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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288


If you think they were meaningfully similar to the modern white nationalists, they were also commies and ancaps and monarchists all at the same time.

But generally if you talk to them, they do reason through things similar to the worst sorts of leftists. I generally get bored with them and start using the arguments I learned here to argue for them.

It would still be speaking unclearly.

Then stop being a white gentile.

I am confident the general phenomena of "student tells a trusted teacher information the student doesn't want their parents to know and the teacher keeps that confidence" is a phenomena as old as teachers and students.

And so have limitations on that.

The question is what shall a teacher incur legal risk over, they are already mandatory reporters for many other things.

If it is a matter of honor, then let there be honor with risk.

Anti-racist is code for anti-white" ended up being 1000% true.

Their issue is that they were too broad minded, it isn't anti-white, it is anti-social.

It is a continual issue I have with such types, caught up in broad strokes rather than drilling down into the issue.

it's that for some people, rule following people, your hall monitors, they now missed their entire opportunity to do those things. They missed out on the easy parties, fun hook ups, the intellectual and athletic honors, their whole share for their entire lives. They missed out on the easy parties, fun hook ups, the intellectual and athletic honors, their whole share for their entire lives. They'll never get over that, because they don't have the spirit and agency to do them later.

Correct me if I've got your wrong, but the compulsive rule followers are the people who want to overthrow society in this thesis?

Then why aren't there more left wing posters here?

Meanwhile the US has to fight a bunch of wars in the middle east and compete with China.

And Russia doesn't have the same issue? They are in the Syrian conflict and countless brushfire conflicts in africa on the GDP of Italy.

How? Pillarization requires a relatively neutral central power that allows multiple parallel institutions to keep existing.

If I may be so bold, because they will be forced to by hard power. There need only be a small minority of the nation to do so, so long as they are geographically concentrated.

How so — assuming said school even remains open and accredited? One gives you a whole bunch of employment options and elite connections, the other is a useless piece of paper no employer will respect (for fear of getting sued, if nothing else).

By balancing those scales? That is the idea proposed.

They are distinctives within the right tho, he doesn't have to choose the left but merely not this one faction.

Personally my answer for them would be to create an explicitly opt-in secondary class of marriage that functioned like marriage did in the past. I don't know how long they'd be able to keep it up in the face of regular society, but I imagine it'd be popular enough with islamic immigrants that they'd be able to call any criticism of it racist.

So some sort of privately certified pre-nup?

Because then it turns into a prisoner's dilemma case, and everyone defects.

the nature of the Puritans' society.

That damned nonconformist John Locke was a real anti-liberal, you know.

What are your purposes for being disagreeable and why does it turn people off?

You can have your first instinct to every question be to answer "no" and still not be a dick, what it took for me is to approach the conversation differently.

And people are murdered every day.

How does that affect the legality of murder?

Become Amish.

If you don't mind me asking Nybbler, if we are destined to lose why aren't you jumping ship?

Literalist religion is not only dying, it’s exactly what gave birth to the secular West and its identity-consumerism

Excuse my asking, but when was this born? I recall that the heyday of the modernists being after the birth of secularism.

So what is your expectation for how "I was trying to get banned" is going to work out?

Like... assuming the mods are hostile to your presence outright stating "I am no longer participating in the forum in good faith but to get a rise out of people" in a public call out post is pretty much giving them an out for permabanning you.

Or it could be that black progressives have different origins and I have different interactions with them.

It is hilarious when you can set them against each other.

Your mixed race white progressives are very different from the Black Hebrew Israelites I am used to dealing with.

The problem is proving it to a Yale Graduate judge. They can still hide behind ivy prestige.

Would you like to make a bet?

What is dishonest about it? Are you someone who hates cocktails and bars? Probably not. Don't veto something until you actually know if you'd be disgenuine about it.

Because people who benefit from elite backgrounds generally have the benefits that make them deserve it.

When your parent is able to homeschool you and groom you into an elite, you generally end up with the skills to get where you need to without any direct support from them.

But I suppose my definition of elite is the genuine American Aristocracy rather than someone's dad owning a car dealership.

Why Mormon theocracy? It seems as worthwhile as Jewish theocracy for all the US would accept it.