a presidential election within a reasonable window (four years is fine), be acquitted on the basis that they ultimately won a rightful claim on power.

It is more a practical thing where it is particularly hard to depose someone who wins 51% of the voting public without breaking everything.

You ignored the part of mine where I stated that the most central rituals of Christianity were being interfered with and changed by government fiat, so if you fix that we can make something work.

ultiple votes to some people would start an immediate arms race for politicians to give ever more voting power to their supporters.

Is that not already in play?

The moral majority is dead, but there seems to have been an upwell for the trads lately.

What can be blamed on EA?

What would the moral option be? Is it able to be universalized?

The test seems to assume that a lot of things are exclusive to Rats that aren't.

Like with the little blurb at the end with the toe-in rat score seems to imply that prediction markets are a Rat thing rather than a polite version of an assassination market.

Backing like a triple majority in a state?

The semi-cult with Doug Wilson? Yeah that isn't Q-anon. It also isn't much more cultish than your average megachurch.

There is one that travels around, so it should pop up again when protest season happens.

It is loosely important but has very little direct effect on culture war issues.

But as stated above the last time I've seen an interesting take on it was before 2014.

Someone who wouldn't have moved on from pocket watches

FreePBX has lenny

But I imagine the lawyers are running the show now and the owner is probably well compensated with conservative lawyer money

Where does such things come from?

He asked him to prove an affirmative claim.

I don't have a part of my brain dedicated to trig.

Canada is the easier one to find, more of a hullabaloo over that one, but it works both ways.

Who has red social workers? The accreditation boards tend to require a slew of indoctrination classes.

Generally I findthe most success in splitting the categories further, southern rural blacks are culturally different from northern urban blacks are culturally different from Africans. As an example.

Use the disparity between the outcomes of west indies blacks and Americans to derail the narrative.

Easier might be 1928's Propaganda as it is less obscure.

The culture war account most certainly. The other ones?maybe.

If i might be a bit crass, paraphrasing the same objection over and over doesn't win an argument.

The reason why cannabis legalization worked is that there are only 10.1k DEA employees and they entirely rely on state and local government to be their enforcers, so states could withdraw that support and they'd not be able to fill the void.

The FBI only has 35k employees, not just special agents, and is in a similar situation with a wider breadth of requirements.

It is why nullification has always worked in the US.

Add ocean fertilization

Ocean fertilization relies on capture in the shells of diatoms as carbonate, which is much more of a stretch than presented.