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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

Bird flu remains mostly a threat for chicken flocks, birds are very different from mammals and don't have as good a history of mutation to affect humans like pigs do.

There is also a variant of Ebola in swine that is hypothesized to have an airborne transmission, which is fun.

It is still mostly about food prices tho.

... Who are you arguing with?

Visa and MasterCard see pornography as high risk because they get a lot of chargebacks, so they charge adult services producers a much higher rate for payment processing.

Movement to the high risk list has certainly been used politically in the past, but this is pretty standard.

Material wealth can be positive sum because we can add to it in discrete components.

Social status is innately relative, and as a function of that is innately zero sum. The lower classes have more absolute wealth than they did in 1800, but they don't have more status.

Meanwhile the US has to fight a bunch of wars in the middle east and compete with China.

And Russia doesn't have the same issue? They are in the Syrian conflict and countless brushfire conflicts in africa on the GDP of Italy.

Add ocean fertilization

Ocean fertilization relies on capture in the shells of diatoms as carbonate, which is much more of a stretch than presented.

I mean the rebuttal I expect to see is to ask if those represent progress or a rebound to further-left than it was before.

Is being allowed to discuss freer-but-not-freely on some subreddits and X/twitter a win? Certainly it isn't the wild west I remember.

Your other examples are a change in vibes in some places, which I think is important but is far from an actual realization of a win.

I am not quite blackpilled, but I've not seen many wins for the Rand Paul clan of the red tribe and I don't see a path to get there.