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User ID: 2725



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User ID: 2725

Pretty far goalpost movement from "no horrible viruses/genetic diseases" to "not a single bad thing".

Just don't create the real bad non-fundamental shit, bro.

I don't see what's so complicated about "ichtyosis' existence is obviously (to humans) bad (for humans) and doesn't have any visible positives (for humans), like 'necessary for the ecosystem' or whatever. Theists, why don't you show why your omnibenevolent God that allegedly prioritizes humans allows ichtyosis to exist?".

(If God doesn't prioritize humans then let the bacteria worship him, we're clearly outvoted.)

Is that argument "not coming from reality"? Where else is it coming from, then?

At least since WW2 leaflets and other propaganda aimed to convince enemy soldiers to turn themselves in, along with their vehicles if possible, has been commonplace, was it not?

I for one appreciate his contributions to children's linguistics.

Once again I'm reminded that American racial vocabulary is fucking weird. I have seen Catwoman and there is no way I'd assume Berry was black if not told.

As far as I recall it wasn't much harsher than kicking him in the balls in context. Certainly wasn't a prolonged torture session like a typical Cricuatus use case.

He also mind-controlled a guy in the Gringotts earlier.

Seeing as approximately no one ever will offer a life-changing sum of money to an underage girl in exchange for sex, much less in a scenario where both parents are fine with this, I'm quite comfortable rejecting such a hypothetical offer and signaling contempt towards the notion of elites literally buying our children.

Contrary to what some rationalists think, you cannot simply win any argument just by inserting arbitrarily large numbers.

Imperio is a huge security breach just waiting to happen with one simple spell (and, indeed, happened in the books). The Killing Spell is known to be impossible to block (not sure if it was mentioned in the books), negating a huge part of Aurors' training. Crucio, well, it's a spell for causing sustained pain and doesn't have the excuse to be useful in combat (you're stuck pointing your wand at 1 opponent and they'll either be fine the second you stop or you're going far enough to do mental damage).

How much money would you torture a child to death for? Tradeoffs exist, right?

Who determines whether "it's got anything to do with them"? If you say shooting your own mother has a tradeoff of infinity because of your personal selfishness, why can't others put a tradeoff of infinity on "allowing openly purchasing sex from children"?

No wiggling, please. You, personally, directly, with your own two hands and provided tools, physically until death. How much do you ask for it?

Most people aren't perfect at code switching between "want to abuse janitor" and "want to impress chick" personality. Also, not all social inferiors are socially inferior in the same way. I've heard of guys being popular because they mogged on some guy in their social group or fended off a bum, not so much for yelling at a girl behind the counter in McDonalds.

In short, when angry guys in the manosphere observe that women don't like them even though they like other assholes just fine, they often fail to observe that they're not the correct sort of asshole.

So you're going to use society's opinion as a reference for what is or isn't moral busybodying? I am confused then. In the West society certainly does consider it their business to prohibit children under 16 (18 in practice, higher than that depending on how old the other guy is and who you ask) having sex with adults.

Other arguments for why we shouldn't allow 14 year olds to have sex have similar glaring loopholes where that same argument applies to different groups where we are absolutely fine with them having sex.

In practice the attempts to equivocate such situations are sorely lacking. They fail to account for all aspects of child/adult disparity and/or make quite dubious reaches, such as "most black people are less capable than an unspecified percentage of white teenagers". I remain unconvinced.

What you might want to consider is what kind of relationships are currently deterred, in practice, by the age of consent laws as they are now. I do not believe these are the same kind of relationships as would be prevented by "consistent" consent laws that are supposed to match the rest of society to how we treat children.

(I'm also aware you probably think blacks /poors having unprotected sex is worse than children having sex, so no need to restate that unless you're going to deny it.)

Yeah, but also when they do try to be assholes their way of being assholes isn't attractive either.

There's also something to be said for not mistaking "kind" for "refraining from being unkind because you'd be bad at it".

I do not blame women from assuming the worst of those guys, really, because I've seen enough to believe that women do really have to deal, or in best case to expect to deal, with a whole lot of repulsive men.

Most of the time, the choice is not between "stepparents" and "parents", though. It is between "stepparents" and "orphanage", or rarely between "orphanage" and "parents" in cases of abuse by the latter. I haven't looked at the data of abuse in institutions but I assume it is worse than adopted families.

Is Darwin infamous for something I don't know?

what reasons do they have for forbidding sexual intercourse between Jeffery Epstein and a 14 year old where the parents are in full agreement that do not also apply to other situations where those who call for this restriction would be fine with the intercourse?

Such a "relationship" is morally/aesthetically disgusting, perhaps even more so with the parents' consent since it means her closest people are in on this. It was disgusting even when it was commonplace and unforbidden, see: all the tropes about young women forced to marry old rich ugly men. Those who point at the Big Money Number in response I consider a different moral species.

My point is step-parent outcomes are usually still better than any realistic alternative. Furthermore, the poster above you claimed same-sex couples are better parents on average than straight couples, which is not the same as step-parents vs. biological parents. Notably, the entire clump of "straight step-parents" is in the latter group in jewdefender's argument but the former group in your comparison.

I don't believe both people in a child-adult situation are going to be happy about it, even putting aside the other parts of the objection - the capability disparity, the coercion, the disgust with the adult's conduct, etc. I also don't believe in God or the primacy of maximally darwinist behaviour. In general, I want societies to exist to make individuals within happy rather than individuals existing to make societies happy, and I prefer mild discomfort that's shared over severe oppression that's offloaded onto a few.

I'm aware that it must sound like an extremely obvious choice to someone who's willing to high-decouple it and look at the thought experiment as a strictly one-time thing, not something that is in practice a) too good a deal to be true; b) will lead to a markedly more degraded world if permitted in general. I'm not humoring it, and seeing as it's originally proposed for the purposes of trolling, I'm feeling rather vindicated about it, too.

As the joke goes, "in theory we have $3 million between us, and in practice we have 2 faggots and a whore". I prefer to show my moral inclinations in practice.

Our Saudi Arabian moralist would be equally disgusted with the conduct of the two gays, but that's not a good reason to listen to him.

Unlike some I do not believe in a God-given right to be listened to, mine or otherwise. You will not mathematically prove the righteousness of your beliefs to me, and neither will I attempt to. The answer to "why do you think you're right and this guy you disagree with isn't" is always "because I'm right and this guy I disagree with isn't".

If that's the only thing you were trying to tell me, you've kind of been wasting your time, because I'm already aware of that.

Yes, I mean adoptive parents.

Not to mention that nerd children have to be raised in a demanding way to be able and willing to bring you "millions", and even then it's not a guarantee. A thousand per hour is a better rate than a million per 18 years.

Many of those scenarios are sufficiently convoluted that the natural reaction is to say "there's someone setting it up, just kill the one who set it up".