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Subway Wizard 🔮

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joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


User ID: 288


Subway Wizard 🔮

0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 05 00:13:13 UTC


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User ID: 288

They also make a very distinct noise, which is why they are on them.

And we should stop supporting Ukraine because it is enriching the military industrial complex.

I can't help but think "but other than that Mrs Lincoln how was the play?" When you bring up the idea that discussion shouldn't happen on a subject because people might be mean.

Recommend them for promotion or to another position

triggering a surface burst instead of the normal air burst.

Limiting its destructive power at that!

ultiple votes to some people would start an immediate arms race for politicians to give ever more voting power to their supporters.

Is that not already in play?

Hobbes, while he is the father of modern authoritarianism, would be considered a libertarian of all but anarchocapitalism in the modern era.

I never see it out of baptist circles.

Functionally it ends up through pain compliance and this seems to be a case where that wouldn't work.

How do you knock someone out?

What do you expect to save you?

Neohellenistic religions? Atheism?

Some religious cult with even less of a pedigree?

How have those worked out already?

I wasn't around when Arbery was a live issue, but the hallucination seemed to be limited to the non-traditional-conservative Trump-supporting circles of mine.

The hard core rightwingers pegged them as going down for murder 1 first day, so it is a bit odd that this place went for the weirdo side of it.

And I don't have a problem with elective treatments being excluded from insurance.

Electives are a very wide set of treatments, it doesn't mean plastic surgery. It is pretty much anything that you schedule in advance.

H&K is normally perturbed that people who aren't a national army wants to give them money. They are very boring Germans and not Austrian or Belgian or Swiss.

The jump cuts are covering bad writing, good writing wouldn't involve an old person jumping a fence. The Death Wish series for example.

Only in so far as you can abolish the civil state can you abolish the death penalty, and I think you'll find many zealots don't make Christian Anarchism a priority.

I find his universalization a bit hyperbolic, but if it isn't too much to ask would you say that acceptance of homosexuality is closer to being moral or immoral as it concerns moral duties and virtues?

Like buy forged documents and evade taxes?

And that is pretty much where I am with the topic.

There is just generally bigger fish to fry at the moment as it concerns virtues and duties, tho frequently those fish are gay it seems. I am not exactly enthusiastic about making sure that antifa Andrew has reproductive success either.

Generally nails weren't used, I assume you are familiar with thatch and carving notches in logs.

Part of the good thing about living in Amish country is that they still do post and beam construction, versus the modern balloon frame construction where the shell is the support structure as well.

how much time do you think it will take? What further developments need to occur?

The contracts at least need to run out, and stock image companies need to not transition.

You get an invitation.

Can't have normies come in.

Have your tried the edgier part of Mastodon?

I generally am fond of when a woman is naturally feminine enough that it rejects androgyny.

There are people who are in to the androgyny and there are dudes who are into a girl who looks as good in overalls mucking a barn as she looks in a cocktail dress on the town. Different motivations in each case.

I mean, can always pass a constitutional amendment. Prenumbras and emanations can only exist to a point in the SCOTUS.

pull the right away from blood-and-soil nationalism

When has the right touched blood and soil nationalism this century?

Is that falsifiable?