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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

Bird flu remains mostly a threat for chicken flocks, birds are very different from mammals and don't have as good a history of mutation to affect humans like pigs do.

There is also a variant of Ebola in swine that is hypothesized to have an airborne transmission, which is fun.

It is still mostly about food prices tho.

... Who are you arguing with?

Visa and MasterCard see pornography as high risk because they get a lot of chargebacks, so they charge adult services producers a much higher rate for payment processing.

Movement to the high risk list has certainly been used politically in the past, but this is pretty standard.

Material wealth can be positive sum because we can add to it in discrete components.

Social status is innately relative, and as a function of that is innately zero sum. The lower classes have more absolute wealth than they did in 1800, but they don't have more status.

Meanwhile the US has to fight a bunch of wars in the middle east and compete with China.

And Russia doesn't have the same issue? They are in the Syrian conflict and countless brushfire conflicts in africa on the GDP of Italy.

My baseline assumption is that whatever you choose to call this weird woke, centralized, authoritarian, elite/bureaucratic corporatist conglomerate, they want control. All of it. Over things that you would think have nothing to do with them. They want your wood ovens, your gas stoves, your gamer PCs, they really don't view anything as beyond their purview to "regulate" and make your life infinitely worse by slow degrees.

Something people have a hard time getting is that power only exists out of the ephemeral when it is expressed, particularly soft power but this also applies to hard power.

If you've ever lived under an authoritarian, you've experienced the arbitrary expression of power that happens just to prove that they can order you to mop the rain and you'd do it.

I'd never call it a conspiracy that people exercise power for the sake of exercising power, either to ensure it is still present or just to get their jollies.

Add ocean fertilization

Ocean fertilization relies on capture in the shells of diatoms as carbonate, which is much more of a stretch than presented.

I download the .deb file, I click it twice, it opens in the deb installer, it installs.

If it is an appimage i just click it.

I presume he just wants more than one sentence of opinion and analysis that amounts to more than "This was more boring than I hoped it would be."

Comparison between various models, swapping islam for christianity, attempting to break the AI, or just more social commentary.

The hackers have now presented at CCC.

With what is presented here, the fact that in some cases it was sneakier false failures of the secondary compressor component, the hidden nature of the faults, and the specific geofencing around opponents yards, I'd disagree with /u/Ioper and say there isn't much of a chance of it not being malicious. Trains are a strategic industry and I expect europe in general to come down like a pile of bricks.

If it were quietly melted down and not bandied about as some great victory over the outgroup I'd care less, but the most publicized images of this event have the face of Lee carefully removed and cuts ritualistically made into it leaving just enough for the face to remain intact(Fig. 1). Who ever did that had the intent of a humiliation ritual, no matter the intent of anyone else involved, and it has been signal boosted to the moon and back.

I'm not ever really happy when I have to admit that neo-confederates were right about anything, and would like to avoid it in the future.


I mean the rebuttal I expect to see is to ask if those represent progress or a rebound to further-left than it was before.

Is being allowed to discuss freer-but-not-freely on some subreddits and X/twitter a win? Certainly it isn't the wild west I remember.

Your other examples are a change in vibes in some places, which I think is important but is far from an actual realization of a win.

I am not quite blackpilled, but I've not seen many wins for the Rand Paul clan of the red tribe and I don't see a path to get there.

If you've heard about that controversy of Polish Hackers finding that a series of trains had DRM that would shut down any train serviced at a rival companies service yard, they did a CCC talk.

It seems pretty blatant as presented.


You've still gotta go to confession and genuinely repent man, and that comes with making genuine attempts at not fornicating.

Parade rest is a specific stance, it is easier than staying at attention but it isn't relaxed like that.

It is more likely that those men have their hands cuffed behind their back after they've shown or failed to show ID.

because there are just too many problems our outdated system can't fix.

How would an up to date system fix the problems you see?

If immigration laws are unenforced, updating the laws won't fix the problem.

I expect her to underperform in NH due to the libertarian influence there. The only group I've encountered that seems to like her are conservative jews associated with the Urban East coast, which is no weak demographic but not really enough to carry her.

So is holding a hot iron as your hand sizzles and boils.

External forces there may be, but you need a certain mindset to move from under them.

I seem to recall this big controversy about the crossfire hurricane thing.

And you know that SCOTUS case in 2000.

... Were you not awake for 2016 or 2000?

Can someone explain to me why teabagging this particular outgroup is a bad thing? Drop the moral relativism: some cultures/societies are so execrable that symbolically "teabagging" them is great. The Confederacy/Antebellum south is one of these---one of the worst cases of hereditarian, anti-egalitarian nonsense in modern-ish history.

Because many of us have found the hard way that the outgroup being teabagged by this is marked not by neoconfederatism but rather people who speak a bit slower than those on TV. Why do you suppose that so many people learn to disguise their natural southern accent at work? Hell, speaking with a country new england accent got me many of the same accusations.

If Donald Trump wins the general election, disqualified or not, he will still be the president.

I am not going to vote for him and he is a prat, but this is almost a sovereign citizen tier attempt to lawyer what cannot be lawyered, assuming it is actually in good faith.

I am not appreciative of people pushing the Kayfabe that covers "The President is who the most important people believe the president is" to the breaking point like this.

I was unaware I could opt out of English class.

I think this post relies too much on a definition of Republican and Democrat that do not mirror one another and change depending on which paragraph they appear in.

The Democrat party has a long bench only if you count people who aren't traditional Democrat party people, as it concerns people who are the same sort of people as Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton, everyone is of a similar age. The Republican party bench is just as long with Trump weirdos and freedom caucus guys if not longer, but the establishment pick for the 2024 election is Nikki Haley who lost the election before the first debate.

The disease that is killing the republican party is just as present in the democrat party if not more so, they've just had their TEA party moment in team red already so that machine has already been dead since Obama.

So what will the Republican Party look like come 2030, barring the actions of the other side? Every institution and think tank is entirely in flux at the moment and it is going to come down to who can exhibit real power next year and specially in 2026 and 2028. What is likely going to happen is that Rand Paul continues to rise to where he is one of the most prominent politicians in the party establishment just from seniority, which is going to be a bit wild to think about.

As it concerns the future of the Red Tribe intellectual, the Ivy Leagues got their start as seminaries and future red tribe elites are probably going to have a lot more MDivs and DDivs, less PhDs and JDs. There are a lot of new players like American Reformer and First Things on team red that are explicitly religious and I expect that trend to continue as who they represent rise in power on the right, while a lot of existing journals veer smart-religious or die. This is generally because those sectors that support these publications and produce those intellectuals have children and cause drastic worldview conversions in other people as a regular part of life. They can also get these intellectuals a job fairly easily as there are deep and growing shortages for well paying positions based around conservative outreach. The Hasidic Jews also have high TFRs and inevitably are going to show up to the future as well, and are naturally going to be in the red tribe.

This will also be a regression to the mean as it concerns American politics, and if the seculars are going to want to keep their happy tribe they are going to have to fight for it.

One of the funniest and most absurd movies I've ever seen, its premise revolves around two lesbian high school friends setting up their own "fight club" to ostensibly offer self-defence lessons to girls, when in fact they just want to get laid. If that doesn't entice you, the self defence teacher is none other than Marshawn Lynch.

I apologize for the snark, but when you open with this and you give the most importance to the identity of the characters rather than even so much as including a memorable scene, I am rather inclined to doubt that there is a part more memorable than starring lesbians.

This makes me think that the format of scientific papers is a bit outdated. I wonder how many questions in material sciences could be resolved by scientists just recording and talking through their experiments.

What makes you think it is outdated rather than having always required auxiliary books and papers to describe the processes involved?

There are a large amount of books by the name of "formulary" out of copyright that solve this very issue, so I think it is more that the format was never really meant to do that.